
January 5th, 2010 | 354 Entries

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354 Entries for “confusion”

  1. life, love, dissertation… job… pretty shade of dark green reflecting in a pond in a forest

    by Neha on 01.05.2010
  2. A lot of complication and it sometimes involves pain.

    by Ryan on 01.05.2010
  3. Bastards. Simming in my plate was a small town overlooking a lake. I could make out the heads of the small citizens, and I could see in the corner of my eye the scientist intending to ash his cigarette on my miniature city.

    by Basket on 01.05.2010
  4. sometimes when i talk about god i want to go to sleep because i dont know what to say. i watched a film once that told me how hard it was for people with disabilities to communicate in a world driven by technology. what does ‘puppy belly’ mean and why do i care. who wants to know anything about this

    by mitchell on 01.05.2010
  5. confusion corner.
    where the fuck am i and where am i going?

    by allison on 01.05.2010
  6. confusion

    by janet on 01.05.2010
  7. confusion

    by on 01.05.2010
  8. a taco without a shell

    by e on 01.05.2010
  9. asa;lkdlasfljdsjfldsfls;dfld;skfl;

    by on 01.05.2010
  10. confusion lerads to innovation. confuse is identity of being a human difeerent from machine. ya its just a transiton state.

    by prabhakar kumar on 01.05.2010
  11. everything’s a little messy, a little blurry; colours are running together like so much paint thrown into a bathtub or splattered across a formerly white wall. i don’t know exactly what’s up, what’s down, who’s who, if i’m you or if i’m someone else, if i’m anyone at all. if it isn’t every colour, it’s black. i’m lost. i’m dazed.

    by satah on 01.05.2010
  12. the madness of the many thoughts that stumble through one’s mind when one is trying not to think but only to hear or feel or smell or be quiet a bramble bush of nightmarish detail am i responsible for every leaf on every tree in every field or can i sit still and listen to the brook babble on about moving on and out and staying in the same place while changing every second of the time which flows like a river off air through my hair into my ear and across the furrows of my brain which causes my brow to furrow…in confusion.

    by on 01.05.2010
  13. confusion is something that plagues is alllll. yes it does. i get confused when someone tells a crappy joke and i feel like i should understand it. i get confused when life gives me so many lemons i am crushed under them and can’t find the sugar to make lemonade. oh god the above bar is turning red AAH. that doesnt confuse me though…

    by mae on 01.05.2010
  14. i’m confused about why people feel the need to have negitive energy in their lifes just live man you don’t need anything else love love everyone even people who put out hate towards you love them the most

    by Brittany on 01.05.2010
  15. tell me about confusion. i am so fucking confused i don’t know how to think about anything anymore! i thought the only thing important in the world is the bonds you make with people.people are important. don’t love because nobody will ever love you as much as you love them. love doesn’t even exist except for in your head. what the fuck its all just so fucking confusing.

    by on 01.05.2010
  16. boys. boys are so confusing. all they do is whine, yet we are the emotional ones? makes no sense. family is confusing, sometimes I want to hate my family, but i will always love them.

    by on 01.05.2010
  17. life is confusing. The moment you think you get anything, you doubt yourself and rethink your entire lifes philosophy. What does this mean? It means your human and the you should never stop questioning. Even though its confusing.

    by on 01.05.2010
  18. I can’t remember the last time I was confused. Probably because I just woke up from a nap. I guess you could say I’m confused right now–or maybe just scared. I’ve had hardcore writer’s block for the past 2 years or so and I find myself overly criticizing myself and my writing. I guess I just psych myself out over it too much. Ugh.

    by Kristee on 01.05.2010
  19. mass confusion on the day after. morals appear after an unmoral night

    by on 01.05.2010
  20. Verwirrung, ich bin verwirrt. Keinen Plan haben, nicht wissen was man machen soll. Ausweglosigkeit. Angst. Verwirrung resultierend aus der Angst. Keine Chance sehen. Eine Chance bekommen. Sie

    by Eclipse86 on 01.05.2010
  21. is the companion of the insecure and misguided. Stalking its pray it seeks out indecision.

    by Brian on 01.05.2010
  22. Confusion. So much. Confused yet? YET? I’m not. Or am I? Wait, what? Huh? You are? Am I? Do you? What’s that? I thought so. Huh? Yeah, exactly. Confusion.

    by stephen on 01.05.2010
  23. omg i feel confused now, welll i know i get confuused alot like all the tome you neverw knowww like when but it happed i know my brother has a shirt that says ” im confused wait maybe im not lol how funnyy is that i cant belive i remember that lol this wev

    by on 01.05.2010
  24. Amidst the confusion i stood strong & firm as though i was being brave. While the world fell apart, i froze as though i had convictions instead of the courage to run or the knowledge of where it was i wanted to go.

    by Edie Wood on 01.05.2010
  25. I’m always confused about who I am or what I am doing here. I feel depersonalized. Like I’m something else. Something unnecessary and I hate it. Confusion is an awful feeling. I want to be able to understand how to take away that moment of complete confusion. I think it’ll always be with me, though.

    by AM on 01.05.2010
  26. I belong to a world with a million tears. I need to find a way to know I’m here, confusion has me blind to what is real. I hate the lies and the games he likes to play, my mind says no, but my heart begs me to stay…

    by Antoinette on 01.05.2010
  27. i woke up this morning in a daze, i had no idea what had happened to me last night and why my nose hurt so much. th alcohol made me black out and i couldnt remember anything past the last beerpong game.

    by on 01.05.2010
  28. Confusion, the very state i am in. The very state I’m always in. I don’t know, I just don’t know. I am confused. very confused. We all feel confused at some point, right? well I hope it’s not for too long.

    by Hadley on 01.05.2010
  29. Confusion is a sense that I do not enjoy feeling. Sometimes some of the best ideas or thoughts come from the sense, so I should not dread the sensation as much as I tend to do. I tend to feel as tho

    by Meghan Muye on 01.05.2010
  30. Gosh! really..that is the word for me for the day…something is just going on…n i have no clarity on how it is happening and how it will happen and what is the impact of it…phew!!!

    by rashmi on 01.05.2010
  31. Confusion. This writing thing has me confused. I am not much of a writer and yet stuble-upon brought me here for some reason. Wonder why…

    by K on 01.05.2010
  32. it’s one a.m. and my mind’s racing. my sluggish, confused brain, mired in exhaustion: “what have I forgotten? I have my statement, have my portfolio–ohfuck I need a shower–have all the paperwork–I need a pen–where are the damn files?–this better not break in my bag–do I have everything? do I have everything? do I have–“

    my mind is racing and all full of cellos, an army of cellos and black violins, a locomotive of (frantic, hazy, bows upon strings) bearing down upon me, faster, faster.


    by Charlotte Ravenswood on 01.05.2010
  33. that’s exactly my state of mind. I am confused about my present and about my future. Everything seems very logical and straight but when it comes to making decision i am still confused. Knotted.

    by netra on 01.05.2010
  34. My head was spinning… confused I looked to him. Almost as if he could answer my question. Why? wha-whats going on? Did I just hear he told me he fell in love with that, that teenage girl? I saw the defense in his eyes and the pang of hurt. “No, no you don’t understand…” he implied. Hot angry tears came to my baby blue eyes. “Help me understand then” I yelled at him. He melted into a pile of guilty sadness onto the couch and started to explain the whole story. It was the beginning of the end…
    – Dedicated to Tina

    by Chessles Claire on 01.05.2010
  35. Well I don’t know about confusion… I know about it, actually, but I don’t know what to say about it. It’s hard.

    by Grace on 01.05.2010
  36. Why is it that when some people look at you, your heart gets confused? Why can’t your heart just make up your mind? It makes no sense.

    by Sarahq on 01.05.2010
  37. I don’t understand why girls think that wearing legging, or worse yet tights, with a shirt is acceptable clothing.

    by Sissy on 01.05.2010
  38. hi confusion is a word that is used whenever we are in a statee of not listebning to anyone’s advice and instead keep on blabbering. The blabeering is all that causes chaos and as we do not listen to asnybody so we just are left is our clamsheel and are ian confused state.

    by satya on 01.05.2010
  39. the confusion stood in front of her, staring at her directly. but what land was she in? certianly not her home planet of Thar. these spikey structures were not welcoming and the gaseous air was not welcoming to her lungs…

    by hollz ballz on 01.05.2010
  40. He looked around, not understanding. A room filled with unfamiliar faces. Except one. One looked faintly familiar. Possible he’d seen her lately, but the others must not be around much, he’d know otherwise. Utter chaos and complete confusion–for eternity.

    by Rebekah Rae on 01.05.2010