
July 24th, 2010 | 203 Entries

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203 Entries for “complete”

  1. I just need to go that little bit futher. The line that had seemed so far away at first was now nearly past me and I put in my final burst of energy to cross the small white line that somehow meant so much to me. One final burst and I would be there.

  2. is nothing but there is something it is then released but now it is bigger than ever
    have u felt it
    is the same
    but you will be complete
    anyway this is how things are
    butons pupetts
    everything is wonderful now
    is it not
    perhaps it is
    i love you
    do it now
    say it
    you will be complete
    or will you?

    by alle on 07.25.2010
  3. When is the time when everything is done, everything is right, everything is complete?
    I hope never…

  4. “You have one hour to complete the test,” the proctor announced as it picked up its computer. “After that, you will be summarily thrown out.” “Now that’s a way to inspire confidence,” Marika whispered to her classmates as they all looked uneasily at the clouds of whirling space dust just outside the three-inch think porthole. “I mean, after all, ‘thrown out’ doesn’t exactly mean just out of the class.”

  5. I thought my life was complete. I thought I had all I needed. I thought I was content. I had a job. I had a place to live. Then I met you and figured out I was not complete at all. You complete me.

  6. Jon completes me, i would miss him even if we never met before. a donut is not complete it has a hole, that is why the donut shops sell donut holes. black holes fascinate me, i want to learn about them.

    by Jill on 07.25.2010
  7. I completed something today. It was amazing and totally awesome. It made me feel complete for completing it.

    by Jon on 07.25.2010
  8. Wow. Wow. This is amazing. Just now, I was singing Piano Man to myself, and the next line would have been. . . “but it’s sad and it’s sweet, and I knew it COMPLETE. . . .”


  9. I feel complete when on my bike. Out on the street, fast. Simple.

    by samsam on 07.25.2010
  10. me myself and I no longer searching for the pieces I needed for contentment.

    by pete on 07.25.2010
  11. I think about various things in my life when I think about the word complete. Tv shows complete me. Other things that complete me are my family and food. Although I wouldn’t say that I’m complete at the moment. I feel like something is missing but I don’t exactly know what it is.

    by Sahar on 07.25.2010
  12. To complete this exercise you have to write for 60 seconds. You will hear a bell and get a message when it’s time to stop.

  13. if it were complete, he wouldn’t feel so guilty about leaving. He knew what he came there for in the first place, but somewhere along the way he got lost.

    by keesha on 07.25.2010
  14. I looked down finally. The wrapping of my leg was finally complete. It wasn’t quite as sickening this way–Now, at least, it was straight, though the blood still stained everything all around me. These painkillers were fantastic. It still hurt like hell, but it was now bearable.

  15. i am a complete human being. why do people think they need kids and marriage to be complete? complete the homework assignment, bitch. i am distracted. hella typos. incomplete sentence yo

    by alison on 07.25.2010
  16. I’m not complete. Not without him. I always thought that I was, I always thought that I didn’t need someone to complete me and anyone who did was weak. I guess I’m weak too. It doesn’t bother me.

    by Tina on 07.25.2010
  17. this is where everything gets complete. it is the end, but the end is not always complete sometimes things are broken off along the way but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t complete. being complete is feeling fully satisfied with every thing that broke along the way.

    by kyle cornell on 07.25.2010
  18. She had just put the final touches on her painting and stepped back to admire it.
    “There,” she said to herself. “It’s complete.”

    “What is it?” her friend asked.

    “It is what you want it to be,” she responded.

  19. you eat me whole eat my soul feel my complex curves down your throat as you chew your green grass like an ass.

    by gabrielle on 07.25.2010
  20. he said “you complete me” and i had to stop and laugh. what an absurd concept. that he was previously incomplete, and that i was the missing piece, that he and i are two halves of one whole.

    by Kendall on 07.24.2010
  21. you can never be complete, always half maybe less. finding entirety is nothing to be thought about but simply done, find togetherness and there will be the complete, there will be the reason.

    by callmesunshine on 07.24.2010
  22. complete is the whole story, the culmination of love and a true artistic coherent thought, or at least reality

    by michael on 07.24.2010
  23. something i can’t help but feel in spite of myself. something i won’t feel for weeks at a time. something that, when i feel it, is worth the time that i don’t.

  24. to be complete you must first think you are incomplete? what if i don’t think i need a new piece to complete me? i think im just fine as i am.

    by ecraft on 07.24.2010
  25. i feel complete. more complete than i’ve felt in a really long time. i don’t know if i can say that it’s all her or she’s just the main factor, but i know she makes me feel complete. i love her so much.

    by RonRon on 07.24.2010
  26. This is a mouthful. Its the cumulative of finishing, full, and everything.

    by Jes on 07.24.2010
  27. “Complete me”

    That’s all she said, walking toward me and unbuttoning down. Complete me.

    As if it were that easy…

  28. the story was FINALLY completed! All I had to do was send it in. But, of course, to be safe, I had everyone who was willing read it over- to, you know, edit it or, more importantly, send me their undying, worshipping praise.

    Well, shit.

    Each and every review came back red. The papers were soaked in BIC ink and it was not at all kind.

    What the fuck am I supposed to do now?!

  29. In the distant land of China
    You’re my very last reminder
    There’s a home I’ll soon return to
    Can’t win without defeat.

    In this sinking, dying alone-ness
    You’re the only one who’s honest
    Pull me on until I fall through
    You make me complete.

  30. i feel complete.

  31. It was a complete night. A baseball game, hotdogs, soda, watermelon, and completed with fireworks! Phenomenal summer evening I tell you, absolutely phenomenal. :)

    by Jeran on 07.24.2010
  32. its like full but not quite because full tend to deal with like liquids and shit but complete is a more computery term, more advamced like for example gizmo is more computery tech shit and you would expect stuff liek complete for a robot to say cause robots are all professional and stuff

    by ladies_man217 on 07.24.2010
  33. Can you tell me of a place where I might go? The idea of being complete is yet fleeting. Sand pouring through fingers, my time does the same. I don’t know where it goes, where I go. The days are pale and I look for anything to set them free. These pastel colors have my mind reeling.

  34. Done, finished, fulfilled. It speaks of something total, not in need of anything else.

    by Dylan Wagoner on 07.24.2010
  35. la media naranja

    by michelle on 07.24.2010
  36. hole in my chest,
    let love seep in &
    let it manifest-

  37. end final thought have been seen experiences over. what is and could have but will not in this point be. to be.

    by Natalie on 07.24.2010
  38. what i ll never be.
    la media naranja
    i dont know what or who or where that is
    but its there
    until then
    it is.

    by michelle on 07.24.2010
  39. I feel complete finally. It didn’t take a boy, or a materialistic item to get me here. It’s something much more powerful than that. Being complete is a great feeling.

  40. An envelope with a letter in it. A vase with a flower inside. Me in your arms.