
September 24th, 2009 | 403 Entries

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403 Entries for “comma”

  1. in a sleep

    by on 09.25.2009
  2. A comma helps me breathe.

    by XxloxX on 09.25.2009
  3. You use them every day. In papers that do no good except get you the grade. Uggh i want college to be over. i want my life to start so i can stop looking for dead end jobs, and do what i want.

    by looking for peace on 09.25.2009
  4. The comma is the enemy. If it were not for the comma, red ink would never touch my composition papers. And yet, the comma is important. Without it the sentance goes on and on and the mind does not get a chance to breath and we are overwhelmed and run out of breath.

    by Sarah on 09.25.2009
  5. Also I just realized that I misread the word, and “coma” is spelled with one M.
    I feel silly, and if this wasn’t meant for tons of random people to read that don’t even know my name, I would probably be embarrassed.

    by db on 09.25.2009
  6. My biggest fear is being in a comma.
    No lie, this isn’t just because that happens to be the word for the day.
    I can’t bare the thought of being asleep, or half aware of what is around you for so long but not being able to move.
    Sometimes I wake up at night and I can hear everything around me, and feel everything, but I can’t speak or move.
    When I finally completely wake up I’m completely terrified, and even if it is in the middle of the night I refuse to go back to sleep.

    by db on 09.25.2009
  7. It hits her like a tonne of bricks, the news that he died. Her lungs constrict, her gut wrenches painfully and she retches; her heart splinters. Then it grows in her, the darkness. A large circle of black. Perfectly formed in her mind’s eye, growing and staring her down. A full stop.

    This is the end, she thinks, the end.

    It would be many mornings later, as she gets on with her life, that she’ll realise the full stop was only a comma. Life goes on.

    by Vee on 09.25.2009
  8. this is a comma (,) it’s sort of like a full, stop but not. I think i might use commas too much. it’s used for punctuation, look another comma! i really do think i use commas too much.

    by Nina on 09.25.2009
  9. a comma is something that you use to write with and it adds to puases to things you write about. their acutlally really hard to use thought most ppl dont know that because there are lots of rules and its really annoying i think i should get to choose when i want a pause in what im saying and when i dont, no one should tell me. see i just used one and i dont know if that followed the rules i just want one there.

    by Emily on 09.25.2009
  10. a space in between words

    by Tyrone Green on 09.25.2009
  11. The comma stood there, right in between one thought and another, and he just couldn’t produce a single clause to connect. And yet, he had left the sentence so open, so dangling, that he felt as if he had to finish the thought.

    by blue diamonds on 09.25.2009
  12. comma, not a period she said. leave space for something else to follow. you want just a pause there, a breath, that’s all, and then continue. not a full stop, not a change of subject, just some time to catch your breath, to finish the thought, to follow through. continue. keep the rhythm don’t interrupt yourself or you may never find that one thought again and you’ll always wonder.

    by on 09.25.2009
  13. じょ

    by on 09.25.2009
  14. bekar hai yeh to bhenchood….what the fuk will i write about a fucking comme man…

    by on 09.25.2009
  15. comma, punctuation. Punctuation is bloody tricky word when you’re in a hurry! Commas aren’t necessary when doing a freewrite, but it’s very difficult to get out of the habit of using them. That and full stops!

    by Louis on 09.25.2009
  16. comma, just one word to write about, when to putt a comma, this is difficult for dyslectics people who find it hard to place them at the right moment, at the right spot… why the word comma i can write about anything

    by freezo on 09.25.2009
  17. comma comma this, comma comma that. guess what my brothers friend got hit by a car and ended up in a coma, not comma, but coma. he ended up dying and it was really sad and so when our dog died my brother wasn’t phased at ALL. it made me angry. i really really loved that dog, fuck. such a shame.

    by liz on 09.25.2009
  18. comma are lame I dont’ like to use them. Punctuation in general sucks I dont know why it exists at all it is all just nonsense so is grammar why do people think that it makes them so special oh this is a good example right here because I make no sense

    by Aramina on 09.25.2009
  19. oops reading the subejct comma left me in coma. i forgot to start writing and keep on thinking. why it always happens

    by eewriter on 09.25.2009
  20. Well all i thinking is that comma is a punctuation mark but many times its ignored or used wrongly but its a nice trick anyway. It determines manythings.

    by Murtaza on 09.25.2009
  21. what a strange, asymmetric shape is the comma!Representative of a rite of passage, a bildungsroman of punctuation.

    by weehet on 09.25.2009
  22. The pause that refreshes. That slows a thoght without stopping it. Never to be confused with coma.

    by Paul on 09.25.2009
  23. He rushed to the spot. He couldnt find her. There were almost 8 casualities, the public over there said. As per the guidance he rushed to the hospital. He searched frantically all over there. There were two people in comma. At the end he found her not in the list…

    by on 09.25.2009
  24. Silver comma on Polygonia’s wing. Articulus, 80:81, coniunctum, tsa-na-dahl. A nugatory comma is a trifling thing, but a chocolate nougat truffle, terrific.

    by ₯№ on 09.25.2009
  25. it is something that seperates part of a sentence to break that sentence down.

    by on 09.25.2009
  26. Paul can’t spell to save his life. Can’t write punctuate either. Once, he allowed a whole sentence to go by without marking it up for commas at all. It was not a sentence but a vomit of words.

    by Ed on 09.25.2009
  27. Comma i think of writing. Using it correctly. In another way I think of comma is to express another opitions. There is more to it than mets the eye.

    by Lishy on 09.25.2009
  28. commas are wonderfully wonderful and fine. I do like commas, oh yes. Carissa never used to use commas. she probably still doesn’t. I use commas a lot. A whole lot. Actually, I haven’t been using too many commas here. Yet. Comma comma comma. Comma is coma with another m. I don’t like comas though. I don’t know anyone who likes comas. This is a very interesting and useful exercise.

    by on 09.25.2009
  29. you can share your daydream here.

    by freesea on 09.25.2009
  30. Never know where to put them.

    by gg on 09.25.2009
  31. ,,,,, ,,,,, , , , , ,
    , , , , ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,
    , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,
    ,,,,, ,,,,, , , , , , , , ,

    by Chua Yi Xuan on 09.25.2009
  32. it is the best thing in the world, we can differenciate one centence from another, can you imagine if we didn’t have the comma, that would just be so funny. I love the comma, I can’t thing

    by ma on 09.25.2009
  33. a punctuation? or end of life?

    by ninjaturtle on 09.25.2009
  34. A pause, a short break in a sentence filled with unanswered questions and silently screaming thoughts and dreams and hopes and fears. Wishing that you’ll understand in every pregnant pause what lies behind the words. Feel me, feed me, understand me not your lies, but dreams.j

    by jane on 09.24.2009
  35. The word ‘comma’ reminds me of a funny scene from Mind Your Language. Ms Courtney was asking Juan what a comma was. And he confidently answered, ‘A coma is when somebody is in a deep sleep’…something like that, I don’t remember the exact sentence but it goes along that line! Thanks to Mind Your Language, I’ve laughed and laughed along with the foreign students and their hilarious antics.

    by on 09.24.2009
  36. Comma’s are commonly used to seperate sentences. Writers usually use commas to explain some shit

    by on 09.24.2009
  37. commas are what hold sentences together, bringing two thoughts into one. Commas, while not to be confused with other punctuation, or comas, are very useful in writing. Or so they tell me.

    by Susan on 09.24.2009
  38. Don’t forget the comma she says. five points off, no comma. I hate school. I hate the overwhelming amounts of work, the over-critical teachers, who honestly think your future employers will care if you have one missing comma. One run on sentence wont kill the world you know! I want either Boarding School, or high school online. Make a choice mom.

    by Rosalee on 09.24.2009
  39. Who gives a fuck about an oxford comma?
    I love Vampire Weekend. Their lyrics are so clever.

    by marcie on 09.24.2009
  40. I don’t like comma’s, I always get confused as to which little symbol it is… is it this one ‘? or this one ,? Maybe we’ll never know…

    by arthur on 09.24.2009