
September 24th, 2009 | 403 Entries

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403 Entries for “comma”

  1. break in the flow. pause in the stream of words, thoughts, ideas, and creativity. The comma is a stumbling block. avoid pauses and stops.

    by Tim on 09.24.2009
  2. comma’s, they are sadly abused in this day and age. People forgot how to use them. If only they didn’t have to get murdered day after day. Don’t go to public school…

    by red rabbit on 09.24.2009
  3. used at the end of a sentence… i don’t really know where to use them. i do but i don’t really.

    by adam on 09.24.2009
  4. A comma is a punctuation mark. It can be used to join to sentences together to make one. It can be used to make the items in a list separate, It can be used to denote a pause…I love commas. They are great fun!

    by NEB on 09.24.2009
  5. k so once upon a time there was a kid named stevey. one day in class, his teacher gave him an F on an essay just because he didnt put a comma on one of his sentences. he overcame his fear of commas and grew up to be comma-man. a superhero everyone knows and loves

    by justin on 09.24.2009
  6. comma. i’m pretty good at using these. sometimes i am a, com,ma, splicer, but, it’s okay because, i remember, you , know ?

    by on 09.24.2009
  7. comma, i think of the thing that’s right there, oh and again. used so much in the english language. i almost mistook it for coma actually, and then i laughed thinking they are two completely different things.
    used to seperate ideas, thoughts, sentences, lists.

    by katie on 09.24.2009
  8. a comma is what makes great writers be able to express in detail what they feel, desire, or what they are captivated by!

    by no name on 09.24.2009
  9. i’m drunk right now, so i’m not sure if that’s comma, like the punctuation or comma like, what i might be in in a little while. i’m gonna go with comma like the punctuation, ’cause i’m typing too coherently to be that durnk, so i gues ill end with csome commas,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    by Jrrd on 09.24.2009
  10. a punctuation mark. a simple enought device but required for the english language.

    by on 09.24.2009
  11. comma’s can be found in sentences.

    by Meara on 09.24.2009
  12. stop, pause, think, give me a moment, hold your breath, anticipate my words, hang on my word, wait for it and its here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,comma

    by emydawn on 09.24.2009
  13. The comma came up to me and told me to pause. Slow down, she said, take a breath, leave room between the words for the characters to move a chair, clear a throat, think.

    by on 09.24.2009
  14. Commas are a very interesting part of punctuation. They express a pause in your thought. Not the end of the thought, but a slight stutter before continuing on with what you were planning to say. Many people misuse the comma, and that can make a person’s writing

    by Lisa on 09.24.2009
  15. the common thing to do with commas is to put them between compound sentences to form larger, more toughtful sentences that could not have otherwise been formulated without the use of one simple little piece of punctuation, known as the comma. Wonderful thing it is, indeed.

    by Chelsea on 09.24.2009
  16. english language, used to pause… hell what the hell …

    wowll.. whacom

    what about comma?? oh yea still

    by on 09.24.2009
  17. you use it when you are writing papers for college or high school. Many people that are older know how to use these more then most younger children. It is very good to use these when you do many things or explain things because it helps you lead into other examples, for instance, like this.

    by Cash on 09.24.2009
  18. a pause
    a sentance that cannot end yet, but must have a break

    by joolie on 09.24.2009
  19. A comma is used in paragraphs to give people the sense of a pause. Commas are used before words such as “but” and within quotations that don’t end the sentance. A lot of people typically dont know where to put commas.

    by Chels on 09.24.2009
  20. what the fuck i already wrote about the comma. this is shit.

    by Lime on 09.24.2009
  21. she placed the comma in the most discrete of places. it was beautiful, not so halting as a period. periods seemed too unfriendly to her, as if to say “I’m done.” Commas on the other hand were the secret of dreams

    by claire on 09.24.2009
  22. these are a really useful tool, as they make your sentences flow. this is a really lame thought about commas. i think that i overuse them.

    by Svetlia on 09.24.2009
  23. Eh, the comma can drive a man crazy. But, as you can tell, from this short writing, it is probably always very overused. I used to really hate having to type commas in keyboarding class in highschool, because it always just totally screwed with me. But, I suppose if commas were the worst of it, then it wasnt that bad.

    by Charles Reagan on 09.24.2009
  24. Down dooby do down down, comma comma down dooby do down down, comma comma down dobby do down down, waking up is hard to do.

    by Janice Lind on 09.24.2009
  25. what the freak

    by on 09.24.2009
  26. i hate using commas in writing cause even though there used to present a slight pause in sentece structure i harte having to remember to put the lil basteso i have have to enterd in there. I likie using run on senteces so i hate commas. I hate the word commas but its ok i guess somet stuff just needs a comma but i dont like them personally. some may call me wierd for that i i dont know anyone that would actually love them and tell people about it so all in all i hate commas and the rest of the world just freaking loves them i guess lol but i can assurue u that they are unfortunetly needed in the english lanuague so people can make proper sentences.

    by Ryith on 09.24.2009
  27. when you want to say more

    by gq on 09.24.2009
  28. comma is something you use in writing to help stop run on sentances. sommas are very common little and black squiggle it kinda reminds me of coma but its not haha. they are also used when talking about a series of things, or a list.

    by Rachel on 09.24.2009
  29. it is in the place in a sentence to divide your thoughts and organize it correctly. it makes things interesting and more dramatic you know like a period but it is blown in the wind. it is like a colma with the l and therefore it is not as depressing and so there is the comma God made to help english sound better rather than not better which is, worse

    by antonio on 09.24.2009
  30. I never no when to use commas unless it’s a list of things in a sentence. i get confused otherwise. do you? i can’t remember my grammer from school. i should I got an a. it reminds me of momma momma mia here i go aagin

    by dumbass on 09.24.2009
  31. comma is a state in wich people fall when they are about to die so you should not like it. a comma separates sentences, , , , , comma.

    by gee on 09.24.2009
  32. The punctuation a dot with a hinge and it means a pause, a juncture, lists, dot slash, learned in elementary school.

    by CT on 09.24.2009
  33. Here is what differentiates a sentence from all the meaningless ramblings it can contain and give meaning and expressions and life and more to what you want to say without ever putting an end to it by adding a dot called the fullstop, instead we put the comma.

    by Sowmiya on 09.24.2009
  34. commas are annoying, i hate all of the rules that go along with them, fuck that. and it reminds me of english, which i never have to take again, thank god. i’m just stuck doing math and science for the rest of my life, hopefully being a neurologist. but we’ll see what happens. so

    by Deren on 09.24.2009
  35. At first I thought the word was “coma,” but then after I realized my mistake, I then realized I had to use a comma in order to properly punctuate this entry. Today’s word tricked me into using it as a grammatical device!

    by Justin on 09.24.2009
  36. I was in a comma the other day. Not sure what I felt. or was it comma? I can never remember the diference. was I in a sentence or a medical state?

    by Jason Haislet on 09.24.2009
  37. the most overused thing in the engligh language. well probably not, but even now i am using one to separate this sentence. increbible i know. i wish i was a better speller, then at least the commas wouldnt look so god aweful amonst the terrible mistakes trewn through this sentence. o well again. i go to film school and that makes commas unnessacary. wow not true.

    by chelsea Terry on 09.24.2009
  38. apostrophe , separate sentence vowel sentence structure period punctuation mark, cursive. words

    by mariam on 09.24.2009
  39. A comma is what you put when you can’t seem to end something. You prolong a sentence, and prolong it, and prolong it, until it loses it’s meaning.

    by Anonymous on 09.24.2009
  40. the most overused thing in the engligh language. well probably not, but even now i am using one to separate this sentence. increbible i know. i wish i was a better speller, then at least the commas wouldnt look so god aweful amonst the terrible mistakes trewn through this sentence. o well again. i go to film school and that makes commas unnessacary. wow not true.

    by chelsea Terry on 09.24.2009