
October 19th, 2015 | 75 Entries

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75 Entries for “collapse”

  1. what to write about collapse? do i write about when my heart collapsed? do i write about when my lungs collapsed? do i write about when all my dreams collapsed and i was left as nothing more than a weak, broken corpse

    by Sumaiya on 10.20.2015
  2. I just want to collapse. Like a panda when she has had too much bamboo. It’s on Tuesday. Tuesday is hump day. Pandas don’t like to hump. Actually that may be a lie. They probably just collapse on each other. Am I allowed to say that ?

    by Pei Pei on 10.20.2015
  3. I felt myself collapse – my feet bend, my legs sway to the sides – and suddenly I was on the floor. I wasn’t sure what was happening – the world was spinning, and everything seemed strangely blurry. As I struggled to get up, I felt a hand on my arm.
    “Katie, are you alright?”

  4. I felt myself collapse – my feet bend, my legs sway to the sides – and suddenly I was on the floor. I wasn’t sure what was happening – the world was spinning, and everything seemed strangely blurry. As I struggled to get up, I felt a hand on my arm.
    “Katie, are you alright?”

    by Hannah on 10.20.2015
  5. It had been the longest day of her life. As she walked into her apartment, it took all the energy she had not to collapse on the floor on the foyer. It’s wasn’t that she was exhausted at all, in fact, her adrenalin was rocketing through the ceiling. It was the intensness of his eyes when he looked at her, it was his smile and its sincerity for her, that made her weak in the knees.

    by Stella on 10.20.2015
  6. Like a tower of Jenga tiles after a bad move, my heart began to collapse when I heard the news of her impending nuptials. I just assumed that, that would be us, I guess not!

  7. ‘Swoosh’, the tsunami wave came crashing into the small seaside town. There were screams of terror, and screams of help. You could hear the squeal of tires as cars tried to rush out. It was deafening. Small buildings collapsed under the weight and strength of the water. The wave was 30 meters tall and was going at a terrific speed! There was no stopping that wave. In one minute flat you could only see debris and palm trees floating in the turbulent waters.

  8. I feel like I could collapse. I feel like the universe could collapse. Without you everything I know, everything I want just crumbles and falls and I feel unstable and the nothingness you left behind eats me up. Please don’t go. Please don’t let me fall. Without you my whole world will collapse.

    by Emily on 10.19.2015
  9. Collapse. When my father fell to the floor in the living room. Collapse. My life now that he’s gone. Collapse. My emotions and my purpose. Collapse. Dreams. Collapse. Hopes. Collapse. Reason.

    by Anna on 10.19.2015
  10. Although Matt had faulted him for taking Lucy too lightly, Doyle was no fool. Since he had been tricked into possibly being implicated in a murder, many would assume he would be dying to get out of the whole mess, to flee to someplace where he would never be found. But Doyle had a stubborn streak, and would risk being taken captive rather than deprive himself of his freedom by hiding from those who pursued him. He knew he was up against a powerful organisation, and that he could not outrun it, so he would have to engineer its collapse. For that, he needed to build a more powerful machine of his own.

    by tonykeyesjapan on 10.19.2015
  11. And later, you will wonder as you collapse into yourself–as your cells and neurons explode together to create galaxies–you will wonder if it really was all worth it. If he was worth it. If it is ever worth it to give up the entirety of your life for something so out of reach.

    by Jordan on 10.19.2015
  12. Whenever I endulge in guilty pleasures I overdose and collapse as if my battery is low and sleep gets me to recharge.

    by Melvin on 10.19.2015
  13. CAPTIVE.

    You all know what I am thinking. Because I have become so tragically predictable. You’d think I would be able to open my mind for just a second, to stretch myself. But no. Back to the same old, same old. Its him. I wish my will was my own, but I have surrendered it. To that adulterous policeman with the killer smile. Not willingly mind you. I don’t think I meant to do it. And it frustrates me to be this way. To be honest I wish I didn’t give a flying f*** about him. But here I am. His captive. Pitiful. Waiting here for someone who will never hold out his hand, who will never even come.

  14. The world is in collapse, I don’t know exactly why but people are thinging about many bad things and it is not good

  15. She was my friend. We loved each other. Often times a little too much. We let everything intertwine; time, laughter, dreams and opinions. And they are always the things that ruin everything, aren’t they? Opinions. You can keep stacking them up, one on top of the other. You can build the great wall of respect. But it only takes one. One differing view on matters of the heart, about the affair that you had or the way her husband talks to her, and it causes the wall to collapse under the weight of wounded egos. You can pretend to keep the friendship afterwards, for appearance sake. But you both know there is nothing left to climb. You are just walking around in the rubble, searching for the exit.

  16. this reminds me of a horrible time in my life where i had larynx spazms and i couldnt breathe and i felt like everything was collapsing in on me. my throat, my life, my success. that word is a symbol of my weakness.

    by Sonja on 10.19.2015
  17. I started to sweat uncontrollably. I was dizzy, and my vision was blurring. I lost feeling in my limbs, but somehow they felt heavy, like they were weighing me down. When it finally came time to stand up I immediately fell to the ground.

    by mel on 10.19.2015
  18. i collapse in his arms after i found out that my sister died in a horrible car accident. I cried into his shoulder as he rubbed my back. Im so lucky to have him.s

    by Yasmine Tremblay on 10.19.2015
  19. He collapsed, gasping, fingers and toes splayed and aching. He was pretty sure there was no more skin on his middle knuckle, and he might have lost a toenail.

    He ground his chin against the dusty rock and tipped his head back, gasping as the wind at the top of the peak filled his lungs for him. He saw the whole world spread out beneath him.

  20. Hazel at the beginning is down and and collapsed at the beginning because of cancer, than became depressed.

    by Erin on 10.19.2015
  21. Mrs waters: when she found out that her daughter almost died and she just collapse
    hazel grace: when Gus was sick and died and she just emotionally collapsed

    by mookie on 10.19.2015
  22. Hazel collapsed on the ground because the water filled up in her lungs and she could not breath.

    by Kaylani on 10.19.2015
  23. when Hazel Callapse out when she was laying in the hospital bed

    by Jemma on 10.19.2015
  24. hazel collapses when she is very sick and cant fight anymore she ends up in a coma
    hazel mentally collapses when her whole world is shattered

    by maddy on 10.19.2015
  25. Hazel collapses on the ground because she faints from feeling to sick.

    by Celine on 10.19.2015
  26. asalkvnSDOvjnsdnal/sckmma:Sma;

    by Leah on 10.19.2015
  27. He stood out on the edge of the pier staring at the horizon. For a long time he simply stood, the sun beating down and draining the energy from him. Finally, he slipped to his knees and then collapsed into the ocean.

  28. I’ve done this.
    I’ve been here before.
    What is wrong with me?
    Why does my mind run around in circles?
    I don’t want to carry on like this.
    If I can call down then maybe I should.
    Just give up.

    by poppetpup on 10.19.2015
  29. I fell down. In the middle of the supermarket. Gone. I’d finished. Had enough. It was over. The security came over, asked what the matter was. I opened my bag. Let them look inside. I had stolen a bag of apples. I hated apples.

    by poppetpup on 10.19.2015
  30. i started crying a week ago and can’t stop, it won’t stop coming out, why, why? is it college, is it the stress, roommates, workload, exams, the seventh-layer hell of this cold campus on sunny fall days? is it how warm my sheets are compared to the unheated dorms? is it how ugly i am compared to everyone else? is it how few friends i’ve made? is it how far i am from home? i don’t know i don’t know. i’m collapsing, disgusting, under the weight of everything i’ve made and have yet to make. don’t let me die yet. just don’t.

  31. I collapsed in pain. Not physical, but emotional, soul-tourturing pain. The kind that makes you weak at the knees. The kind that makes you….collapse.

    by Emilynn on 10.19.2015
  32. The building was starting to collapse, and I was trapped. I’d been hoping Kazuo had made it out already, but to my horror he appeared in the doorway.
    My breath caught in my throat. “What are you doing here? Get out!”
    I’ll never forget the look on his face.
    “I said go!”
    He didn’t move.
    “Please, get away from here, it’s not safe!”
    The building creaked above me, and I winced, squeezing my eyes shut. There was a horrible moaning noise emanating from above. Still he didn’t leave.
    “You can still make it!” There was a hole in the rubble, just big enough for him to squeeze through. But my shoulders were too wide; I’d never make it.
    “Go! Go, please, get out of here!”
    He moved a step closer, then another, then stumblingly ran the last few paces and pressed himself into my arms, trembling. I buried my face in his fur; this was the last thing I remembered as the rubble crashed down around me and my dog.

    by ephemeral on 10.19.2015
  33. Collapse is a rather dramatic word, reminiscent of disney princesses throwing themselves on the floor & crying. Collapse reminds me of how I felt when we broke up. My body and my mind could do nothing else.

    by dh on 10.19.2015
  34. She fell to the floor,

    “give her some room!” the small man knelt down to check for a beat, no beat
    :someone call 911!” he looked around frantically but no on ebudfted. He couldn’t let this happen.

    He pointed to a woman with a child on her hip. “You!” he pointed at her all his focus pointed at her “call 911 NOW!”

    He looked around and saw another business man just standing there, another pinpoint of focus on him, “You, help me keep people back, Now!” the man immedietly turned to help, not entirely sure why he was doing what he was doing, he was no confrontation man.

    Greg looked up, not surpised but happy to know his control had not deserted him.

  35. After the latest economic collapse, I found myself living in an admittedly rather spacious tent on the corner of one of the busiest, craziest streets in the city. Everyone was scrambling for something. For money, for food, for clothing, for survival. I kept myself huddled beneath my tarp canvas, eating cold and congealed soup from a can and doing my best to keep warm beneath a sleeping bag that was older than I was.

    by Belinda Roddie on 10.19.2015
  36. It’s that feeling of your feet just dragging along behind you…unable to catch up with the rest of your physical being. You just want to collapse on to the floor and stare at the ceiling contemplating all of the things in life that you might have done differently. What’s important though, is that you rise from the inevitable collapses that life is going to bring and better yourself for others, but most importantly better yourself for YOU.

    by Theresa on 10.19.2015
  37. Love and life, collapse and strife

    by Sarah on 10.19.2015
  38. It was only a matter of minutes, before the exhaustion became too much. She had fully intended to make a cup of tea after their first run together, but instead collapsed onto the couch, face first. All she could hear was a chuckle behind her.

    by Naeka on 10.19.2015
  39. The collapse of her motivation wasn’t something sudden; it didn’t just blow up and disappear in a great cloud of explosive fragments of her dreams one day. Rather, it withered ever so slightly day by day as each tiny goal and miniature objective she set forth or held in her mind in the morning was swept away by the great rushing indifference of the world at large, which needed her to do THIS thing at THIS time, now now now and to hell with her wants…it was erosive, that collapse, but catasrophic.

    by SN on 10.19.2015
  40. crazy not good, music, sick,

    by thamires bevenuto on 10.19.2015