
May 24th, 2010 | 293 Entries

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293 Entries for “clash”

  1. Heaven didn’t ask for this to happen. The battle between our worlds was contrived of mortals, and nobody knew it would turn out this way. She died without me, but i was looking for her. She died alone, and I couldn’t stop them. All this power, and I could not even save her life.

  2. the clash is a band that my friend who is a bit wierd like. they reminds me of england, because of london calling. the clash are a print on a cool t-shirt i like

    by Hanne on 05.25.2010
  3. we clashed, but together, we still worked out. sometimes, differences is what makes it interesting, and you and I proved that better than anyone.

  4. Sometimes my mind,
    clashes with the reality I find,
    so I can not be kind,
    with the realities i am faced with.

    by Robert on 05.25.2010
  5. The clash of the titans, a new film out this years staring that guy from Avatar. Lots of CGI and bad acting, not seen it myself, looks pants. I hope they didnt spend to much cash on that clash.

    by Archie on 05.25.2010
  6. our needs clash, and i’m left the constant loser. i concede to you; i concede to him; i concede to life. just let me live in peace.

    by Layla Macoran on 05.25.2010
  7. Of course, we charged towards each other again, and clashed. Our horses understanding the seriousness of this situation.Back and forth we charged again.
    back and forth. This was not another of our practice games.
    We were friends. But this was a life or death situation. We win, we live. We lose, we die.
    A battle to the DEATH

    In the end. it shows you that. Not all friends are so caring enough. We were tired, this armor was heavy. This was my chance to be dubbed Knight. I’d toss a friend at any time to win that title. I deserved this. This was my chance.
    With a final scream, my sword pierced through the air, and into his heart.
    I did it. I won. I was now the Last, and final Kingt of the Order.

    by on 05.25.2010
  8. Clash flash!
    ‘Cause this will be something you’ve never seen before!
    I swear to you,
    When we meet it will be a
    Clash of personality

  9. obesity is a menace, destructive against your health, enabling you to dig an early grave for yourself.

    by Rey Arguelles on 05.25.2010
  10. The urge between the two sent electricity clashing against each other. Their eyes locked on as they clunched against their weapons, waiting for the attack from the other to start the battle.

  11. The force between the two clashed like monster trucks at a convention. Feelings went wild as their eyes locked on to each other, emotions flew like fire crackers on fourth of July. This was love.

    by Elise on 05.25.2010
  12. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRjsoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    by g on 05.25.2010
  13. my school timetable always clash with beautiful things. but with you, its never enough…

    by IdasBullshit on 05.25.2010
  14. Two cars came travelling down the road. Symbols smashing. Sound waves shattering. Drummers breaking my ear cavity. Delight and ecstasy of live music, the energy it flows through me like a wave of foamy, salty sea.

    by Kira on 05.25.2010
  15. we were always like that. a kiss and a slap. we were always going to clash. but we both just kept coming back for more. until my lips were raw. and your face was red.

  16. conflict, disagreement they clashed. its been going to happen in a long time finally the threshold was reached.

  17. My sisters and I always clashed. They were the award winning athletic ones and i was the girl who made straight As, didn’t get along with our parents, and won academic awards. I don’t know, but i think I like how my life turned out better.

  18. the two wolves had both spotted and chased the same rabbit. it had long run away, but the wolves hated the competition. they bit each other and slashed with their sharp claws, with the intention of killing.

    by on 05.25.2010
  19. We clashed as one, opposing sides
    Interrogated and degraded
    But I understood
    Why couldn’t they see?
    There’s no use pretending
    There’s no use building a wall
    Because it will just fall down again.

  20. Clash! Im going to clash into you. Bing bang boom Clash. I dropped the stupid fricken vase. Oh wait thats crash not clash oh well. CLASH! Those shoes clash with that outfit.

    by Hailey on 05.25.2010
  21. the clash of the titans is the biggest clash the Earth has ever seen ever since the clash of the pre-historic Dinosaurs. The Clash ended with the clash of AmanRa in Egypt.

    by Krishna on 05.25.2010
  22. As the Gods looked down from their high mountains with stormy eyes a great sea of foul and horrid things poured from the cracks in the ruined earth and begin their assault.

    by JB on 05.25.2010
  23. why clash again? i don’t like this word. It reminds me of…well, clashing. crashing. death. it reminds me of that stormy night that changed my life forever. it reminds me of the long, windy road ahead of me; the one that put me in this chair.

    by V on 05.25.2010
  24. I stared at her from across the room, my former pretense of fiddling with my notes idly and morbidly abandoned. And honestly, who wouldn’t? The glaring neon yellow of her dress, combined with the faded pink of her hair, could have appeared on a television makeover show–a “What Not to Wear” before-story in the flesh.

    by SMP on 05.25.2010
  25. fight
    god vs devil
    good vs evil

    by Sammie on 05.25.2010
  26. How can we be possible when our thoughts clash so much? We clash in thinking but not in feeling… How is it possible that we blend so well?

  27. Clash. One must think what “clash” really means. Could it be a conflict, or a collision of some form? Or an epic and titanic battle between adversaries? Maybe. It could be all of these things really.

    by Jakeeey on 05.25.2010
  28. clash bang, speakers booming. Outside she waits in the cold, empty car. It’s dark. There’s rain. Clash, bang.

    by Katie on 05.25.2010
  29. It was the clash of her new­born opti­mism with her pre­vi­ous neg­a­tive lifestyle that made it dif­fi­cult for her to move on. But for the first time in years she felt alive, with numer­ous pos­si­bil­i­ties open­ing up, even though the con­flict inside her pre­vailed, con­struct­ing a deeply con­tra­dic­tory personality.

  30. It was the clash of her newborn optimism with her previous negative lifestyle that made it difficult for her to move on. But for the first time in years she felt alive, with numerous possibilities opening up, even though the conflict in her prevailed, constructing a deeply contradictory personality.

  31. a dash.

    by kkkn on 05.25.2010
  32. yeah, pretty much what’s happening right now in my brain. and i’m not talking about the kinda clash that you hear some shitty dj playing at dna lounge. i’m talking about being torn in my heart–opinions and emotions clashing.

    by cosmiclay on 05.25.2010
  33. Clash of the titans, is a new movie on theater. It’s about a war between Gods. It’s an epic movie, and action is a lot to be seen in this movie. Clash means fight. A very big fight. It’s a good movie. You have to watch it. Recomended.

    by limelda on 05.25.2010
  34. to clash is to not work together. clashing is friction; intensity can abound and so can passion. why do we clash? why should things not work together? not belong?

    by Helena on 05.25.2010
  35. An attack. A confusion.
    I stand there, unsure of what I am looking at anymore. No longer does it resemble what was once there, standing tall, strong. Now it is simply rubble and debri floating into the distance.

    by Mandy on 05.25.2010
  36. a clash of the cymbals and a whiff of the mint leaves. never has waking up been this good.

    by Laura on 05.25.2010
  37. They had always clashed, from the moment amber had been born she had resented her. With her perfect blonde hair and blue eyes, the apple of their parents eye.

  38. The storm clouds met with a clash of beautiful lightning and thunder. It was pretty awesome.

    by thenakedblurr on 05.25.2010
  39. clash rhymes with rash, as does dash! clash went the rat with a rash, the rat then did a dash towards the cash and the ash!

  40. Eruption of violence and anger come together for the sole purpose of destruction. Nothing survives.

    by Noah on 05.25.2010