
May 24th, 2010 | 293 Entries

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293 Entries for “clash”

  1. The clashing of cognitive dissonance burned through the still air. The antagonist stands facing our hero, flipping her fake blonde hair, all full of ignorance and lies. I’m the hero. I won’t back down.

  2. The clash of civilizations. Neither society willing to exist outside of their own shallow view of the world. They create a polarity against what is different because it is the only way they know to define themselves. And, all the while I stay in my little corner of the room; wondering if I’m the only one that sees the truth. We’re all human and isn’t that enough?

  3. They don’t go well together, much like you and I.
    Yet because we are so different, we go along so nicely.
    In quite a strange way.
    We’re so similar, us and them.

  4. what feelings do when your heart says one thing, but your bain says another…

    by chansgirl on 05.24.2010
  5. of the titans , the new version, was OK. I mean, the graphics were great but there was something that was missing from the story. I remember seeing the original with awe and wonder. Sure, now when II see it I laugh, but the nostalgia is still there.

    by Anthony Vasallo on 05.24.2010
  6. titans clash. a clash of emotion. a clash of friendship. hate and love coming together and then all destruction ensues. let’s clash, let’s be together.

    by stephanie gage on 05.24.2010
  7. Neon green leggins, a rust red sweater with a pom-pom unicorn on it, all with an army jacket. The tween had no idea how to dress herself, or more she had to many trying to dress her.

    by Meg on 05.24.2010
  8. like two planets we crash and i can’t help but think it’s both of our fault. sometimes i think it’s more mine though and that’s okay with me. of course, everything about you is okay with me and that’s okay with me because it’s you.

    by hillary on 05.24.2010
  9. Something that sometimes hits another thing, it makes a noise or something wonderful. It could help to bring a piece of music together. Usually a musician will put a clash together to make something sound horrible yet all together, it can make beautiful music.

    by Hannah on 05.24.2010
  10. The two girls just couldn’t stand eachother. If one girl said, “Yes.” the other absolutely had to say, “No.” They couldn’t make one decision together. They constantly fought and yet they considered eachother “The best of friends.”

    by Rose on 05.24.2010
  11. Our personalities clash, we are one in the same yet exact opposites. We’re like a freaking thunderstorm. Lightening – electricity. Rain – water. They meet and someone dies.

  12. I clashed into my best friend and thought she was mad at me because she gave me a ferocious look when I did so. “Sorry,” I told her. She scoffed and walked away. I felt really terrible. I then shrugged it off and continued on my way home.

    by Natasha on 05.24.2010
  13. I think i got a great word for me, ‘Clash’!!! Everyday my friend n i have it between us. But it sure is enjoyable!

    by Chinmayee Mishra on 05.24.2010
  14. “STOP IT DEMI!” Amelia screamed jokingly at her brother who was chasing her around with a poofy lolita dress he was trying to get her to wear to thier costume party 3 hours away. She ran to her room and atempted to slam the door only to get pushed back by Demitri. She spirinted across her room and hid beneath her covers. “Now where could ‘Melia be…hrmm” Demitri said mockinly as he slowly crept across the room twords his sister’s bed.

    by GenGen on 05.24.2010
  15. One by one, they got they’re instruments up to play. The cymbals made the sound of bells clashing. The sound reverberated in the room, as the deafening silence overtook the metal sound. Bringing the room, back into a peaceful silence once again

    by on 05.24.2010
  16. They clashed. They were brother and sister, friends forever, whatever the lovely ways to describe sibling-ness were, but they clashed. Often.
    “I hate you!” one would scream to the other, and then came the tears, the punches, and the fights.
    They clashed, but the good thing about siblings? They always make up afterward.

    by Jordan on 05.24.2010
  17. this morning is not like others. the sun is shining through our white drapes, my lover is making coffee in the kitchen, and the cats is up and lurking around, but there is something amiss. The cold hard wood shocks my feet and as I peek out the door, I see it;

  18. The Clash, London Calling. It’s funny that I though of something music-related first, as it fits with my personality and the usual stream of my thoughts. However, it is cliche? Is it false?

    by Ed on 05.24.2010
  19. Eyes glint and teeth are barred, the tension is practically a physical entity in the room.
    We coo, and hush, and do our best at awkward smiles, but the clash begins regardless.
    Why are you such a lose cannon?

  20. Clash. I’ve always clashed. Because of my skin, because my of thoughts, because of my abstractions. Sorry, I just can’t deal with such trivial things. So why worry about them? I’m afraid of too much clashing though, because it can create conflict.

    by Taylor on 05.24.2010
  21. A horrible time for the peoples of Rome, people fought in the streets weilding pitchforks and rakes, swords, and staffs all with one goal in mind, the deaths of their fellow men.

    by Elizabeth on 05.24.2010
  22. clash. clash day! i remember clash day. that was a lot of fun because you could basically wear anything you wanted and it didn’t have to match at all. awesome!
    i don’t really like the word because it suggests war. people that don’t agree. things that don’t go together, like ketchup and cereal.

    by on 05.24.2010
  23. i dont know what to right….thoughts clash. my friends suck. i dont know what to do. my is a shitty ass month. clash almost looks like dash. except the letters are disconnected…kind of like my brain and my life. sucks to be me? i think so.

    by Alik on 05.24.2010
  24. The battle of Hastings. Richard, and that other fellow, I forget what he was called although I am tempted to say Henry. Cars? Personalities. Personalities are the worst – it’s a human thing that we can’t escape. The purple bar against me. My fingers against me.

    by Flarghalina on 05.24.2010
  25. The band, even though I have never listened to them before. I bet they’re pretty good though. They are really famous and what not. I think they’ve been around a really long time too. I also think of thunder. Which makes me think of lightning too.

    by Sarah on 05.24.2010
  26. Clash of the titans clash of the cultures clash of the thoughts in my brain this or that right or wrong.

    by L on 05.24.2010
  27. the clash was the epic group that made it all happen. it started in 9193 when the machanical revolution appeared in the modern well known world of man and the robots decided to attempt to overthrow their human predecesors, however were thwarted the humans superior knowledge that feeling and connection were more important that sufficiency.

    by jack on 05.24.2010
  28. eternal fire, sitting beside my friends with a beer in our hands yes and we clash about the issues in life like politics and religion but never love. Clash

    by wayne on 05.24.2010
  29. Her skin on his. Dark on light. Ebony on ivory.
    The hues in their skin clash almost as much as their personalities clash.
    And they know they shouldn’t be together, because of this and many other reasons.
    But right here, right now it doesn’t matter. And they are lost in love in a world where black no longer clashes with white, but where they melt together and fade into a million beautiful shades of grey.

    by La on 05.24.2010
  30. Clash of cymbals, clash of swords. The crash, the epitome to end it all. The last stand, the final blow. Clash. And it all goes dark.

  31. Boom. It happened. He said it. “Will you go out with me?” My head was shouting : OF COURSE NOT! But of course I couldn’t SAY that….

  32. Todd heard the clash from the kitchen. It had awoken him from a sound sleep. He quickly looked to his alarm clock, his eyes still sensitive to the light could barely make out the red numbers glowing in the dark.

  33. They say everything about me clashes with those around me. I’m sickly pale with dark hair and purple rings under my eyes, and everyone else is tan, blonde, and always perky and energetic. I need to get out of the south.

  34. I clash I clash I clash, I asfkajsf blah blah I dont know what to do ? im confused? not sure what this site is? strange??? well, are my 60 seconds up yet? are they now? hm,, Im waiting to see what happens. What will happen when I clash the keys? clash cvlah clash clash clash clashasdfsdafasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf

    by angelica on 05.24.2010
  35. bang boom i’t s bomb. no it’s just my ex crashing through the window. did i mention he’s a spy? well it’s okay cause i’m a superhero and a pokemon master.

    by aubrey k on 05.24.2010
  36. The clash between them was like swords when they met in battle. Except instead of warriors with armour and shiny steel weapons they used words. The damage was the same. This was a battle that everyone would see and remember; a battle that drew blood.

    by Anna on 05.24.2010
  37. Oh those Brophy boys. Whatever are we going to do with them? They can’t seem to dress themselves, let alone socialize. Every time I venture to the neighboring all-boys school I see at least ten boys wearing plaid with stripes or colors that are so far from matching that it’s painful.

  38. There was a bang. A boom. A loud, earth shattering moment. It was the moment between dreams and lucid awareness when the clash between her hopes and dreams and her reality came crashing down on her like a jet plane in the desert.

    by Amanda on 05.24.2010
  39. Who says that stripes and polka dots clash? It’s such an arbitrary decision. Like: “blue is an ugly color” or “leggings accentuate your mustache”.

  40. the song paper planes by mia is actually a riff from a “the clash” song. i cant really remember the name. i think it was something like “straight from hell”.

    by cem on 05.24.2010