
August 20th, 2009 | 295 Entries

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295 Entries for “chrome”

  1. chrome is a word. Its closest to chromatic, according to me. Chrome can mean different colors.I know, its arbit, but i love being arbit about it. When i started writing about chrome, i thought about her.I like her so much, that its full of chrome.

    by Arya Ketan on 08.20.2009
  2. the shiny chrome from your new car stares back at me, my face reflecting in its sheen.
    i’m disappointed. i liked your old car… the 1982 Cutlass had our history in it. we made out all over that thing; we got together inside it.

    and now it’s gone. what does that say for us?

    by Niki on 08.20.2009
  3. The car pulled up to the drive through. Shelly couldn’t help but admire the chrome fenders on the vintige Cadallac. The man driving it was smiling

    by Chris Renn on 08.20.2009
  4. A nice silver affect that I could use as a texture for future UI design. Then again silver isn’t exactly my thing so that may be not the best idea.

    by Ebiin on 08.20.2009
  5. chrome plates outline my stove. thirty years old that stove is. why must frigidare decorate in gawdines.

    by amanda on 08.20.2009
  6. The most cold unfeeling color of all. Purely business no feeling, cold as steel. But chrome doesn’t want to have this life of tenderless power,it feels too.

    by Eric on 08.20.2009
  7. Chrome shines like that spark inyour eye
    it is hard like the ribs under your shirt,
    they lat across the soft beating flesh
    chrome reminds me of you,
    of the way it holds warmth when heated,
    only when heated,
    it soaks up whatever temperature is around.

    by suzanne on 08.20.2009
  8. my new rims were chrome. Chrome? How old am I? I definitely didn’t order these. These are way too much for me. where is that receipt? I don’t think a woman of 35 cruising in chrome rims is right

    by sst on 08.20.2009
  9. sparkling not of nature yet strong….gleaming down the street through the facing breeze so cool and fresh. wondering what was around the bend coming up in the road. Only good things have sparkle she thought…

    by violet on 08.20.2009
  10. Wheels slid down the track, too fast. The impact ripped through my ribs- I could breathe, everything slowed down. I floated about out of myself as people rushed around me. I hated this attention. I tried to sit up, my skirt ripped

    by veronica on 08.20.2009
  11. Chrome is like a colour, a stone, a mineral, some metal, a covering, matte and shine in the same space, chrome is man made and yet, not unlikeable.

    by C on 08.20.2009
  12. the chrome top on his bike cast a harsh glare into my eyes. That moment of fear and distraction, would be the last memory I would remember as I died.

    by ken on 08.20.2009
  13. In the future, everything was chrome. How cliche you say? Well, to be fair it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Life, after all, imitates art. Once people had it set in their minds that chrome was the future, well… it was so. People strove to be more futuristic in an ever progressing technological world.

    by Panoply on 08.20.2009
  14. chrome is the color of bike bumpers. the reminiscence begins: i see the ring around my neck from the dirt of creeks and sandboxes. I can smell the wet dog smell of summer and the meticulous polishing of a bikes chrome bumper.

    by racheal on 08.20.2009
  15. He checked his hair out in the chrome of the car. Not bad, he decided, and kept walking. There was a muffled laugh before he took three steps. Swivelling his head casually, he saw a girl with impossibly long legs leaning against the car heÂ’d just used to check his hair. He swivelled his head back and kept walking, blushing.
    Then he stopped.
    What, sheÂ’d never used a car as a mirror before? Who was she to judge?
    Feeling justifiably perturbed, he turned.
    She stood, walked around to the side of the car, and made a big show out of checking out her own hair, angling her head to see both sides. Then she pulled keys out of her pocket, winked with her left eye, and drove off.
    In the quickly disappearing chrome, he could see his image, grinning.

    by Carlie on 08.20.2009
  16. metalic glowing with potential energy powerful decisive the building block of our material world

    by amber on 08.20.2009
  17. chrome is a type of metal that comes on cars mostly. trace adkins has a really horrid song about it. when i think of chrome i think of shiny silver, reflections, and honestly, well black people. most of the time you see big trucks with chrome grills and rims where i come from.

    by ashley on 08.20.2009
  18. chrome rims are where it is at sir. also the chrome spraypaint. shiny is best. however, gold is better. i would purchase gold before chrome, but only imitation, always imitation. a’right?

    by jake on 08.20.2009
  19. Metallic robots entering my ear! he said. i Can’T STAND IT Any more! I have to get these things out! He picked up a hammer and smashed his own skull. Shiny chrome flecked blood dripped out onto the white carpet.

    by Dean Freeman on 08.20.2009
  20. Neon and chrome. No place like home. The Five Percent Nation of Casiotone.

    by r.a. on 08.20.2009

    by Howard on 08.20.2009
  22. Chromosapien is the name of my band. We play real serious rock and art. And roll. We roll deep and don’t fuck around. Serious arty types think we’re the fucking shit. And baked kids think we’re pretty allllright as well. Motherfuckers. We are serious. We eat almost never. We practice almost always. We live in the N Y C and we are hipper than Andy fucking Warhol. Our album is amazing and it will make you shit yourself and then feel jealous of us in a big way. Deal with it, sucka. If you were in Chromosapien you would be so cool. But you’re not. Sucka.

    by Montigue Fink on 08.20.2009
  23. metal, metallic shine, blustery color buffed and polished catching the beams of the radiant Ford

    by NWartist on 08.20.2009
  24. a fake cover to make things look better than they are, more expensive, more enviable.
    shines, flicks sunlight back,

    by Teresa on 08.20.2009
  25. I already had this word!!! Grrr.

    by joie on 08.20.2009
  26. Chrome is used on motorcycles. You see chrome on all those DIY shows where they look really cool and talented. I wonder if I could ever create stuff like that and make it look so easy? hmmm… Probably not.

    by joie on 08.20.2009
  27. silver, car fun trace adkins bikes shiny love purple lakjfajwepojwojfa i don’tg know lol walaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;sldkjfwiejojI love johnnie.

    by Bethany on 08.20.2009
  28. As his skin began to peel back, the look of horror spread across my face. I knew that he wasn’t one of us… He was different. I always knew. He never fit in. And now I see why. The lights and wire began to show more as he came out of the fire. I then knew he was…a Robot.

    by Tori on 08.20.2009
  29. Chrome. It’s the reflection of the sun off the metal of a screeching motorcycle. It means power and elegance and speed.

    by Katie Hutch on 08.20.2009
  30. Chrome is the fancy metal on the semi tractor that all needs hand shining to make the truck look so sharp in the sunlight. Such a pain to take care of though! I still don’t miss doing that!

    by GlassinGal on 08.20.2009
  31. shiny dome, that bald head of mister clean! Oh, wait, no, it’s my father’s dome that i am thinking of. And my poor poor brother, he inherited that chrome dome mess…I’m so sorry…

    by stacey on 08.20.2009
  32. Shining, glittering. In idea. Takes many forms. Chrome is thought about in terms of cars. Deified. It is the culmination of class in reference to the automobile. Chrome is a status symbol. We should not be so proud of our plastics

    by Simone on 08.20.2009
  33. metallic steel something shiny like flatware but flatware is really stainless steel so what the heck is chrome i have no idea – chrome could be somthing like a colour perhaps something yellowish but hey what do i know when i hear the work chrome i think it’s something shiny not something that means much to me anyway. the end. i don’t really care to write anything more about chrome. it’s of no interest to me. so cheerio everybody.

    by anou on 08.20.2009
  34. nothing will be as cool as the day that i bought my first car of my own. it was a 2004 dodge neon sxt with a sunroof, 6 disc changer, a spoiler and CHROME wheels. i was so excited!

    by Lauren Costa on 08.20.2009
  35. Google Chrome just didn’t work out for me, so I had Harsha switch it back to Firefox. Now, I can still use that whole speed dial application, but I can’t surf the web under the invisibility cloak. What’s the fun in that, right?

    by hugarbol on 08.20.2009
  36. Chrome. As she looked around the room. aalll that she saw was chrome. chrome walls, chrome windows. Heck, it was chrome heaven for that girl. she had never seen anything like it, and yet standing there, it was like if she was in her own little version of chrome heaven. she loved it some much she wished she could live there forever.

    by Diana on 08.20.2009
  37. chrome is used on cars, i believe. maybe the rims? i don’t know much about chrome so this will be short. the grill of a car is chrome!!!!

    by vanicia on 08.20.2009
  38. The chrome was shining on his truck… his brand new truck. He had always wanted this very thing. It had a bench seat for Jenny to sit next to him on. That way he could just reach over and kiss her any time he was driving… and her red lipstick would reflect in the perfect chrome… better than any silver.

    by Greer on 08.20.2009
  39. Chrome. What is this chrome you speak of?
    Something else flashy and fancy to hide or insecurities?

    Well, I don’t buy it.

    by Fin. on 08.20.2009
  40. Cadillac rolling down the street chrome bumpers gleaming in the sun. Must be pay day. Spats hit the ground when the doors open and a

    by cathy on 08.20.2009