
July 8th, 2011 | 402 Entries

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402 Entries for “chores”

  1. Heaps of things just begging to be done, after all my empty promises to myself, I really am going to take care of them today.

  2. its interesting to hear people whine and whine about the difficulty of chores. maybe i didnt get it as hard as others. maybe thats why i should not judge people, or maybe i should just say what i need to say. i mean its not hurting anyone i think.

  3. Chores don’t change with your mindset, you will always need to do what you must in order to go through life a champion. A winner. Winning on a bi weekly basis as it were.I know this

    by Dan Allen on 07.09.2011
  4. a chorus of chores always sit perched ready to be sung. sometimes the tune is long and slow a little melancholy but meditative. sometimes it’s upbeat and fast and you work up a sweat and feel like you’ve really done something. it’s a song that we don’t like but we all listen to.

    by pete on 07.09.2011
  5. a board put up to organize us.
    self regulation is so hard, when carelessness abounds.
    it’s too easy to be inconsiderate.

    by Thebreakers on 07.09.2011
  6. kids need them

    by caroline on 07.09.2011
  7. chores are stuff i dont wann do coz its for servants to do but my mom thinks i should be the arrond boy and im always on the run doing stuff getting stuff and cleaning who wants to do chores

    by Saud on 07.09.2011
  8. ello! agin n agin! Well, ell no now i membr chores wern all dat bad
    if der wer som spondulix-evn any at all- to be got outa dembut dat was not often da case in my see ow dat ruind me. chores wer
    totl wel CHORES!!

    by the wiz that he was on 07.09.2011
  9. chores are very dangerous, washing up and cleaning sinks and washing floors; laundry is especially treacherous because there’s something enticing about it, clothes dancing on a line, fresh smells and a illusion of renewal. Sometimes making up the fire, twisting paper in to paper logs, piling kindling in crosshatched piles, building a pyramid of peat , sweeping the swirling cold ashes of the night before feels like a meditation. But it’s theft. Theft of precious time to live the life you’re supposed to live, to make your art, to do what you were born to do. In a day when all you get to steal for yourself is one word, it’s not enough

  10. ello agin! chores is in orchestrate. tis a trait o mine to think lik dis.
    Jus tink of orchestratin yer chores. Tink of ‘classic’ orchestra-tin dem
    ya no like- BANG! CRASH! WALLOP! get it?

    by the wiz that he was on 07.09.2011
  11. Chores are…well, chores. I wish we didn’t stumble upon them, that we were carefree, but if we had no chores then we would be a whole nation of lazy people. We all enjoy relaxing and laying around, so yes, no chores equals laziness. I have no idea what more to write.

    by Lina on 07.09.2011
  12. God dammit I hate chores. Cleaning, polishing, sweeping, fucking taking out the trash. The same thing, day in, day out. Never a single moment of rest. Just Chores.

    by Creamer on 07.09.2011
  13. do not like the word. It reminds me instantly of the word chid.
    cant you work that one out anybod?
    Chores rhymes wit bores and i do not wonder. For shore I wan to
    switch round to C-shore- n dream…

    by the wiz that he was on 07.09.2011
  14. It was yet another Saturday of my summer. And another day of chores. Ever since summer started, nothing interesting has happened. My friends are all out of the country, so I had no one to go to. Our internet was also down since our connection was horrible, so when I told this predicament to my parents, they immediately assigned me to do chores. Boring old chores. But hey, at least it’s something to do.
    *Truly fictional.

    by TeeTee on 07.09.2011
  15. chores can be a bother or theraputic. it’s all about the outlook. dishes. laundry. sweeping. a rhythm. boring or restoring?

    by jenny swoish on 07.09.2011
  16. i feel as if my interpretation of chores never matched up to those in my elementary school grades. The things I did around the house seemed as a necessity in order for everything to get done by other family members. And I never got allowance for it either. It just seemed proper.

    by DK on 07.09.2011
  17. Limpio el patio, la sala, la cocina, los baños pequeños y los grandes. El cuarto de los niños no lo limpió, ya que ahí no había matado a nadie. El resto de la casa se habia cubierto de sangre, y no podría dejarlo todo mugroso.

    by Fernanda on 07.09.2011
  18. I think being a child was so simple. I think we all wish we could go back. We never really grow old. We’re all covered in fairy dust, secretly, underneath it all. We did chores, we complained a little, and then we were set free. Liberation. If only. If only.

  19. chores are hard. life doesnt need to be. chores are uck. chores are what my mom and dad gave me to do. character development and all that. instead, yum sounds better. chores are such a chore.

  20. I always liked chores. I never did enough of them. I was semi spoiled. Now, I find it a therapeutic response to not wanting to deal with certain parts of my life. I give myself a task and put all of my demanded brain power towards it and BAM clean room. If you hit the back button you can keep going. I like the idea of this website. A+. Chores, so many kids complain about them. I never was paid for doing them. As a member of the household it was just assumed that we pitched in. I agreed.

    by Marci on 07.09.2011
  21. i love chores. they build character, teach you how to have good work ethic, and help you simply grow up! my favorite chore is dishes and least favorite…garbage! yuck

  22. I hate doing chores. Washing dishes is the very worst chore you can think of. I don’t understand why the word ‘chores’ is ever invented. To a lazy person like me, it’s definitely not in my vocabulary.

  23. I remember my childhood all too well. I had chores, and I had to do them. My brother, when he got older, had a chore too – one that he very seldom did, and there were no consequences. I had to do my chores, or there were consequences. I would not want to relive my childhood.

    by on 07.09.2011
  24. I hate chores. I used to feel that they were some form of punishment my parents would cook up before they went to sleep at night. Dishes were the worst, by far. I didn’t mind the dirty water or anything of that sort, no. The worst part was having to stand in the kitchen for hours after dinner, isolated from the rest of the family having fun in the living room.

    by Sami Fluegel on 07.09.2011
  25. man i have to mow the lawn tomorrow i think i should clean my room and bathroom i clean the room and it just gets dirty all over again. I always forget to clean a little bit every day so it stacks up and ends up being a big mess. Fish is what im thinking about right now idk y

    by Tony Nguyen on 07.09.2011
  26. What a bore. Chore, bore. They even rhyme, for what that’s worth. Chores. Why are they called chores? The word is loaded with connotation. Almost as if it says itself, “but I don’t want to.”

    by Anthony on 07.09.2011
  27. work that i have to do. Parents. Not too bad. Boring. Cleaning, make my bed. Kids and families. I don’t do mine. Don’t know what else to say, they’re work we have to do to be responsible.

    by D Lab on 07.09.2011
  28. I don’t like chores. They suck. If I had to pick one chore I didn’t hate as much as all the others, I’d choose dishes. For some reason dishes are like meditation. I really hate cleaning floors. I also hate folding clothes. I hope my children will do more with less resentment than their Mom.

    by kimbaaz on 07.09.2011
  29. Chores, I don’t have any. I guess my parents don’t believe in them. I’m not sure. I’m kind of glad I don’t have any. I don’t believe in them. I will never make my kids do them. I think that they just make kids hate us and most of the time they just push the work onto their other siblings; they either won’t get done or the parent and child will fight about the chore.

    by Julie on 07.09.2011
  30. I hate to do choes they are such a bummer, a hinderment to the advancement of my pursuits in pleasure. BUT they’re also necessary if we can’t build a bot to do them for us, haha! and there’re the only words

    by COLE on 07.09.2011
  31. i wish i had chores. my house is in chaos, everything is dirty. I don’t know how we can live like this. maybe chores would fix my house. maybe chores would fix my family. ive given up cleaning and ive given up on my dad.

    by andy on 07.08.2011
  32. so hard and annoying, why bother with actually doing it. Everybody wants you to do them. But I guess wants you get in to it you can hardly stop cleaning.

    by Fridayu on 07.08.2011
  33. It took a decade but I found for myself one simple truth to love, of which was its ever present distance from the simple chores, the wickedly boring, the omnipresent and familiar day-to-day lifestyle that filled every month with a drab lack of luster.

  34. chores…they are part of life i suppose. but none the less, they suck. i mean who wants to dust and sweep when you could be saving the world or flying?

    by emma on 07.08.2011
  35. I never had to do chores as a kid. Thank GOD. Although, I do feel as if I missed out on apart of my childhood. That perhaps, I would have been a more responsible, more reliable person.

    by Shannel on 07.08.2011
  36. chores a devilish thing as a kid. Your parents force you to do them. And when you do them they yell at you bec uase you didnt do them fast enough or exactly the way they wanted them done. Its as if they are saying: we want you to do these things, but we all know that you are going to fuck it up becuase your not doing it right, i wanted you to do it exactly how i was going to do it, even though i didnt want to do it” seriously its a no win for everybody involved and only ends up in lots of teenage angst.

    by sarsar on 07.08.2011
  37. The universe is dark as he cleans the skies. He watches quietly as his siblings do the same. The sun needs to have the hydrogen cleaned out. The moon needs its crevices cleaned. The Earth, that was his chore. And he hated it. Because while his sister and brother had to clean, they had no one complaining. And he had six billion people to care about.

  38. Chores. I really do hate them. It’s not that I mind doing them, I just hate the whole “Emily do your chores!” thing… It’s REALLY annoying. It’s like, if I feel like it needs to be done, I’ll do it. I don’t think that the mirror or windows need to be cleaned on a daily basis!

    by Alyska on 07.08.2011
  39. i hate doing chores. my dad made me do chores when i was little and they were pure torture. we had to do them every day monday thru friday at 5 pm. i did chores for about ten years or so and i hate cleaning at 5 just because of him. i hate chores.

    by noname on 07.08.2011
  40. never had to do them and i really didnt understand the point of the website at first so i was just going to write banana.


    by Sam on 07.08.2011