
June 2nd, 2010 | 299 Entries

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299 Entries for “century”

  1. A century is 1000 years
    begins with c ends in y
    its been centuries since i went on this webite
    Next century i will have a beard
    Daymn im bad at this.

    by James on 06.02.2010
  2. turn the clock turn the century, i promise i will be with you forever

    by on 06.02.2010
  3. age dynasty events importance industrial inventions excitement growth strategy wonderment belief families time clock ageing wonder fantastic

    by Cat on 06.02.2010
  4. It was the turn of the century, and she didn’t know what to wear. Stay with the old or in with the new? She decided on new, but looked back years later. Why did she choose to change?

  5. This might as well have been the first century the trin had been through .it was clear and black, gleaming like who knows what. The girl looked around in despair. There were no openings. No way to get out. Trapped. Forever.

  6. i’ve lived a thousand centuries

    and i’ve seen nothing new.

  7. A century is 100 years, and so much can happen in that small amount of time. When I think of a century, I think of my great grandmother, who passed away the year I was born. She was born in the late 1800s, and lived for 103 years, passing away in 1993. Think of the things she saw in just a century! The Wright brother’s flew their first airplane, computers were invented, TV, color photographs, telephones!

    by Anna on 06.02.2010
  8. A lot can happen in a century. Fads go in and out of style. People grow and get wiser. Of all the things that happen in this next century, I wonder what will be most important…

    by adrian on 06.02.2010
  9. century means life, because life is the highest platform on earth, and without life there would be no mankind, and without mankind, there would be no time, and without time, there would not be a century.

    by >>C.A.V on 06.02.2010
  10. The turn of the century is a big deal. I don’t really know what the phrase means? Turning? of the century? When a hundred years passes, it’s a big deal I guess. A new millennium is like that too. It’s confusing. I mean, it’s just time anyway…

    by Girl on 06.02.2010
  11. a half hourse half human? or a 100 years? or century buffet in long island new york on hillside? or century real estate?

    by Mallorie on 06.02.2010
  12. A life rarely lasts a century. Yet so many centuries have passed since time began. How short our lives are; so little time to make a mark in the world. Does anything we do even matter?

  13. The first person I saw, after shaking my situational amnesia, told me we were entering the 22nd century. I disbelieved him. I was not so old. At least, I didn’t think I was.

    by Maxie on 06.02.2010
  14. It took her a century to finally encounter the feeling of happiness that she’d been longing for her whole life. One long century that she thought would never arrive.

  15. I have been through much, and you are just a small one thinking I’m but a story and a character, but these past 100 years have trully existed for me. I wish I could see the 100 ones you will live.

    by Frankovich on 06.02.2010
  16. A century, 100 years. People, places, thoughts, ideas. Evolution, creation, destruction, stagnation. New? Old? Relativity is endless.

    by Rachel on 06.02.2010
  17. “it was a century ago” my grandma said. She was telling me all about her dad’s life in the miltary. He died at age twenty two.

    by Conner on 06.02.2010
  18. A century from now will our world be totally fucked? Can we escape to space? Or can we build an Atlantis.

    by Brittany on 06.02.2010
  19. The sun shone silver above our technological heads. My receptors screamed “SOLAR.” Was this really happening? I didnt think mankind would ever actually make it to this step. I looked down at my wired-up hand. Ever since professor Goodwin had thought up the idea of enhancing all senses through technology, the human race had changed. And I didn’t like it. I looked over at Sahn. “You ready to do this?” He stared. “You seriously wanna risk being rebel-labeled? The consequences are harsh.” “Yes.”

    by on 06.02.2010
  20. Amazing changes have taken place over the last century. Technology has developed exponentially. It has changed how the world works and how people relate, but people are still the same.

    by Christa on 06.02.2010
  21. A century is an amount of time to measure human progress. We attc ourselves with time as a means for progress on a greedy sense; at least, this is so in the 20th century. We are in a new century now, a new order and marking of time. Lets make this century the one where we mark great social progress as opposed to individual progress.

    by Dave on 06.02.2010
  22. so much has happened in the past century!! It makes me wonder what will happen in the next century!! Will we live on the moon!! will we have flying cars, no diseases, no wars!! Will the world be happy and full of peace or will there even be a world?!

    by Niamh Costelloe on 06.02.2010
  23. i remember looking out the car window i must have been 6 years old
    there was a commercial on the radio about the 21st century and i didn’t even know what it meant
    here we are a decade into the 21st century
    and society is a mess

  24. In this century, technology rules the world. Cell phones, laptops, mp3 players. Most everyone has one in the twenty first centruy. This centruy started with some people nervous about y2k.

    by Gina on 06.02.2010
  25. a century. one hundred year, to live a century is to live a journey. so long. so many hours. i wonder how many minutes a century is. a lot. that is just too much. i could never do it

    by Audreyyy on 06.02.2010
  26. there are so many who impact us in a century. But the most meaningful people are usually not written about. Their lives and impact span the 100 years, but they do not know how much we owe them because history does not record their progress. Perhaps another century will.

    by Mike Phillips on 06.02.2010
  27. You’re an icon, she said. Since when? I raised my brows, flicked off the water from my cup and threw a laugh across the table. In our tiny booth.

  28. A century is 1 hundred years. You can do so much in a century. But people won’t remember you after a century. Why do try to make your own fame when after a century it’ll disappear? It’s pointless.

    by Rachel on 06.02.2010
  29. the turn of one century the beginning of the next. progress they call it but really its just habits dressed in new clothes. humans dont change and they dont progress thats the beauty…and the sadness

  30. it began as a tale of two cities spewing smoke into the air reaching glass to tops of sky and not scraping but leaning down over the downtrodden people of the streets in maroon crushed bowler hats suits and the large-fanny dresses umbrellas and tight-squeezing corsets.

    by zak on 06.02.2010
  31. wow, i can’t even believe that I’ve been a live for only two centuries. actually, that’s a relatively long amount. in fact, i havent even been around for two centures. im eighteen years old. im so young, it scares me. but im also really happy that i have so much more to live.

    by rachel on 06.02.2010
  32. A century is a long time. 100 years. In 100 years many things can change or the world can end. Cent meaning 100, this word is often misspelled.

    by maddi on 06.02.2010
  33. one hundred years forever a lifetime love life doubts regrets feelings flooding back. oldness wrinkles and age setting in, dusty and worn but still so very valuable. loved and lost.

    by Sarah on 06.02.2010
  34. a century ago, everything was different. women were not considered worthy enough to have an opinion, only to have children and tend the home. they were seen, not heard very much so like children. today, thank god, we see an improvment in strong women in tv and movies; any male character lead has a foil with a female character lead, where she is no longer considered a lesser role: she either completes him or even subtly overrides him ( Avatar for example). Only now, in 2010 was a woman director picked to win an oscar.

    by Natalie on 06.02.2010
  35. This is the century of rot and horror. This is the century where people think they can sit back and let others do all the work while they just enjoy themselves. This is the century of leisure products taking over every facet of society. This is the century where the mind remains unused, rotted in the hollow skulls of those who wish to do nothing but relax.

    by Jackie on 06.02.2010
  36. century is simply a number made of letters.

    by mike on 06.02.2010
  37. The waves lapped on the shore. I shivered and shrank inside my wool cardigan. He was standing a foot away, throwing pebbles at the sea, showing off like all men do. I had run out of the patience to compliment him on such things years ago.
    The sun had just sank. Dusk gathered and his white shorts glowed in the darkness. Eventually, he turned his back to the sea and sat next to me. He gazed towards the sea.
    “This house needs knocking down, you know that”, he said nodding towards the small wooden building on our left.
    I didn’t reply. He knew my thoughts precisely. IT was very stubborn of me but I could not throw away the century old house that all females of our family were born.

    by fieryfaerie on 06.02.2010
  38. it was the deal of the century and then somethine went wrong. everyone claimed they had the answer, until they were caught. lies circulated in the air and all the people knew. life as we knew it changed forever.

  39. This century I will graduate college, become a doctor, get married, have children, travel the world, make love and die. Not necessarily in that order. It will be awesome. :)

    by Janneth on 06.02.2010
  40. The end of the century had come at last, and with it – death. Noone seemed to wander the dusty streets of LA anymore – even tumbleweeds had seemed to cease existence. There was no hope – no water. The sun was a pale red, towards the end of it’s life – and with it, the life of the planet.