
February 19th, 2011 | 434 Entries

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434 Entries for “cards”

  1. The cards lay sprawled on the floor. Her eyes dilated, adjusting to the light. She crouched to her knees in the silence of the basement, wondering, dreaming – when was the last time she had played a game? The last time she had actually smiled or laughed or not picked away at the back of her hand?

  2. Cards.
    What kind of card?

    the kind that always has something to say, that says the things we’re supposed to know to say, but never do?
    or the kind that doesn’t say anything at all, and let you fill up the emptiness yourself?

    by MissAdventure on 02.19.2011
  3. cards birthday valentines love you miss you thank you whatever. It’s everything and nothing. Printed, hand-made. Hallmark, singing, pop-up, sentimental, sad, humorous. Love receiving them. Especially with money inside. The kind that are hand-made are the absolute best. so loving and caring and cute and thoughtful.

    by Melisa on 02.19.2011
  4. I usually always receive a card from my Mother on every holiday, even the ones know one really knows about our bothers to care about. She always ends them with love and prayers, which is fine, but I kinda don’t do the whole religion thing anymore… except when I swear.

  5. Cards. Wonderful loving full of money words, poems, hand-made, bought, Hallmark. glitter, love and care. Valentines, love you, miss you, thank you, birthday, graduation, confirmation, GO CARDS! Louisville cardinals. I love receiving a card from someone n the mail.

    by Melisa on 02.19.2011
  6. He slammed the deck of cards onto the table.

    “Just a quick game,” He looked up at her, “Before the baby wakes up.”

    She looked at him impatiently and then with a sigh, nodded. “One game.”

    by brittany on 02.19.2011
  7. My husband Tom’s parents always send us cards. If there’s a major holiday or anniversary coming up, you can bet there’s a card on the way. Most of their card choices come from the card-making giant Hallmark, which makes me wonder if designing and making cards could prove to be a profitable business, or at least a good creative side project, like my plan to make my own shallow flower pots and fill them with soil and grass seeds–a cheap and easy way to create an indoor table garden. Finding a good card is a daunting task. Maybe making my own would actually turn out to be less work than going to the nearest Target or CVS or Walmart, browsing through hundreds of cards in all styles from the chintzy, to the erotic, to the silly, to the humorous, to the photographic, to the sound-enhanced, to the fold-out, to the overdone, to the ones with cheesy messages, to the cheap blank ones, only to come out with something I can maybe sort of be okay with, and pay $2-9 for it.

  8. My dad used to teach me how to play cards when I was little. Not just traditional gambling games, although he did that too, but game that involved cards like building pyramids, monopoly, go fish, etc. Those were good times in my life; playing with my dad. He had such a gaming, playful spirit always. My mom used to say he was a child and she really had to take care of 2 of them.

    by Abby on 02.19.2011
  9. She wants to put them all in order, the spades and aces splattered with blood and ink. But they fall through her fingers, tumbling to the ground like bits of snow. When she tries to read them, they only turn up their blank faces, revealing nothing.

  10. I put the cards down on the table, and stared at him from across the table.
    “This isn’t right. We’re playing cards while…while she’s dying,” I pleaded, balling my hand up into a fist.
    He just looked through me impassively, like I wasn’t even talking, and looked back at his cards.

  11. Cards? Playing cars are awesome. My favourite game is ERS. Many people haven’t heard of it. It stands for Egyptian Rat Screw (yeah, I have no idea what that means either). It’s kinda like slap jack, except more complicated. Look it up! It’s a great party game.

    by Tara on 02.19.2011
  12. ‘Come on, lay your cards on the table ‘ he looked at her-his conker brown eyes pleading for honesty. Things had not been good with them for a while. Truth should prevail-he could take it.

    by Debbie k on 02.19.2011
  13. Cards are sent on valentines day with sappy, sickly love message and fake emotional sentiments. But cards with cats on the are awkward and cute. Cards seem simple but are truly nice to receive. I love tearing open a crisp envelope and the moment of waiting to see what’s inside.

    by Nicole Feriancek on 02.19.2011
  14. Birthday, Christmas… happiness on faces.. greetings… best friends and my family..kisses

    by Julia on 02.19.2011
  15. we can no longer play cards at that table. all the furniture has washed out to sea. the beds, the television, the forks, the signatures, the shark teeth, and that jar of smoothed glass that mama had been collecting from the shore for the past ten years.

  16. Cards are the clacking and rustle of a dealt deck. The bittersweet noise indicating mom’s home, grampa’s playing solitaire, uncle’s ready for a game of Rummy.

  17. The cards are scattered all over the floor.
    Time to get up and stop the bore.
    You know your girlfriend looks like a whore.
    I wanna have funn funn funn forever more.
    Time to drive out to see the shore!!

  18. Valentine’s cards. Sometimes you use cards to gamble. Send cards to your family when it is their birthday or a holiday. You use index cards to study for class. Cards are inexpensive and thoughtful. There are a lot of different ones out there.

    by Erica on 02.19.2011
  19. cards are fun. ou can playall sorts of games and have lots of fun wth them. you can go to vegas and play. I like the king, he is awesome. I think of Alice in Wonderland with all the cards who are marching around with thequeen of hearts. that is scary. i like playing spoons with cards. how come there is a certian number of cards in every deck? why does it really matteR? i like playing the card game go fish, but not with real cards. i also like making cards.

    by haley on 02.19.2011
  20. Ja’k shuffled through his tattered deck of cards, flipping three cards facedown onto the table he grinned at Thade. “Ready?” His cockney accent was excited as he grinned at the man before him.

  21. We had always made cards for our families and friends to see. Christmas cards most importantly. They hid the way our family really functioned, with our plastic smiles and matching outfits. I knew that we were falling apart.

    by Amanda on 02.19.2011
  22. As much as she hated it, this was her life. The cards were never dealt in her favor, but thoughout everything that happened, she always knew how to win. She was stronger than she would ever know.

    by mary on 02.19.2011
  23. Yeah so I used to play cards with my sister. We would mostly play war, but when I started Girl’s Camp which was also the worst camp of my life we learned how to play Egyptian Rat Screw so that was one of the best card games of my life.

    But I don’t like post cards. They seem too hassle-like.

    Or greeting cards. They seem pretty pointless.

  24. the most basic thing that comes to mind with cards is greeting cards, little gifts people send one another to pretend like they’re thinking of them. Seems like such a dated thing these days. Perhaps once it had an element of romance about it, but that was before Hallmark decided to say everything for us, to take our voice away. What a shame.

    by Scott on 02.19.2011
  25. birthday Christmas celebration
    why is that in my head? i wonder
    how long?

    by Jen on 02.19.2011
  26. You use it for greeting your friend, for example, on Christmas, Birthday etc.

    by Julia on 02.19.2011
  27. superficial. a lack of time. a waste of time. extraneous. yearn for something deeper. experiences. memories.

    by Grace on 02.19.2011
  28. As in House of Cards – which was a wonderful TV programme about the fragility of political systems here in the UK, with ample evidence of the corrupting properties of power. Which might seem to have nothing to do with cards, unless you are thinking laterally . . .

    by joey on 02.19.2011
  29. Fate, a game of cards, a set of psychologal tricks, brains, a whole of meaning in this one word !

    by Mindy Silva on 02.19.2011
  30. love tarots mysterious questions answers knowing what is and what isnt maybe yes no or so always and forever, him or both, sex, passion, play intuition correct insight secure forseen knowledge learning yearning asking about life journeys and future past reincarnation.

  31. First they started slowly, then they fell faster, faster, faster until it was literally pelting down around them. “What the heck?” Jenny picked up one of the objects that fell from the sky. It was the Ace of Spades.

  32. I bumped into a man in black the other day, “sorry,” he said. “my fault entirely, say now, you look like the kind of fellow I could do business with, take my card”
    there was no phone number or fax just a name and a motto.

    Nick Scratch
    Everything, Rates may vary.

  33. This deck of cards,
    Comes crashing down
    This is all my fault
    And I should know that by now
    Because of the stupidity
    Because of the fight
    The cards have now fallen
    down for the night
    Tomorrow we can try to rebuild
    These cards
    But we both know
    That it will be hard
    We know that it will never
    Stand the same
    But either way
    It’s still the same game
    So leave the cards,
    where they have crashed
    Tomorrow we can mend them
    And just maybe not get them smashed…

  34. Cards are an expression of love; an expression you failed to send me this year. Nothing on my birthday, nothing for valentine’s day. You say you love me, but you never express it. My heart is hurting because I love you, too.

  35. On summer afternoons we played cards on the marble front steps of my grandmothers house on Lakewood Avenue. Later that evening one of us would be expected to sit in silence by my Grandfather’s side while he smoked a cigar and shuffled cards in his mind with a full deck well-marked and lively.

    by nannan on 02.19.2011
  36. When you get dealt a certain hand, don’t whine and cry that you didn’t get that ace in the hole. Play what you’re dealt and appreciate what you have.

    by Bree on 02.19.2011
  37. lost art…of writing them…love playing them…some people are

    by A.Hitchcock on 02.19.2011
  38. This deck of cards,
    Comes crashing down
    This is all your fault
    And you should know that by now
    Because of the stupidity
    Because of the fight
    The cards have now fallen
    down for the night
    Tomorrow we can try to rebuild
    These cards
    But we both know
    That it will be hard
    We know that it will never
    Stand the same
    But either way
    It’s still the same game
    So leave the cards,
    where they have fallen
    Tomorrow we can mend them
    So they can stand again…

  39. Why, it’s just a pack of cards, I thought. Just like Alice in Wonderland, trapsing about the queen’s garden with a can of eggshell white lacquer.

  40. get well
    thinking of you
    and people are cards at times too
    alice in wonderland too