
February 14th, 2015 | 74 Entries

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74 Entries for “camp”

  1. It’s camp, they said. What you’re doing. I went home and thought about it. Camp. What I’m doing? It’s who you are, my mother said. I’ll never understand. But I understand the looks exchanged, the sigh and the giggle, and now I know it’s sometimes better to stay quiet.

    by Rachel on 02.15.2015
  2. Stay. Stated too clearly. When decision about the axis is a definition. – Which is not entirely …natural.

    (a/n: do excuse me; high fevers, hazy brain powers – so yeah, yeah, it’s not that good… probably)

    by Samsara on 02.15.2015
  3. I have not ever go camping, I’d like to try in the future perhaps with my friends or boyfriend. Should be fun.

    by Jane on 02.15.2015
  4. Camp- Even though I have never been to a camp, I believe it must be fun. I have seen in many movies kids going summer camping, having fun, falling in love. Nevertheless, I think it’s a great idea.

    by Phalguni Nayak on 02.15.2015
  5. between the bunk beds
    we passed around the powder

    outside, I sat
    dizzy, and vowed
    never to snort wizzfizz again

    the giant drop was more fun
    falling through the green world
    in a harness.

    by bridget on 02.15.2015
  6. I stuck my head out of the tent. A wolf howled a far off. I readied my tomahawk to-
    “Billy, it’s time for dinner!”
    So much for my camp out.

    by Cat on 02.15.2015
  7. We turned back after three hours, the snow was too deep, and we were losing our bearings. We had left a trail in the snow as we walked, but even that was now getting covered with fresh snow. We reached the camp just as it was getting dark. We would have to settle in for the night and hope there would be a search for us in the morning.

    by tonykeyesjapan on 02.15.2015
  8. Der Wind fuhr sanft über die Baumwipfel, die sich so weit über mir erstreckten, als wolle er ein schlafendes Kind streicheln, ohne es aufzuwecken. Vor mir glitzerte etwas Blaues, durch die Tannenzweige konnte man es zwar nicht sehen, vielleicht erahnen, doch ich wusste sofort, was es war.
    Der See.
    Ein schon seit Urzeiten festgelegter Teil des Camps.
    Ich konnte den Duft der Blumen, die sich auf der Wiese hinter den den Blockhütten ausbreiteten, riechen, er kroch mir direkt in die Nase. Und hinterließ ein seltsamen Gefühl der Geborgenheit, obwohl ich doch wusste, dass mein eigentliches Zuhause zig Kilometer entfernt von hier war.

    by Diney, yo. on 02.15.2015
  9. My names is Jacob Von. I want to register on this website to learn english. I wish to pass the review. Thank you very much.

    by Jacob on 02.15.2015
  10. She regretted not attending camp. If she had, her life would be different right. She would be successful at every test put before her and she would have no regrets.

  11. “We’re going camping?”
    “Yes, I told you this yesterday-”
    “But you know I hate nature! All the bugs and itchy grass and smells and everything!”
    “What are you talking about? We’re not going ‘real’ camping, I hate bugs! We’re just going to grandpa’s cabin in the woods!”
    “Oh. Well that’s okay then.”

    by Imaginings on 02.14.2015
  12. camp outside under the stars. love to see the moon big and bright. sky is dark blue and purple with little bright stars and planets. it’s the best time to just sit and look.

    by yyyy on 02.14.2015
  13. “I can’t go back to that camp! I’ll die out there!”

    Tanya’s mother sighed. “Honestly, dear, you are so hyperbolic.”

    “You think I’m kidding?” shrieked Tanya, her mouth agape and partially filled with peanut butter. “Last time I went, I almost drowned while canoeing, nearly got mauled by a bear when I went to the bathroom at night, and got poison oak so bad that I nearly went into shock! I will DEFINITELY die!”

    by Belinda Roddie on 02.14.2015
  14. I think camp might be a fun place to go. I would rather go camping with my family in a camper. A fire with s’mores would be fun while camping. I think I would enjoy camping.

    by Danielle on 02.14.2015
  15. I miss my time at camp. I miss my friends. I miss the care free nature of every thing. I miss them missing me. I know I’m the only one who still cares- the one sending forced post cards, trying to check in. I wish I wasnt forgotten.

    by Carolyn on 02.14.2015
  16. That first summer everything was great. The second, better than the first. The third, though, something happened that changed my life forever. I never went back to that camp, but it haunted me in my dreams for summers, winters, springs, and autumns later.

    by Jackson on 02.14.2015
  17. We went camping last summer in north Georgia. It was a weekend of drinking and smoking and building fires to cook on. It was a great time without a doubt. The nights were rough though since we didn’t have a good mat to sleep on though and on the last day it stormed pretty bad. We’re also fairly certain that a large wild animal was on our camp sight, probably eating the beans that we spilled from cooking drunk.

  18. Throughout living through their travels, they were shoved into some close quarters. The space between Leon snuggling up against Claude’s chest, breathing softly was as packed as it maybe, yet unforced.

    by DaKree on 02.14.2015
  19. I set up camp just outside my hometown,
    Waiting for the right moment to make my grand entrance,
    And blow their minds,
    The prodigal’s son,
    Returning like telepathy,
    Invading all senses,
    The choruses of women and hordes of men would pour from the bars quicker than the liquor that had brought them there in the first place,
    And I would be exalted.

    Just give me a second to prepare,
    To meet the empty ghost town of my memories.

  20. Boot camp, summer camp, fat camp, all this damn camps, trying to cram everyone together in a constricted environment, working together to achieve a goal, why can’t world leaders stop selling their souls and do the same? A government camp perhaps?

  21. two summers ago was one that i could never forget. I’ve always hated camp but that summer i fell head over heals in love. He was a counselor but neither one of us ever recognized the difference.

    by Ashley on 02.14.2015
  22. I camp out in your arms. They enclose me in a safe and warm environment where I can relax without worry. I have no reason to suspect that the cold winds will break through, I have to reason to worry that rain will wet my head, because you are a solid foundation and I will camp here for life and beyond.

  23. Wrong summer, wrong camp, she mused. Sometimes she liked to torture herself late at night, pondering over all of the “what-ifs” her mind could come up with. What if she had been at the camp a year earlier? What if she hadn’t gone at all? Would she be any happier now?

  24. Encamped in a wood, yet –
    there’s no cabin fever here.
    Just a reverberating string and the clickty keys.
    All my love to the soul who understands my ways.
    We’re off on a grand adventure after so many years away.

  25. “Camp here,” she said. “This is where the flowers bud and the future looms.”

    by piratica on 02.14.2015
  26. Enclosed and enslaved in this wilderness. They say it’s safe here, but I’ve never been fond of the uncontrollable external.

  27. Do you think it’s camp that I chronicled my entire experience or non-experience with Thor here, in increments, in increasingly dramatic increments, up until the end of time, when it could have been private and, maybe, somewhat less strange?

    by Ella Emma Em on 02.14.2015
  28. held on for so long
    myfiingers start to melt
    the tips are words I am speaking
    but they will never be real
    I will
    never touch a single

  29. Selena was exceedingly excited! Rolling over in bed the memory of what day it was leapt out at her! She could hardly contain herself as she imagined the long adventurous week that sweapt before her. The thrilling feeling

    by tracey on 02.14.2015
  30. She fell into the mud…my goodness what a camp that was! From the tantilising heat of the campfire each night to the hilarious antics of my camp co-conspirators. The mud well that was a long story which would

    by tracey on 02.14.2015
  31. idk c

  32. I went to the camp with my sister when I was six. She was twelve at the time so the troopers didn’t want us there. They called our parents and we got into big trouble. I will never forget the look on their faces when we came home.

    by Hazel on 02.14.2015
  33. i went to camp. sleepaway. i liked the word “sleepaway
    and i had always wanted to do it but it ended up being late, as are most things, like all those sats i never studied for and necver took.
    i went when i was 13.
    i liked it when i was 13, liked it less when i was 14, and hated it at 15.
    people at camp were always too much in love with me.
    everyone at camp was too much in love.

    by elie on 02.14.2015
  34. Der Wind fuhr sanft durch die Baumwipfel, als wollte er ein kleines Kind streicheln. Vor mir erstreckte sich ein tiefblauer See, in dem sich die Sonnenstrahlen brachen.
    Das Camp.

    by Diney on 02.14.2015
  35. Summer camp. The mere mention of these two word brought up so many painful memories. I cannot put in words the hatred and laothing I feel for that wretched camp.

    by pragati on 02.14.2015
  36. It was raining when they woke up. The water pelted the sides of the tents. Fortunately they had put up the tents before the storm, so it was dry inside. They had a day of hiking ahead of them, but Sandra just wanted to turn on her flashlight and spend the day reading.

    Someone unzipped the tent flap. Aaron poked his head in. “Rise and shine!”

    “Hasn’t anyone told you not to poke your head into the girls’ tent?”

    He put on his fake-contrite look. From the folds of his coat he produced a mug of coffee. “You’re welcome,” he said, as Sandra took it. He disappeared again but left the tent unzipped.

  37. He squatted outside her door, waiting with his head leaned back on the wall. It wasn’t weird that she was out…he just had kinda hope she would be there when he wound up on her doorstep. He should have called first, obviously. To top it off, it was raining, so he was soaked through.

    by Treblemaker on 02.14.2015
  38. I hated this stupid summer camp. My parents made me come every year, and every year it got worse. I was tall for my age, and skinny. My hair, which had never seen the inside of a beauty parlor, reached down to my hips. And it was a brilliant shade of blue.

    by BreBre on 02.14.2015
  39. I climb up the tree,
    happy as can be,
    staring down,
    at the camp sight.

    The mother,
    the father,
    the big
    brother and sister.

    It is foreign,
    it is strange,
    I have never witnessed
    a time of such range.

  40. The tent is pitched,
    the food is hidden,
    we have a dark sky,
    a good time is ridden.

    My father,
    my sister,
    my mother,
    my brother.

    All of us,
    right together,
    in front of the fire,
    as light as a feather.