
September 18th, 2023 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “brood”

  1. I don’t know this word. Why do you always show me that. My writing skill isn’t so good so i wanna improve myself.

  2. I don’t know this word. In my life I didn’t care about improving my English. I regreted about it now But I believe that if I study hard and keep going everything is going to well.

    Omer Faruk
  3. The brood of vicious vengeful opponents went after the man after they realized he would be selected for the vacant position within the prestigious organization. Jealously and envy propagated their hearts when a more qualified candidate was selected.

  4. moody think feel sulk sit art sad angry walk run act silence quiet consider reflect renew predict plan scheme fantasize argue

    John Smith
  5. The cat is sleeping behind my computer. She had gone missing for the past week, and returned today dirty and tired. She returned so she could brood over the bad things which may have happened so she can re-charge. When she has awakened, she’ll go out and do the same things again while she is out exploring. I wish I could see into her head – where she has gone and what she has done.

  6. there were so many children. an entire brood of them. they were coughing, sweating, feverish and sick. what happened? where were their parents? who did this, and why? the answer can never be known, for this brood of children will be the last they ever see.

  7. To sit in anger. To sit in spite. Recently, I’ve noticing how someone in my life is a trigger for me. The moment I think of them, I get angry. I could be thinking about something happy, and suddenly I find a way to incorporate them in my life. I’m not an angry person but I can help but brood when I think of this person. I could do better.
