
May 24th, 2011 | 624 Entries

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624 Entries for “booth”

  1. Edwin saw the giant dinosaur breathing fire at the building tops, stomping on buses and cars. He knew he had to act, change into his alter ego, Capableman, and save the day. Tugging at his necktie and unbuttoning his top shirt button as he ran along the sidewalk, dodging debris, he asked a blithe rollerblader, “Hey, where is the nearest telephone booth?”

    Bambi pulled out her earbuds and cracked her chewing gum. “Ain’t none of those anymore. Ya wanna use my cell?”

  2. I sat across from you, over our cups of coffee and an ashtray full of cigarette butts and I knew.

    by Tennille Bozarth on 05.24.2011
  3. a candy stand in a parking lot, a place at the movie theatre, the farmer’s market on saterday morning and a train car on the tracks. A lemonade stand and someone selling stuff for school. tooth fairies and rhymes

    by Freedom on 05.24.2011
  4. booths are hard to find these days, with cell phone running the world and our society in general. Phones have become an accessory to us as a whole, a crucial piece of our day to day lives. There is no room left for the fifty cent phones on main street, we the consumers have exterminated them for good. For good or for worse, these are the facts. Am I the only one who thinks that we need to slow down?

    by Zoe LI on 05.24.2011
  5. Booth: A booth can be a table booth. Or a photo booth. Or a traveling time machine disguised as a telephone booth. But what ever this booth it can symbolize so much, depending on the persons point of view.

    by Noelle on 05.24.2011
  6. The booth. IT is an evil invention. It contains people who sell rip off movie tickets and the word even associates with John Wilkes BOOTH, the man who killed a great President. The booth makes us uncomfortable at restaurants when we know there are six people but we somehow believe that we can fit into that 4 seater booth at Applebees. The booth is not our friend but a confinement. Run to a desk or round table, that is where reality takes place.

  7. We slid in. Next to each other. He held my leg like he did it always and we’d just met. It was remarkable. And we talked and talked like there was no one else in the room. But there was. There were people everywhere. All of NYC was around us and it didn’t matter. And it didn’t.

    by L on 05.24.2011
  8. I visited London for the first time in 2008 and had my classic pic in the bright red phone booth in Westminster. I loved it. I felt as though I were in another world. A world I was meant to be in my entire life. I felt free. I felt like me, the me I’ve always wanted to be. I want to go back. I want to feel like that again.

    by Siobhan on 05.24.2011
  9. I stood at the booth and bought gifts for my parents. They don’t need anything really. Especially not more scented soaps. Too often they fill their space with things they don’t need and wonder why there’s no space to talk to each other.

    by aly m. on 05.24.2011
  10. Creaking. Old, dark wood. The familiar smells of dust and literature surround you. A haven.

    by S on 05.24.2011
  11. If tooth is to teeth, why isn’t the plural of booth beeth?
    Unfortunately, the world just doesn’t work that way.
    Who uses telephone booths (beeth) these days, anyways?
    Poor, poor Superman.

  12. The booth is an evil thing. it confines people to selling rip off movie tickets and makes them uncomfortable at dining places. John Wilkes Booth was evil. Its an association that sucks!

  13. There was only one booth left open at the restaurant for us to sit in. It was crowded and congested. Neither of us really wanted to be here. But, the inevitable truth of our ending relationship was coming. Neither of us wanted to admit it though. Neither of us wanted to admit that somehow we had fallen completely and utterly out of love with each other.

    by Abigail DaWalt on 05.24.2011
  14. The photo booth with my friends. One of the best memories I have from when I was 15 and one of the only memories I still have documentation for stuck to my make-up smudged mirror. Looking over this Photograph of me and 3 of my friends stuffed into this card-board boxed size photobooth, I miss the simple days where everything seemed so simple and we lived for the moment.

    by Kelly on 05.24.2011
  15. All I can think of is that toll booth workers are supposed to have one of the highest suicide rates of any job. I always thought it would be cool to be alone in a booth all day. i suppose ‘m strange.

  16. Booth is a shooter with sweet cotton candy teeth and a bright yellow jacket. His top hat sparkles in the stage lights and his handle-bar mustache is thick with syrup.

  17. There is this show called bones. In this show, there is this FBI agent named booth he isnt so much of a tool. he wears colorful socks to stick it to the man, even thought, technically he is the man..weird huh? also its a form of seat. bob is cool.

    by bob on 05.24.2011
  18. the tollbooth phantom, booths in restaurants, an olde-time restaurant where the smoke lingers in the crowd and the people talk in a southern twang, a showdown between two cowboys, man i’m random much

    by Megan Meyer on 05.24.2011
  19. the dunking booth was the loudest place at the fair. the kids lined up in hopes that their fave teachers, or least favorite, would sink to the bottom of the tub.

    by nicole on 05.24.2011
  20. Sitting on the red plastic of the booth, eager hands stretched across the cool linoleum of the table top. Joined together, conversing of love, of happiness and most importantly, of pizza :D

  21. The booth was dark, damp, and smelled of a combination of popcorn and pee. It didn’t matter; all she could smell was mac’s smokey cologne as they posed for picture after picture. Silly ones, kissy ones, deadpan expressions– they spent their last four dollars making memories.

    by Chris on 05.24.2011
  22. i see myself now, sitting there, crouched, by the dim light. but i’m always in a telephone booth. i’ve always been disgusted by public areas, but this will suffice. i lift the receiver, begin to dial. i’m always dialing for you. the gentle click of acquiescence, and the ringing. i wait for the low grumble of your voice, and it gives me that old rush of comfort.

  23. The linen was black, thick. It hung from every window and haunted every viewer. It masked the truth. The silver barrel dared to go between those thick curtains, aiming.

    by Emily on 05.24.2011
  24. If only I had known what would happen when I took a step inside that Mall of America photo booth. I would never have even gotten out of bed that Saturday. Who would have known that Crusty Roger would be waiting inside for me, breathing through his mouth and smiling as if he’d just won a yacht or something.

  25. Myra ran along Madison Avenue. “Crap!” she cried. “There just aren’t any.” She ducked into an alley, shrugged off her backpack, and pulled out a swath of purple material. Next came black boots, purple leggings and a black leather vest. The alley’s resident rats looked on while she transformed from mild-mannered museum curator to Victory Girl. She repacked and hid her backpack behind a dumpster. “Damn,” she sighed. “What I wouldn’t give for a good ol’ fashioned phone booth.”

    by Izolda on 05.24.2011
  26. train booth. plane booth. hot air balloon. diner booth. There’s a couple sitting there. Sharing a milkshake. cliche? Maybe. But how many of you thought of that when you saw the word booth?

  27. movie

    by katie on 05.24.2011
  28. Alone, sitting
    Wait for someone
    Alone in the booth
    Where to go now?
    Loneliness in the booth
    The four walls
    The only boundaries
    She held the quarters
    Hands shaking
    Pictures tonight
    Would be pictures alone
    Photo booth; alone

    by Ellis Porter on 05.24.2011
  29. Stepping out of the dimly lit booth was the guy they had been following. The man walked out of the cafe making meaningful eye contact with the federal agents he knew were following him. They two agents moved together to follow him pulling handguns out as they walked.

  30. booth he ran in work clothes came out a maraichi, a phone booth! like clark kent comic panels n shiiit, like 3

    by corinna on 05.24.2011
  31. A table in a restaurant where two people sit together to get to know each other while out on a date, possibly, or with family, if you’re into formalities. I, personally, don’t like booths. They’re boring and cramped. Tables are more efficient.

    by Katelyn on 05.24.2011
  32. was weird. He hated smells. He hated places. everything was distant. even the booth he had his over-sized ass on, was so cold; and distant. He felt like a cold bum.

  33. I thought one word was the ‘one word’ but it turns out it was not the one word was ‘booth’ This is interesting. What is the whole idea. Can someone tell me ?

    by Achal on 05.24.2011
  34. I sat at the booth. It waas bizarrely bright, red for some reason. the others were all nice colours, muted and pastels. I wondered why, but not for long. HE sat down opposite me and my breath caught. As it always does. I doin’t know why he has the effect on me he does, but i’m not complaining.

    by Danni on 05.24.2011
  35. One word ..the only word is silence ..that has always been and will always be and is enough to communicate only if you know ..if you know how to listen to your heart …Silence is eternal and silence is golden.

    by Achal on 05.24.2011
  36. A seat like a couch but two chairs squished together
    Milkshakes in a diner
    Two eyes locked on one another
    Between them
    The glass with two straws
    Young love
    The booth

  37. the toll booth keeps asking me for money, and this website cannot think of another word but “booth?”

    by Kim on 05.24.2011
  38. I watched the movie “The Phonebooth” back in the 8th grade with Jon Lake. I don’t remember the movie, we didn’t really watch it. That’s where all the bad stuff I am today started. All with watching a movie at 4 in the morning.

    by Wanting To Go Back on 05.24.2011
  39. art fair booth. cozy down home resturant booth, romantic last name of friend. rhymes with tooth

    by n on 05.24.2011
  40. It was a cloudy day. Mary noticed the first drops of rain as she walked home from work. Thunder hammered overhead, and getting soaked to the bone, she took shelter in a nearby phone booth. By the she had wiped the water from her eyes, the phone began to ring.

    by Alycia on 05.24.2011