
September 10th, 2009 | 388 Entries

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388 Entries for “blossom”

  1. Blossom is a term given to the flowers of stone fruit trees (genus Prunus) and of some other plants with a similar appearance that flower profusely but for a short period of time in the spring. Blossoms are either pink or white depending on the species or variety. Nectarine blossoms, peach blossoms, most cherry blossoms, and some almond blossoms are usually pink. Plum blossoms, apple blossoms, some cherry blossoms, and most almond blossoms are white.

    Blossoms provide pollen to pollinators such as bees, and initiate cross-pollination necessary for the trees to reproduce by producing fruit.

    Blossom trees have a tendency to lose their flower petals in wind blown cascades often covering the surrounding ground in petals. This attribute tends to distinguish blossom trees from other flowering trees.

    by DK on 09.11.2009
  2. floewe3r growth imagination burst bomb danthus garden weeds mpeiople blowing storm wind seeds hooks dreams ability to grow babies girls dresses mfears rterror trees fruit mjam spices kjcurries pickles sausages cooking courage fear colours rainbow rain sotrm

    by on 09.11.2009
  3. to bloom, to become, to shine – often the result of truly being seen.

    by kristie on 09.11.2009
  4. penis hunger spasms uncontrollable figures of speech

    by beavis on 09.11.2009
  5. awesome.

    by jasminleistreet on 09.11.2009
  6. Like the first spring blooms,
    I blossom!

    by zizizit on 09.11.2009
  7. Like the first spring blooms,
    I blossom!

    by zizizit on 09.11.2009
  8. Flower blossoms i love to watch
    And await the fluttering of the butterflies
    Another Blossom I know is from the Powerpuff girls
    fighting Mojo Jojo!
    Go Powerpuff girls!!
    Woo hoo!

    by Sowmiya on 09.11.2009
  9. Flowers blossom…everything blossoms.

    by on 09.11.2009
  10. Jane thought that she was destined to be the class frump forever. It took one person to alter her view of herself, and the world she inhabited. In the beginning, the change was for the better. Her confidence grew and she blossomed into

    by Donna on 09.11.2009
  11. The blossom waits, folded within the cloak of maybe. It presses its silken ear against the walls and listens for the whistle of Spring, when it will burst forth like a rowdy player on Homecoming Night, smashing through the banner held by shouting cheerleaders, the banner that reads GO FIGHT WIN this cycle of becoming lovely and withering soon.

    by Brian Slusher on 09.11.2009
  12. flowers grass field meadow air breeze sunnydays summer happyness love fruit black and white

    by trey on 09.11.2009
  13. The young man deftly wandered throughout the field of blooming blossoms. The blossoms caressed his feet, hands and nipples; bringing him to a state of arousal like no other. The blossoms engulfed him, bringing him to a state of ecstasy, ensuring his continued happiness for aeons to come.

    by Scott on 09.11.2009
  14. The word blooms in your mind like a flower waiting to be born. It reminds you of love, laughter and children. It also makes you think of blood, hope and destruction. For nothing can blossom unless something else is lost.

    by shivani_mohta@yahoo, on 09.11.2009
  15. life is always blossoming i dont get it

    by on 09.11.2009
  16. flower that can be red or blue…romance starting from this flower…it all started with a rain of blossoms as the two were walking down the alley

    by dani on 09.11.2009
  17. flowering spring with smells that brings back memories of childhood, early morning tea on the porch, sunday walks by the sea and of course my mothers garden – early april!

    by Victoria on 09.11.2009
  18. The cherry blossoms all line up against the blue sky, which is just starting to settle into the cerulean blue that comes right before sunset. The air is crisp and as the wind blows, it swirls petals into the air, and I am at peace.

    by hugarbol on 09.11.2009
  19. is a beautiful thing that flowers from a tree a blossom tree it also reminds me of anime and sakura some blossoms are pink and white we have lots in our yard and one in partcular that is just outside the door of the back of our house it is very pretty and drops floe

    by sebastian trew on 09.11.2009
  20. spring bursts forth delicate flowers in my living room lillies for a funeral white and black dresses undresses changes for a function smiling and tears tears paper paper cut bleeding for love

    by Gale on 09.11.2009
  21. spring / light / james taylor song / poetry / warmth / pink / soft / time running out …

    by paul loebig on 09.11.2009
  22. petals falling like snow on the ground, blowing in the wind, snow in springtime. makes the heart sing with the coming of the new spring. baby pinks and whites – fluffy clouds on trees new growth and new fresh flowers for the year to come.

    by jennyb on 09.11.2009
  23. springtime, pink and fluffy. Flurry from the trees. Cherry blossom. ballerina skirts and fairy dresses. pretty and girlie. gone too soon and looks so sad when its wet

    by Juju on 09.11.2009
  24. I watched the fire blossom within the bowels of the building and let a small satisfied smirk cross my lips. This would prove a point, if nothing else. Prove that the customer is always right. This would prove that banana flavouring is NOT banana and should not be put in a banana smoothie. I put the remote detonator in my pocket and walked away, whistling a jaunty tune.

    by Damo on 09.11.2009
  25. flowers and women in love and lit and all the things in between like DH Lawrence and Ursula and Birkin and Gerald and Gudrun and the MAREEEEEE

    by Nikolas on 09.11.2009
  26. Cherry blossoms trees looking pretty along the roadside but a shame it’s still cold. Much prefer summer, sitting outside reading a book in the blazing sunshine. Hate winter. Hate the cold. Do blossoms appear in the spring? My general knowledge is crap. They look nice on the trees and on the road with all the petals on the ground.

    by Cathy on 09.11.2009
  27. Like the flower in Spring; soft, gentle, young. Yet sometimes a bud can be distorted, a contrasting reflection.
    Such is hypocracy – the showing of a side one has, then replacing with another, much uglier face. The twisted bud of Spring, where it should be in Fall, thus dead in Winter.

    by Samantha on 09.11.2009
  28. The rose bud blossoms.
    After all that frost comes the sunlight.
    To reach deep within its enclosure.
    Oh what a beautiful thing.

    by Oreo on 09.10.2009
  29. A flower! it blossoms all year long the pretiest flower of all people are even named by them. a blosom if i had to pick rose, daisy, or blosson i would for sure pick blossom

    by May on 09.10.2009
  30. High in the sky, but below normal, let’s breathe easy. Together now.

    by dork on 09.10.2009
  31. flowers blossom in the spring. humans blossom as well when they mature from their childhood.

    by hc on 09.10.2009
  32. Oh to blossom. I have blossomed into a beautiful woman in the past couple months. I like to watch a romance blossom and even the flowers blossom. I remember watching blossom on tv… don’t think that was the name of it tho… I don’t remember. Ahhhh Spring…

    by Rachel on 09.10.2009
  33. When blossom occurs it is a description of nature in itself. All things blossom and then they expire into nothingness, as if things never occured. To blossom is to grow efficiently with accordance to nature.

    by Nosh on 09.10.2009
  34. Cherry blossoms bloom in the spring, bringing the peace and beauty of nature to the world. The pink petals swirl and flutter down to the earth, following the wisps of wind on their long journey throughout cities and towns.

    by jenni on 09.10.2009
  35. Blossom.
    How can I do so
    If you hold me ransom
    Box me in and limit who I’m to become
    Let me be one with myself
    let me grow
    let me show that I too can blossom.

    by Oliviashanaye. on 09.10.2009
  36. there is a amazingly pretty blossom. It is purple with a hint of pink. There are hundreds of them all floating freely in the wind with out a care or problem in their world. They dance merrily around the winds gales, and swish back and forth up and down.

    by Rj on 09.10.2009
  37. beauty, in your face, all over it.

    by sarah on 09.10.2009
  38. One of the Powerpuff Girls. My favorite one is Bubbles :) she is so cute and funny and childish like me writing this stupid phrase.

    by Adela on 09.10.2009
  39. Wasn’t that a tv show at one point? Wasn’t that like early ninety’s or something? Also a powerpuff girl and relates to flowers blossoming in the spring. I guess it can also pertain to someone blossoming into puberty. Though that sounds a bit perverted.

    by on 09.10.2009
  40. Blossom like th flowers in the spring. this represents all people souls and how they are effected by the seasons. the sun is needed to make things blossom and the suns energy regulates all that lives around us. Love blossoms, flowers blossom, wisdom blossoms with age. Everything is relevant and all makes sense certain times of the year.

    by Anna on 09.10.2009