
January 22nd, 2024 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “bloom”

  1. A red bloom, all by itself in a world no other bloom could grow. Desolate soil, crumbling earth, not a drop of water to be found. Yet the red bloom grew ever gracefully and stood proud atop it’s arid surroundings to grace the desolate world with it’s beauty.

  2. POW!!! BAM!!! WOW!!! Oooooh… Ahhhhhh… All the bugs looking up at the show.

  3. The flowers burst sometimes, closed at night and then falling forward all spread out to slather themselves with sunshine. But some creep slowly, petal by petal, “Is it ok? Am I safe? Are you sure?” tiptoeing into the world softly, till you turn around and there they are, twiddling their thumbs in the corner. “Oooh” and “ahh” gently. They have fought long to get here.

  4. Bloom. A word described to see the astonishment; waving at you in the air, which grabs your ultimate attention, and your interest. This is a word used to describe beauty as well. For instance, a girl

    by oiuhgv on 01.22.2024
  5. Finally after all this time, she figured out what she needed to do. Water. Sunlight. Good vibes. It was time for her to bloom. Every year. The same thing. Perennial..

  6. In my great aunt’s garden there are bloomers on the ground and bloomers on the washing line.

    by Solar Flare on 01.22.2024
  7. the blooming of the flowers gave her new hope, as she sat underneath the bush and watched the scene below. She wasn’t sure about what she was seeing – were those children being held captive? Before she realized that she was watching a school and children playing, as if they were also flowers in bloom.

    by Chanpheng on 01.22.2024