
December 26th, 2009 | 190 Entries

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190 Entries for “blinds”

  1. I like to peek out at the world from behind the blinds. I have the opportunity to play a ‘silent observer’ to the beauty of life. It is most fun to discover the fun in life that way. I do it often. I like to hide and see others happy.

    by The Butterfly on 12.27.2009
  2. The blinds were pulled down as far as I could get them. They couldn’t be any more useless. They didn’t help. They didn’t block out the horror that waited for me right outside that window. The darkness in the room was just a facade as to what was really out there.

    by Trinity King on 12.27.2009
  3. blinds cover the windows from the light coming in to show you the daytime.
    blinds are drawn to keep people’s eyes from wondering into your living space.
    blinds can be pulled upwards to shower your area with light and sunshine or to show you the rain.

    by margie on 12.27.2009
  4. I feel bad for the blinds. They arguably have it worse than the deafs and the mutes.

    by P Duggy on 12.27.2009
  5. White. They keep the sun out of your house. They get dirty very easily though and they are a hassle to clean.

    by Michelle on 12.27.2009
  6. He watched her through the blinds, she felt his eyes on her. She wanted to reach out and touch him, but the cold glass kept them apart. He didn’t want to speak to her. Just see her one last time. The cold waters were calling him, the bridge was just high enough. He kept telling himself he was doing the right thing..

    by Symantha on 12.27.2009
  7. Coming around the corner the sun blinds me and I need to raise my hand in front of my eyes to see the traffic light, pedestrians and traffic. Watch carefully. Each motion can have such life changing consequences.

    by Elizabeth on 12.27.2009
  8. window door pie people dogs animals humans civilization door through look
    light doors glasses sunglasses shine through light light dust dirt filth seen scene blind men dogs seeing eye dogs

    by Koyve on 12.27.2009
  9. The light seeped through the blinds, casting horizontal shadows across the pillows and the bed. She tossed and turned as the sun hit her eyes until she finally rose, accidentally kicking the sleeping cat next to her.

    by Kayleigh on 12.27.2009
  10. I am sitting newt to a window on which there are blinds. They are white and bright. Although I am not a fan of how they contribute to the room’s decor, they do their job in obstructing light!

    by ____________ on 12.27.2009
  11. Window blinds are a wonderful way to enhance your home’s decor. With a plethora of options, you may find yourself spending many hours finding the perfect blinds. A tip to shoppers, look online and find websites to compare prices with

    by EddieStarr on 12.27.2009
  12. The physical barrier which halts attention. Hide away behind it. It provides security, from the physical and much else. A blind to stop you from seeing…

    by Crompton on 12.27.2009
  13. I opened the blinds in the morning to see piles of snow outside. It finally came! This winter has seemed so bleak without any snow – I can’t even believe it’s the week of Christmas. It looks pretty, certainly, but all I can think about is the terrible traffic I’ll encounter at the mall.

    by Rachel. on 12.27.2009
  14. home
    never work.
    blinds to go

    by kevin on 12.27.2009
  15. story goes like this, sun enter through my blinds from my window, outsides i see a bunch of people they all must be blind since they walk through each other with no capacity to see each other feelings

    by on 12.27.2009
  16. that weird recall of blinds after like 50 years of them being in stores? what’s up with that?

    by jayse rae on 12.27.2009
  17. blinds are raggedy in this house, they have bends and twists and gaps where litlle men, tompeepers, can glance at us after we come out of the shower. i am not going to pay for new ones though. this is not my house. i could care less.

    by e on 12.27.2009
  18. i love blinds they keep the sun out of my face and keep the glare off of my computer screen. blinds blinds blinds. they are sometimes annoying when my mom yells at me to close them every night but it’s so the neighbors cant see into our house. stalkers.

    by on 12.27.2009
  19. blinds??? that is what folks have on their eyes in society. isn’t it???

    by on 12.27.2009
  20. Very hard to see.No one can really understand how others feel. Like the blind people for example.World would be different if we are blind. No light . Cherish the gifts we have in our life.

    by Leon zephyr on 12.27.2009
  21. blinds

    by on 12.27.2009
  22. i can’t do it! what do i write! i don’t know! blinds, people led by a walking dog, seeing eye dog? blinds, like shades! aah its turning red!

    by robin on 12.27.2009
  23. i closed the blinds tightly and took in a deap breathe. there was someone out there and i knew that. i could hear the whispers. i wanted to call for my mom and dad but i didnt in fear of them hearing me and coming in. i didnt know what to do. i sat in a ball under my window and waited.

    by Miranda on 12.27.2009
  24. i saw them in the store. i needed new ones and i had a newborn baby. i asked the clerk which ones were the safest for a new born baby, he said as long as none were right by the baby’s crib, they were all safe. so i didnt put any by the crib and i picked my favorite ones.

    by yaya on 12.27.2009
  25. Before I went off to college, I never drew the blinds. It was always cool and dark outside my window, with only the stars and the moon to light the tops of the trees.

    Then I moved away, and light was everywhere. Streetlights, lamplight from other people’s rooms, it all shone into my window and so, for the first time, I drew them and closed myself off from the night.

    by Jackie on 12.27.2009
  26. i saw them in the store. i needed new ones and i had a newborn baby. i asked the clerk which ones were the safest for a new born baby, he said as long as none were right by the baby’s crib, they were all safe. so i didnt put any by the crib and i picked my favorite ones.

    by yaya on 12.27.2009
  27. something to hide from the world with. seeing nothing. black, hating the world. ignorance. decorative. what the hell can i write more? it

    by Johanna on 12.27.2009
  28. He nudged the curtains aside to peek out the window, eyes darting back and forth suspiciously.
    “Would you stop doing that?” I snapped, nursing my twisted ankle. “No one’s been around here for years – it’s a ghost town. They’ll never think to look for us here.”
    “Right,” he said, unbelieving.

    by Rachael on 12.27.2009
  29. close the blinds and stay with me in bed for another few hours. let’s pretend the night is just beginning over again and dance between the sheets.

    by sup broski on 12.27.2009
  30. why would you ever think the same of me? our thoughts are deep, yet i’m never certain about you

    by aimo on 12.27.2009
  31. The blinds in my room are white and made of wood, at least I think it’s wood, though perhaps they are fake wood. On the big glass doors on the other side of my room there are no blinds, only a white curtain that does not keep quite so much of the world out, seemingly, as I can easily push the curtains apart. What is it that makes us want to keep the world out in our rooms?

    by on 12.27.2009
  32. yo fuck blinds. i can never get them to work. either i pull the string down too hard, or the the string doesn’t move at all. the kind that you have to pull down yourself SUCK too. i mean, they never stop where you want them to. fuck that, man.

    by blindsr4devils on 12.27.2009
  33. blinds help me to filter light. I prefer lots of light so blinds are always open here. I really have no idea why i have them at all since they are always open. I guess if I ever wanted privacy which is not ordinary i could close them

    by chalupa on 12.27.2009
  34. this one time, my mom and I had to put up blinds. BUt, she had abosolutely no idea how to do it (thouhg, i’ll admit, neither did I). Together, we spent over two hours testing different tubes and bolts, different shpes to differetnt sizes.

    by JMASTR on 12.27.2009
  35. there are lots of miniblinds in the crappy apartment I moved into. They really don’t cover much of anything as far as the windows are concerned. It’s just all fucking sunlight all the time. And they are a bitch to clean. I hate them. I want them gone. I can’t tear them down because I’m renting the place.

    Did I mention my life is

    by Jake on 12.27.2009
  36. One time I was watching Carrot Top and he made a pretty funny joke using some blinds. I recall thinking, “wow, that was so far the only joke that made me laugh audibly.” Then I got to thinking about how flawed stand-up comedy is. You only laugh if there are others around you that are laughing. Funny movies, on the other hand, make you laugh out loud a bunch. Like Airplane. Airplane is awesome.

    by Keaton. on 12.27.2009
  37. seeing matters but depth increases for the blind and blinders abound in life during times of contrast looking into the future I see the blinds removed from my life as I deliberately create my own life and being existing without blinds is a good thing . all is well and I am loved for being.

    by Aligned1 on 12.27.2009
  38. I wish I had blinds on my windows. But my dog ate them. Now I only have sheets covering my windows. Because I’m too cheap to buy curtains. I think they are something no one needs.

    by AMBELLINA on 12.27.2009
  39. Well, blinds are something pretty funky. They cover windows, but not the whole window. You decide how much light to let in. Something about blinds are philosophic. You decide how much light to let into your life. If you’re feeling down, you close them tightly shut. If you’re feeling happy, you leave them open and let the daylight into the room.

    by Rachel Arielle on 12.27.2009
  40. came over my head trough the space to finish to be drunk by the oters

    by CC on 12.27.2009