
May 8th, 2011 | 449 Entries

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449 Entries for “birth”

  1. The birth started like any other. The groaning, moaning and breathing. All rhythmic. I wish I could have seen what lay ahead.

    by Wayne on 05.08.2011
  2. I was renewed. The birth of the last soldier was beginning, and I told myself that the end was coming. A birth that would begin the end, I repeated to myself. The prophecy would fulfill itself and the world would realize it. The kingdom needed this, but more than anything else, I needed this.
    “That’s it!” I heard the doctor yell. “That’s it!”
    The crowd outside made me nervous. I was going to die today. They’d made that clear enough. But I wasn’t going without getting the new soldier here first.
    I pushed.

  3. complicated

    by g on 05.08.2011
  4. I wish I could remember when I was born. Today could be like a rebirth. I want to be reborn. But hopefully remember it this time. I want to remember why i was reborn in this first place. Change is good. Life is good.

    by CloakedGirl on 05.08.2011
  5. One day, I will be a mother and I too, will celebrate today. I will celebrate the day I gave birth to my child and held them in my arms for the very first time. Perhaps tears will drench my face the first time I celebrate being a mother. Only time will tell.

    by No on 05.08.2011
  6. “I’ve spent my whole life thinking about other people and doing things for them. I need to do something for me, ” I had started out strong, but my last words came out small and weak. “So…I guess this means we can’t do this–” he waved his hand from himself to me. “I guess so. I can’t waste any more of my time. If you’re not completely ready–which I know you’re not, but you won’t admit–I just can’t do this. Hell, I’m not even ready.” I looked down, and he shuffled his feet.

  7. Every human life begins with birth and ends with death. Both are miracles in their own right, and yet one is beautiful and one is horrible. Why is birth something to talk about and enjoy while death is a topic to be avoided?

    by River on 05.08.2011
  8. Birth, sometimes I wish I had never been gifted the “luxury” of birth. Birth seems like such a terribly odd thing. You were once safe and cozy, curled up amongst your mother’s warm insides, only to be spit out into a cold cruel world. A cold cruel world, filled with empathetic ignorant followers.

    by Maddison Woody on 05.08.2011
  9. Today is mother’s day. I thank my mother for giving birth to me, for caring about me through all my years of living, and for all the little things she done for me, as well as the big things. I love her. I would die for my mother, of die if she had died, too.

    by Leah on 05.08.2011
  10. babies growing and beginning a new life. messy for most animals and humans. celebrating birthdays and having parties.

    by Charly on 05.08.2011
  11. It’s painful and bloody and unpleasant and for some reaosn the human body doesn’t want women to notice or remember any of this so it makes the female forget that it was at all painful. This in itself is a bit sneaky and, in my personal opinion, makes birth an even more horrible experience and it is sort of like torture – you didn’t know it was going to be this painful

    by Ellie on 05.08.2011
  12. gave birth a wide breadth, a wide breath, a yawn, a space to hold your fear, round, damp, gave birth in a dream, a dream where fears are concrete

  13. babies. pain. great and terrible.

  14. child birth, reliving, forgiveness, coming into the world new and bright. fresh and clean with a world of possibilitiees awaiting you. when we are born we have a lifetime of chances ahead.

    by Sydney on 05.08.2011
  15. not for a few years yet pal

    by stacey on 05.08.2011
  16. birth; how cliche.

    by mallory on 05.08.2011
  17. i was born on the 15th of november 1991 i was an easy birth my mother told me and i have had an easy life i love my family. my mum is called kathryn and my dads called andrew there happily married and i have two siblings one 23 sister and one 16 brother .

    by isabel maclaren on 05.08.2011
  18. I want to be able to give birth. I have always loved children and I have even chosen my profession based on children. Recently I have found out that I cannot give birth and it highly upsets me. I just really want to be able to have babies, and I don’t want to adopt. I want to be able to say that its my baby, not someone elses, that I care for. Its different when its your child.

    by bailey wilson on 05.08.2011
  19. baby. That’s all.

    by casey on 05.08.2011
  20. One new person was born today. I dont know them, but they were born. The process of birth is very beautiful and exciting. Have you ever watched a baby kick in the womb? Ahh, beautiful. Birth birth birth birth….

    by k. m. on 05.08.2011
  21. most complicated moment ever. Dark. Light spot. Wet. Out. What else? Off we go. A wait comes to an end. Here we are.

    by Julio on 05.08.2011
  22. the beginning of life

    by natacha on 05.08.2011
  23. the birth was soft and calm and full of triumph in her face the strains of the moment grew so great that they transcended time and space. when it was over it was too quiet in the room and the nurse hummed a little song. the baby did not cry. the baby was asleep. it slept through the whole birth and it was alive and breathing air and it didn’t even notice.

    by Eurydice on 05.08.2011
  24. The day I was born my daddy held me loosely in his arms while I pointed one sassy finger in his face, letting him know I was the one in control and he better do as I say. My mama says things haven’t changed since and, you know, I don’t think they have either.

  25. i come into the world wailing wailing wailing naked wailing afraid
    i am new
    i am new
    He makes all things new
    what a wonder
    what a miracle
    she is born
    a miracle she is born
    she would not have been here if i didn’t leave that place
    i’m so happy
    she is born
    what a miracle

    by Hanah on 05.08.2011
  26. She thought back to the day she was born, and how everyone must have celebrated so enthusiastically. She looked back now and wondered if thy ever imagined her life would turn out this way. She wondered if they imagined she would be this great. This important.

  27. That night was the night of her birth, or rather, her re-birth as someone new who took what she wanted and wasn’t afraid. She had seized the moment and done what she wanted. Even if it wasn’t perfect.

  28. starting, not renewing, but the very first chance at awareness and life and conciousness connecting to the physical world. The union of spirit and body and the chance for life. Pain beauty.

  29. Birth is a natural part of life. Birth and death are one and the same part of a natural cycle which keeps everything in balance. Except when it doesnt. Except when the birth of life exceeds the death of it. There is more beginnin thean there is ending

    by Kelsey on 05.08.2011
  30. The birth of my daughter can never be wiped from my memory. She is perfect

    by Dan Cayzer on 05.08.2011
  31. The happiest day in your life. A new beginning. The world turns into a new place with the birth of every creature- plant, or an animal. Rejuvenation of the beauty!

    by Paulina on 05.08.2011
  32. Well, since it’s Mothers Day, birth reminds me of my birth, and the amazing woman who carried me. All mom’s are amazing, no matter what anyone says, cuz carrying something for 9 months, then pushing it out, drugs or no drugs, to me is like the most amazing thing a person can do.

  33. I can see it in the way your pail green eyes sparkle under the summer sun. You’re ready. You’re ready to leap into this relationship that will torment everything and give birth to all these things that people will soon hate about you. hate about your pale green eyes and your thin hands.

  34. I’ve been present at one. My best friend. I can honestly say it was amazing. She was less than thrilled, but I was awestruck as her little girl was wide-eyed and looking around before she’d even completely left her mother’s body.

    by ruth on 05.08.2011
  35. When I was born I could remember everything. I don’t know why, I just could. What happened, other than my ability to remember it, that was strange was I was not taken home by my parents, I was taken by strange beings. Aliens.


    by Nelson on 05.08.2011
  37. My mother gave birth to me on December 2 1993 and she tells me it was one of the most amazing days of her life. I think birth is an amazing thing and I cannot wait for the feeling I will have when I give birth to my first child. Birth is the natural process in which we as people can create and bring new life into this world and put our thoughts into it.

    by Jessica Olin on 05.08.2011
  38. From birth we are all embedded with a natural sense of right and wrong. This sense of right and wrong is molded by your parents throughout the early stages of your life, helping you develop your morals. Some people grow up and disregard these morals, but others keep the same ones throughout their life.

    by Charlotte on 05.08.2011
  39. taurus, born to the fresh morning sun.. no one sewems to stop me im a bull.. running, fighting. im comforted by natures gracful hold, plants and insects live near my presence, wind blowing, mind blowing

    by rae on 05.08.2011
  40. sometimes when dogs and cats are born they live for a little bit and then they will die. it is the worst thing in the world. except for when people die. that is even worse. dogs and cats are sad too though. really sad. i dont know what i will do when my dog dies. i will cryyy

    by rivus on 05.08.2011