
September 17th, 2010 | 120 Entries

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120 Entries for “becomes”

  1. laughter becomes you, the man with the rude manners interrupted Angel again. ever the lady, she quietly excused herself; they had not, after all, been properly introduced.

    She exited the park and headed for her carriage. the footman opened the door for her, and held out his hand to assist. from the other side the rude man took her elbow with one hand and her wrist with the other.

  2. He had seen her around before. She liked to walk the forest late at night. The first time he saw her irony skin in the dark he knew.

    Moonlight becomes her.

    by Newbie GK on 09.17.2010
  3. becomes, you can do anything, become anything. be who you want to be. i’m at school to become something. and i’m learning that God has something in store for me.

    by Courtney on 09.17.2010
  4. The robot turned away. “Goodbye, Ray.”

    Its body convulses, panels shifted, steam bursting from seams as it spread its wings and leaves Ray on the ground.

  5. I cannot wait to see who my child becomes. I have so many hopes—so many fears. WHich way will she lean? Will she cross over to the dark side or stay with the light side of the force? Where is Obi-Wan when you need him?

    by Andie on 09.17.2010
  6. I think it was around the third or fourth day after we met when he uttered the sentence that finally got us talking.
    “The song then becomes a chant.”
    “A chant?” I inquired. Chanting wasn’t pleasant. It wasn’t melodious.
    After that simple question, we hit it off. It was unbelieveable. We had the same views, the same thoughts. Who would have ever suspected that after that day, every single time we met would be full of laughter and such feeling.

    by SamSam on 09.17.2010
  7. I become an onion in the darkness. This makes me think this thing is becoming weird because it says not to think just write, and now it has BECOME completely pointless. My brother becomes a potato in the sunlight.

    by BecomingOnion on 09.17.2010
  8. Your warmth is in my bed, your voice above the stairs
    and when the touching becomes regret, becomes my mercy chair,
    even when the sun is burning saving graces,
    I must always
    run the race
    on my own.

  9. What becomes of the childhood hours that once made the world a magical top and then vanished into real life the cereal that adults pretend to enjoy when they read behind the newspaper and sip coffee with their eyes far away in a building that never existed when the child was becoming human.

    by Nancy O'Neill on 09.17.2010
  10. what becomes you? in this life we all are destined to find out. but along the way everything we do decisions we make people we surround ourselves with not only defines us but becomes us.

    by Leah Powell on 09.17.2010
  11. i BECOME A PERSON IN THE Mornning
    Nothing else
    But just me
    Everything else can stay
    in the closet locked away
    I see things in still life
    The coulours

    by Jayne on 09.17.2010
  12. It becomes necessary at time to simply do what one must do. It becomes necessary to take what needs taking, to say what needs saying, to sing what needs singing. If no one else joins you, then it’s their loss.

    by Kathy on 09.17.2010
  13. the threadbare fabric our coupling becomes, interwoven fallacies in a paradox pin-striped suit undone. (what a gown is this to wear? what a frown is this to wear?) every seam you sew, I tear. I wear out. patches, elastic, I’ve outgrown this. this suit was once fantastic. I didn’t used to, but now I’m noticing all the clothes in all those store front windows. and I am sorry, but mine is not the only suit you put your stitch in. I’ve been patient, I have waited, but it seems with you there’s no fruition.

  14. something. anything. anything but who I am right this second. who i’m currently destined to become.

    by amber. on 09.17.2010
  15. becoming the end of all that was. no more thrill, only the chill that becomes the moment you struggle to keep only to let the strangers pass

    by ollie on 09.17.2010
  16. becomes nothing, no ego, no wanting, no needs,
    just my inner self, i’m pease

    by wim on 09.17.2010
  17. the day becomes night, the night becomes day.
    life is a vicious circle of becoming.
    can you become something you’re not?
    or do you become something you already are?

    by rachel on 09.17.2010
  18. i was waiting at the station, it was dark and i felt uneasy i had half a doubt that this was the wrong platforn, it had been a long time, each second making me more desperate then the last, then bursting through a crowd of people my ray of hope the longing dispersed tuning to joy as Be comes into sight. love her xx

    by snoopy on 09.17.2010
  19. how do i become? of what? am I to become for you or me and what will become of me?

    by sara on 09.17.2010
  20. it becomes a problem when all you think about is getting more, wanting more, afraid of running out, making sure you always have some in supply. hassling the person close to you to get you more, getting mad when they won’t. that’s when it becomes a problem.

  21. “So, what becomes of us now?” Kanzi asked. She rubbed behind her left ear unconsciously. The place where our unity was presented in material form. Now gone, vanished to another set of innocent kids who won’t be so innocent after everything is said and done. “We…go our separate ways. Meet occasionally.” Jude said. We all knew occasionally wasn’t enough. Leiko broke down and started sobbing. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  22. as the seasons change from spring to summer, she is changed too. new dresses and silky as her frothing curls and bouncy step…too soon she’ll be older though, and autumn will come with its changing colors and cool winds. Winter, too, after that, but it’s spring now- too early to think about anything like winter.

  23. What becomes of a deranged man? Does he find a psychologist or does he start murdering the shit out of people? I like to think that he runs for office and then becomes the leader of the free world. What will become of me? Well I’ll probably get a fucking baller ass job, make mad money, have a hot wife, buy nice things, and live a life of sin. Sounds solid to me.

    by Pork on 09.17.2010
  24. Glancing in the mirror I smiled as I admired how the light glistened off my fangs. My ice blue eyes bright in the dark. My pale skin almost a ghost in the night, a small red smudge on my lower lip… a flavor savor from dinner. yes, being a vampire becomes me.

    by CatCat on 09.17.2010
  25. becomes from the ashes a figure of magnificence. Rising like a phoenix to destroy the very thing that once bound him. but it was too late.

    by Hank McCoy on 09.17.2010
  26. Fools become. A true flyer is already there. She is what she will be before she even knows it. A fantastic, elastic supertronic megalomaniac.

    by John Demmery Green on 09.17.2010
  27. Lavender becomes her. A soft swirl of color surrounding such an angelic smile.

    by Peaceable on 09.17.2010
  28. changing everything, from one to the other, left to right, stop to go. up is down now, you have no where to go. nothing is the same, its all different. its new, fresh and exciting.

    by Swan on 09.17.2010
  29. With the flower crown nestled in her blonde curls, she became a princess. Lips became a grin, toothy and honest and beautiful.

    by naomi on 09.17.2010
  30. It all becomes nothing. All the experiences, relationships, etc. from before just turn into nothing but memories. Memories can’t be relived. So focus on now, because it there is only now.

    by anon on 09.17.2010
  31. A princess becomes a pauper
    A state of change.

    by S on 09.17.2010
  32. I didn’t know then what I know now. I didn’t know how profound the experience would be. When the dark becomes light there is a moment of pure clarity that shakes the very soul.

  33. When the sun becomes golden across the mountains peak I know it is near midday.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 09.17.2010
  34. Becomes what? I don’t know. Shut up.

  35. This dress becomes her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dress more complementary on a person. It’s like the designer looked into her eyes, and hand-dyed the perfect color to complement them.

  36. “Then what?” asked Thomas, staring as the caterpillar kept encasing itself in silky threads. “Then it becomes a moth,” replied his mother, holding him close. “Butterflies are overated.”

  37. What becomes of us when be disappear from the physical world? Do we simply cease to exist? Or do we continue to live on in some other world? Or maybe our souls are recycled and we are truly reborn in another age with another body. The possibilities are endless and unknown.

    by on 09.17.2010
  38. That dress becomes you, said her grandfather as Amy strode doenw the stairs. What the heck does that mean anyhow? She asked

    by gerin Canin on 09.17.2010
  39. So, we were in the store the other day and I saw this T-shirt that had the word “Becomes” on it. I wasn’t sure what it was talking about then I got it. Who ever wears the shirt “Becomes” Someone else.

    by Victoryia on 09.17.2010
  40. I spend my days trying to become who I want to be. All this effort spent on what I want to be, none spent on what I am.