
June 23rd, 2010 | 663 Entries

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663 Entries for “beach”

  1. The soft waves rolled up onto the beach gently. THe moon sone down and the reflection rippled in the black waters. Terrance walked on the beach, hands stuffed into his pockets. He was miserable. So much for that future. He pulled the beautiful diamond ring from the depths of his pocket and stared at it sadly. Without a second thought Terrance tossed it into the ocean.

  2. I dreamed about that last trip to the beach. The one right before the car crash, before everything changed. Hindsight was 20/20.

  3. There was a beach and a little boy he missed his mom. His mom hadn’t ever been to the beach with him in so line. He thought of the high tides and how they could take him in. He thought of pain and sandcastles
    He thought of me.
    I am ashamed.

    by Heather on 06.23.2010
  4. The words flow from my fingertips like the ocean ebbs from the shore. finally, the dam has broken and the water is pouring freely again. Who doesn’t love a beach day?

  5. I love the beach. The sand in between my toes, the gentle breeze flowing though my hair, the calm waves, brushing against the shores. All of it is just so lovely. Why can’t everywhere be like that?

  6. beaches are areas around the coast that contain sand, rocks and salt water. sand is rocks that have bashed against eachother.

    by Aaron on 06.23.2010
  7. The music blared from her old stereo, she sipped a cherry limeade from a straw, and her boyfriend leaned in for a salty kiss. She threw her head back, feeling the sun warm her dark hair, and thought with pure happiness: this is how life should always be.

  8. The waves swirled around her as she clawed her hands at the bubbles in front of her. Which way was up? Her head began to empty of all thoughts, the blood throbbing against the inside of her forehead as she struggled to find the surface. Which way was up?!

  9. It’s summer, and I have no concrete plans to go to the beach. The passage of time makes me sad, to be honest…precious New England summer days, wasting away, because I was too busy to sit down and make some plans. Before long, winter will be here, goddammit.

    by M on 06.23.2010
  10. They had always met near the ocean,her tears washed away with the footprints,,,

    by nemo on 06.23.2010
  11. Beaches in Holland are some of the nicest around. I may just believe that because i grew up here but i love the fresh water. beaches in florida and such just kinda…suck. I like the whole ocean atmosphere and all but they lack the Lake Michigan beauty.

    by Cassie on 06.23.2010
  12. Laughing, playing, splashing in the water. Salty drops sprinkling on your nose, and your eyelids flicking them away. Kicking and screaming and enjoying the last few moments of freedom before the long walk back up the pack to the dirty white van.

    by SS on 06.23.2010
  13. I was supposed to go there today
    it rained all morning
    who wants to get wet on the beach?
    stupid weather
    always ruins my plans
    i wish we could have gone
    stupid weather
    stupid rain…
    stupid beach.

  14. the shells washed up on the shore like so many broken vestiges of the glories and happinesses of yesteryear. Boy, do I hate seagull meat, said John, picking at his food. Boy, do I hate my family, he thought to himself. His sister Marge began to toy with the beach ball she was eating. Don’t play with your food, eat it, boomed Dad at the head of the table.

    by Austin on 06.23.2010
  15. I remember the beach. As a child, my parents would take me and my two younger sisters to a place not far from where we lived, where there was no trash or debris littering the sand; unlike the city beaches nearby.

    by A. Michael Cook on 06.23.2010
  16. I walk down the boardwalk staring towards the beach. The sun setting over the ocean creates an iconic scene.

  17. I wrote about the tide, and the flowing water over my feet, and seaweed wrapped around my ankles like slippery rope. I wrote about seafoam and lace and the hot sand under my toes, and the cold water. I wrote it, and I could smell it, and I remembered.

    by on 06.23.2010
  18. Our first date on the beach was one of the best memories I’ll ever have with you. The day we held hands and just sat there watching the waves come and go, I know we’ll probably never do it again, but I miss it dearly, and not ashamed to admit that.

  19. beach is being redefined and rezoned by disaster. beach used to mean fun, vacation, family…happiness. now it’s a cliche image…which could be synonymous with “where the oil is not.”

  20. i love the beach. i was just telling johnny, my husband yesterday that we should go. I brought this up because he mentioned that the air outside smelled like the beach. This is ironic because we live DEEP in the valley. Keoni went to the beach yesterday with his Nina and Nino and sister. The Boardwalk, and had a great time.

    by alexis on 06.23.2010
  21. The beach is beautiful in the summer, but personally i prefer it in the winter. There are less people, less noise. It’s just more relaxing in general.

    by Virginia on 06.23.2010
  22. Walking along the beach has its merits. Mostly though it means a big old sunburn. Not good.

  23. the beach, what a treat, who do I meet, I need to think, but not on a beach. I just get to drink. ummm. relaxing. I want to go to a beach. Will anyone go with me?

  24. The beach was beautiful at first light with no one on it but a few little sand pipers looking for their breakfast at the waters edge.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 06.23.2010
  25. You can’t go to the beach in the rain.

    Well, you can, but you have to be in the right mood. You have to be exhilerated in the lashing water and the booming thunder. You can’t be miserable and sad and lonely.

    Like I am.

    by Ellen on 06.23.2010
  26. The beach was swarmed with unlikely guests, all trying their hardest to get to the other side before the storm hit.

    by on 06.23.2010
  27. at the beach you can find a lot of things, including mild burn victims and future cancer patients. yet somehow, almost everyone is having a good time.

  28. This place where my toes mingle
    with the sea and sand
    I can smell the salt air.
    Ocean waves and I wave back
    as the tides shift and lap.
    I will take this shell home
    as a treasure to remember
    to wave

    by Carmen on 06.23.2010
  29. The beige grains of sand drift lazily over my feet with the wind, as I sit and stare dreamily out into the frothy waves. Little kids screams of joy echo around me, but that’s not what I’m paying attention to. It’s the vast expanse of blue that has taken over my vision.

  30. the beach is a place on the shore of a country that can be sandy or stoney or gravely and is always accompanied by water be it beach or river or possibly other. many people visit these places year in year out usually in the summer period.

    by brendan gallagher on 06.23.2010
  31. the best place to get a sunburn, or at the moment get tarred and feathered.

    by Paxton on 06.23.2010
  32. The beach makes me think of Jimmy Buffett. 10 o’clock exactly i logged onto ticketmaster to get my brother tickets, and they sold out! Oil floods the beach like the shores of Normandy. Makes me wish I was back on the peaceful sands before the selfish oil sharks swarmed the Gulf.

  33. Once, while on a beach, I got caught in an extremely close thunderstorm. Miles away from anything, with nowhere to run, it was probably the scariest thing that ever happened to me.

    by Louisa on 06.23.2010
  34. digging my feet into the sand, smoothing the sand around me, trying to turn this beach into my own zen garden.

  35. The beach is something I associate with sun and summertime, a place where everything is tranquil, but fun. Usually. Except when you get caught in a thunderstorm. I associate it with sunburns and waves which means nostalgia in the winter.

    by Louisa Hawkins on 06.23.2010
  36. if you’ve ever been to the beach you know the risks involved,i know it seems foolish to same this but its the truth.You see as many families go to the beach on a daily basis its actually the worst place to be,the reason for this is its the only place you can ever be attacked by a Goobersplash,the goobersplash is a rare animals with 29 legs and 48 noses but only one eye.

    by Andy on 06.23.2010
  37. Sunny! Bathing, swimming, diving! Sometimes rather COLD!! But hey, not a real summer if you haven’t been under at LEAST a few times, right eh? Come on, pools just… isn’t the same!! Not… fun!!

    by Redhead on 06.23.2010
  38. Sunny days ahead full of water, blue­ness and salt. Wind whips around, umbrel­las fly, and some fruity drink is just around the cor­ner. Lit­tle kids cry about get­ting sand on their ankles and adults that shouldn’t be wear­ing reveal­ing swim­suits decide to flaunt what the may (or may not) have. Good for them. I myself settle for a t-shirt and shorts, with a margaritia in hand. Wishing I was there now…

  39. It had been there for a few weeks at least. The fetid whale corpse, stuck in the cove on an nearly inaccessible part of the beach. Birds picked it over greedily, the sun had turned its skin into jerky.

  40. Summer 2004. I frolicked in a place where white sand painted my freckly skin. The Gulf of Mexico smelled strangely like cheesy-corn. The Southern sun felt completely different beating down on my fair skin. The never-ending horizon line of greenish-blue water had me in awe. Destin, Florida has a beauty that I cannot find here in the Midwest.