
June 23rd, 2010 | 663 Entries

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663 Entries for “beach”

  1. I like the beach it’s awesome and sandy. The fishy smell or should I say aroma fills my nose. I fear sharks and jellyfish but they are my friends. Indeed. I’m a sexy burrito.

    by Three6Kella8350 on 06.24.2010
  2. a long stretch of gold perfect for running on if only I could get up off my towel it’s so comfortable down here nestled into a perfect sand hug shaped by the curves of my body maybe a swim… maybe

  3. Today, I woke up and decided I should go to the beach. I hate the sand, I hate the heat, I hate getting burned, and I hate sunscreen, but I still wanted to go. It was a beautiful day outside and it just seemed like the right thing to do.

    by Caitlin on 06.24.2010
  4. was warm, and filled with busy visitors. There was a lone cloud in the east, it seemed to be lonely, almost as if it were pouting in the corner. I was sitting between two women, both barely covered, soaking in the sun’s harsh rays.

    by Matt on 06.24.2010
  5. sand. sad. running at night. getting away. wanting love. wanting to find someone. desperate not to be alone for once. there are other beautiful girls here, suntanned, blonde, skinny. not me. never me.

    by Tori on 06.24.2010
  6. once it was pretty still, with the waves crashing against the pilings. But once the seagull’s call had ceased, and night fell, we all fell silent.

    by Scott on 06.24.2010
  7. i grabbed a handful of sand. as soon as i picked it up, it slipped away from my grasp. what a lonely beach.

  8. i long for that one formal day at the beach. Where im greeted by a man in Love with and wearing that beautiful white floorlength dress that has everyone else floored.

  9. beach days in the sun with my father. running with the kite and laughing all day. smiles seemed like forever then. i miss it

    by Juli on 06.24.2010
  10. so i was at the beach the other day with my little sister haley, and the waves were crashing upon the shore as well as myself and her when we ran into the water to play. The sun was beaming down on our heads like a flashlight, and the water felt like little icicles running through our skin. We laughed and stumbled around the water for a while. It was the perfect day to trollop along the sand and collect sea shells. As we did this, we played of eye spy which tied in nicely with finding the shells.

    by Julie on 06.24.2010
  11. waves water lots of fun when you’re swimming into the shark’s mouth. not so fun when he eats your face and you’re dying on national news for your grandma in boca raton to see. good life but can’t all lives be better? you wish you cared more, made real connections.

    by zack on 06.24.2010
  12. The beach is a fun place. I love the sights and sounds. I love the sand under my toes and the water around my legs. I can smell the sea air and feel the cool breeze. I love the beach.

    by Me on 06.24.2010
  13. They say that life’s a beach. Well, it is. Especially if you live on a beach. Technically that would mean that ‘you live on’ a beach, opposed to your life being like one, but there you go.

    by Bill H on 06.24.2010
  14. Life is a beach. Then you die a horrible, tsunami-related death because you live in Indonesia. Bad luck.

    by Alexander on 06.24.2010
  15. Long stretch of diamond colored sand stretching into sky with the waves singing in the background.

  16. Sandy and relaxing, the beach is a perfect place to spend your perfect summer day. Our Beaches offer a wide variety of sea creatures and many types of sand. Amazing!

    by Tony on 06.24.2010
  17. there was a mist floating on the surface of the sand, it was common in the early mornings. Sometimes it shrouded the giant in the distance so that it was only a faint outline and then, gone.

    by Mina Beckman on 06.24.2010
  18. The sun, the sand. My favorite childhood place about 45 minutes away. All the camping memories there. But also california, the beach boys, sun screen and sunglassese

    by Kristie on 06.24.2010
  19. The beach was still and dead. The sky was so grey that it seemed to mesh with the water and the sand to form one large lifeless entity. It was a sort of stillness only possible from a place that used to bustle and live, but had now died away.

    by Eden on 06.24.2010
  20. i love to be on the beach, and i think many things happen there, with radndom people and stuff.. like my brother gave his fiancee his ring to marry him!

  21. A place where social implications rule; romance is always that lingering dream, whether youre eighty or in a relationship

  22. the beach is lovely. i love love. i love to love. i haven’t been to the beach in a while. why do people love the beach? love? love and the beach? its really nonsense. its too hot out. dont do that, people. what are you thinking?

    by Jaime on 06.24.2010
  23. sand, skies, the tide i wrote about just a couple of days ago. seagulls staring out over the ocean blankly, looking as though they are contemplating the meaning of it all. warmth.

    by gingin on 06.24.2010
  24. the fantastic beach. Full of white sand. rocks are peppering it, adding a nice balance of hard and soft. The birds seem to be having a lot of fun, sitting on the rocks, flying in the air. Id like to sit up there with them, and have a conversation.

    by JimJim on 06.24.2010
  25. Glorious, she said, once watching the sun die down with the last seconds of daylight.

    by sadf on 06.24.2010
  26. i was on the beach, out for my daily walk. Skycars were zipping by, some cruising slowly though. the sun was rising, must be about 9 am. I am amazed at how far our techonoligies have come, but I am not sure that it is for the better.

    by Jim on 06.24.2010
  27. The waves crashed slowly and serenly on her ankles as she looked at the horizon. She could almost feel his hand around her waist, calming her, pulling her close. But he would never be able to- today was her last day.

  28. i want to lie all day in the sun, warmth radiating through my cold soul and lose myself in that intense heat.

    by havva on 06.24.2010
  29. The beach was quiet this time of year. Her feet were caressed by the lapping waves as they washed onto the shore.

    by Kerry on 06.24.2010
  30. there was sand and the glug glug water sweat and skin melanoma beach ball lost change and bills were bigger than beach towels.

    you were a cold wet bitch and you knew it. You didn’t want to use me you wanted to abuse me. with suntan lotion and personal attacks.

    by Miles on 06.24.2010
  31. oh the beach, far enough out of reach, makes me want to screech, how I long for the beach :)

  32. i love the beach. the sound of the ocean. the smell of ocean. the feel of the sand. it feels like i’m moving with the ocean, and feel it in me. it calms me.

    by Sephora Raymond on 06.24.2010
  33. Her toes dug into the sand as the waves crashed over her feet. The sunset was a shining orange. Paradise.

    by Molly H. on 06.24.2010
  34. A wonderous place to be enjoyed at all times. You can’t always get there, because water is sometimes really far away, but when you get there it’s amazing. Can be utilized at any time of the day.

    by Lindsay on 06.24.2010
  35. sandy seashells in the sun…. tanning bronzly on my bum. love the waves the oceans roar.. hit me with the cold cold shore…

    by Shayna on 06.24.2010
  36. The shore line brushes and scrapes against the sea. That’s how I always like to think about it. people always note how it is the water that laps against the coast. To me, the coast laps at the ocean.

    by Shaye on 06.24.2010
  37. I’m not found of the beach, too many people. I prefer the solidarity of the mountains . The nature seems polite.

    by Angelica on 06.24.2010
  38. Tonight Farhat wants to go to the beach. Amira says that if she could, Farhat would spend every night there…I’m not sure if I want to go, and I told that to Farhat, and she replied telling me that of course I wouldn’t. I guess she forgot I had everyone go to Venice Beach for my birthday last year.

    by beeta on 06.24.2010
  39. my finger tips like to
    slide in between the sand
    and wonder, deliriously,
    on the edge of of the heat,
    the bones – people- things
    sweat- crabs- fish- trees
    all matters of the world that have
    wound themselves up
    grated themselves down
    and found themselves under
    my finger tips.

  40. the tide
    the beach
    god damn,
    can’t we switch this up at all?
    I’m all about change
    because what I’ve got right now-
    it’s not much
    A waffle maker, a small dog and a laptop

    More than some, I know.
    But let’s switch this up
    and do something fun for a change.


    That’s funny…