
June 23rd, 2010 | 663 Entries

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663 Entries for “beach”

  1. The waves – brutal, unforgiving…calming, they soothe hardened nerves; those that have become coarse to the world. Exfoliating the mind; they are a therapy – making you breathe, once more.

    by Tess on 06.24.2010
  2. The sun was low in the sky, painting the shadows a deep blood orange. I saw his footprints fade away as the waves came in and out, in and out.

    by Jacky on 06.24.2010
  3. The beach is where everything ends. You walk for miles and no matter direction you travel in, you end up here with the bottle caps and the notes and the tiny wreaked ships.

  4. A place to find my serenity

    by M on 06.24.2010
  5. i love the beach. its so serene and smooth and natural. Its the perfect spot for romance to occur and if i was to ever get married i would do so on the beach, preferably around sunset. It’s so beautiful. Always and forever.

    by Kris on 06.24.2010
  6. SUNNY, and stuff. There’s lots of sand. I hate sand. FUCK SAND.

    I hate Mondays.
    I hate Tuesdays.
    Wednesday’s are okay.

    by Gilligan on 06.24.2010
  7. the beach was beautiful that night.

    by lac08 on 06.24.2010
  8. To lie on the beach with the sand underneath and a fast breeze overhead might be enough.

    by Nasheen on 06.24.2010
  9. the gritty sand left me feeling annoyed. it reminded me of the time my little brother slept in my bed and left a pile of sand. the beach is the sands home. thats where it belongs.

    by gabrielle on 06.24.2010
  10. It was cold. The seawind ruffled through my hair. I missed him. This was our favourite place. This is where he proposed. This is where I said no. This is where I will always wait for him.

    by Tara on 06.24.2010
  11. The beach. I don’t go to the beach much. I like it but not as much as I think I’m supposed to. Apparently a lot of people REALLY like the beach. I like it but I mean… not that much. I dont need to go once a week or anything. Once a year suits me fine. There all that sand… You know, and girls tho… Thats a good thing. I do love girls. In bikinis.

  12. Its not warm enough to go to the beach. The beach is full of sand and hot guys (hopefully) and cool water and sun!!!! Theres no sadness there. not that ive experienced.

    by Hannah on 06.24.2010
  13. The beach is calm. Oceans, crabs, sand. Making sand castles. Shark in the water! To be free. Sandy toes and calm water. Overlooking the horizon. Volleball. Good times. Summer air, sandy beaches.

    by Brittney on 06.24.2010
  14. I never thought there would be a day where there would be so much oil coming onto the beach, and into our waters.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 06.24.2010
  15. the waves crashed lightly on the beach, just out of sight, over the hill of sand from the swings. Long Island just visible on the horizon. Rain drizzled and the wind played in my hair lightly.

    by Ghia on 06.24.2010
  16. I go to the beach every summer. I usually have sand in my ipod for a year, and just when the last trace is gone, I’m back at the beach.

    by Jill Dougher on 06.24.2010
  17. The beach is soft and squishy under my toes. I like to look for shells. The beach reminds me of childhood when we use to take trips to Florida. I like the beach. The beach smells like salt.

    by payton on 06.24.2010
  18. I was at the beach with my friends one day. I didn’t like to go into the water, so I sat on the sand playing guitar. They decided to drag me into the water with them. It was cold and refreshing; I liked it. I went back out and played guitar again by the bonfire. Good day :)

    by Joseph on 06.24.2010
  19. the beach was beautiful. the wind was crisp with a tinge of sand. I love the way it makes my skin feel and the way it makes my heart hurt when I have to leave it. I will always have a special place in my heart for the beach.

    by Amanda Presley on 06.24.2010
  20. The sun shone. It was piercing, yet scintillating, in way that had not been discussed before. This was her first glimpse at freedom. That light was from another world entirely.

    by Ro on 06.24.2010
  21. i have spent little time on beaches. little time spent wading in water careless free beneath the sun pale skin burning freckled careless free sand between my toes in my mouth in everything

    but when i have

    it has been. freeing.

    by slippery fish on 06.24.2010
  22. Laying around. Waves crashing. Sand fucking everywhere. People consider this paradise, until they realize that sand is just fish shit.
    But I’m not pessimistic. I just think Beauty is too evident here. Look for it everywhere…the city, the swamp. It is more breathtaking in the places you do not want to look

    by Jordan on 06.24.2010
  23. the sand between your toes and nothing else. you look off into infinity and can finally forget all the shit that happens past these shores. its the perfect place to think back, but it’s also the perfect place to forget. its just you and the ocean. nothing more. i wish i was at the beach. i wish i could forget. just for a moment, everything.

    by brittany on 06.24.2010
  24. the beach, although so close to me, has never been my favorite place. It’s relaxing, yes, and I feel terrible that I have the luxury of going there, but its scary!

    by nick mascolo on 06.24.2010
  25. I used to live on the beach. This was in Saipan where everyday is summer & everday was the perfect weather to go swimming. Even if it was raining we’d go to the beach. I’d catch hermit crabs and put them in a little plastic cup. This is where i call home. This is where my heart’s at.

  26. I went to the beach once when I was a child. My cousins and I all got in the car with my mom and my uncle and aunt and we went down to galveston beach. My mom taught us how to make sand castles outta sand and she taught us how to drip the sand with water and make cool designs with it.

    by Tiffaney on 06.24.2010
  27. i.I feel quiet now
    in the ever-glow of your arms
    my mouth moves, I say nothing.

    iii.My skin is raw
    a fistful of beach sand
    rubbed in until I was red,
    and almost-clean.

    ii.I am
    you walk away,

    by Taylor on 06.24.2010
  28. waves crashing oily spill onto kingdom seekers without an army plumes of shiny ancient ones surfing onto our fears and taking back the same way we took- the circle of life.

    by Jake on 06.24.2010
  29. Oily beach of promise unkept…now to clean up this mess…

  30. The beach is a magical place, but few know of its true intentions. Stones beaten to grains of sand, for tourists to walk along. No one really understand where that rock has been, what it went through, what its story is. Now, it’s just a grain of sand, one in a million. Has anyone ever picked up a grain and thought . . . what makes you unique? What is it about THIS grain that stands out? What can it do all alone?

    by Hayley on 06.24.2010
  31. love the beach.sand between my toes. free time- freedom. kids playing in the sand.pure moments. can’t get any better.hubs on my side. love him.

  32. The beaches in Florida are apparently “Better than ever!” as the tourism commercial claims,. I’ve seen for myself firsthand how the beaches in the north of the state really look like, and it’s a tragedy. Tar washes in and out witht he tide, and there is no kids running about, no teens tanning, no parents sleeping. Just the gulls, trying to eat the tarballs.
    And I leave.

    by Sarah on 06.24.2010
  33. I went to the beach yesterday. I walked the sandy shore and spurisingly enough it was cold in June. But it was Santa Monica, so I cannot be too spurised. I smoked a joint that I got for free from the co-op down the street and nobody was bothered by it.

    by Braxton Walls on 06.24.2010
  34. the beach was where i wanted to be. The sound of the waves was my lullaby. They rocked in and out of my mind, taking me to places that i could not go on my own. places where the world made sense, or least made sense to me. Then again, my mind was not always on right, and nothing in really made sense.

    by Jacqueline on 06.24.2010
  35. The beach was littered with people; each tent and umbrella seemed like a glaring soda can, misplaced somehow. I couldn’t stand to look at them; all those fat people, cooking in their own grease, watching their kids screw around in the water.

    by on 06.24.2010
  36. She lays on the beach as the waves reach up and kiss her toes. The sunlight dances on her skin. The sand is soft against her smooth skin.

  37. I’ve never really been to the beach but the kid I shouldn’t like is there I don’t think I’d really like to go I’m not a fan of being in my swim suit with tons of people but then again I would love to lay on the beach at night with someone special and look at the stars

    by Michelle on 06.24.2010
  38. the beach beckons my presence. sand between the toes, splashing in the water. I don’t like it when it’s too hot outside though……….I like to walk the sand and watch the waves….wanna watch with me ?

  39. I love the beach. It’s where I go when I need some quiet. I don’t even need to reflect on something specifically, I just go. We all need a beach I think.

    by Taylor on 06.24.2010
  40. I love the beach because I am so close to nature when I am there. I also have so many good memories at the beach with various friends. I have also been there a lot with my family so that contributes to the good memories of it. yeah.

    by Taylor on 06.24.2010