
May 19th, 2010 | 284 Entries

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284 Entries for “balloon”

  1. A simple thing, filled with air, that floats when you let out of it… bonded by strings…. like america… it’s lie… but if you want to wish it… it will come true…. by just letting go. Let go, and you will fly, or float away, just like a balloon……

    by Danielle on 05.19.2010
  2. The balloon launched into the sky with what seemed like ease, but under the bright colors and streaming ribbons; a crew worked tirelessly.

    by Welcomechallenge on 05.19.2010
  3. balloons are pretty and colorful and round and can look like a dog when twisted twists are cool in balloons i see balloons at carnivals the aliens ate the balloon and died

    by Rachel on 05.19.2010
  4. Floating up into the sky, shiny red, freedom is calling. Hot air ballons take people far and wide. i wanna balloon. This is accualy fun talking about balloons. I like red balloons.

    by Shea Begley on 05.19.2010
  5. The balloon caught the sunlight, tinted it green and threw it back on her face as she watched it rise into the sunset. She wanted to wave goodbye, but as she lifted her hand, she only felt the string drift from her fingers.

    by Z on 05.19.2010
  6. balloons are nice. they remind me of childhood. and clowns. which sorta freaks me out. but i think of black and white pictures with balloons colorsplashed in photoshop if that makes snese. so theyre cliche too. i spelled sense wrong. whooops. whatever. balloons are nice.

    by sarah on 05.19.2010
  7. balloon. gah i wish it didn’t make me think of work but it does. all the little children crying for a balloon. i think of primary colors. primary colors equal paint. i love painting. wish i was better at. i’ll try harder! painting <3

  8. red balloons floating up against a blue black pre-storm sky what’s that hanging on the string? a black ant digging the view

    by Laureen on 05.19.2010
  9. Floating, dancing, skipping
    Decorating the sky
    Until it drifts away like a dream

    by Mary on 05.19.2010
  10. A lone red balloon spiraled into the sky. It floated above the other balloons, still trapped in the vendor’s pudgy hands. It couldn’t understand why the others chose to stay with the man who kept them hostage. The balloon floated above the rest. This, this was living. This was real.

    by jackie on 05.19.2010
  11. Ooo! I love ballons! It reminds me first and foremost of Up, and the incredible story it told. I love the unexpected main character, it speaks of heroism in all walks of life.

  12. Life is bland
    people are tasteless
    It’s almost painfull watching their knuckles drag upon the ground as they try to determine how to waste the next moment
    Their tongues dry with lack of emotion and word
    Their brain hardened from the lack of use
    I am trapped in a white room with these people
    the line seperating me from them blurrs
    My tongue is dry.

    (I wrote this and had nowhere to put it. I’m plagued by the thought of someone I know reading my work, and seeing as how nobody I know goes on this site I thought I had little to loose. It’s not fantastic, but the thought still haunts me.)

  13. 99 red balloons go by, as the old man is lifted up in his house on the adventure he never took with his wife. apparently balloons are bad for the environment. i like blue baloons and balloons with all different shapes.

    by Annie on 05.19.2010
  14. the balloon took me higher and it was the direction i was not willing to go i was already soaring much above the city scape late at night and i had no idea that this balloon would take me so high i looked down on the night life of the town i once knew but now all i know is to not let go of the balloon

    by kristin on 05.19.2010
  15. I looked down on the ground to see the remains of a popped red balloon. The white string trailed off a shred of it seemingly to escape from the wreckage.

  16. up up up and away
    that will be me
    as vibrant as a ballon
    as high as i can climb
    up up up and away!
    just watch me rise to the very top
    and i’ll kiss the sky
    cause i’ll be up up up and away!

  17. The balloon rose
    more like a jet than a balloon
    it just took off
    with steam rising from its stringy tail
    as if a propellor pulled it toward the moon

  18. balloons are fun to play with. little children like them adults like them and they can be used for many things. some use them for transport others to get high, some just use them for entertaining young kids. whatever way you look at it balloons are an integral part of society.

    by will on 05.19.2010
  19. The balloon floated high over head. It was a sad sight.
    It soared through the vast empty sky.
    No clouds to help her find a place to sit and sing along.

  20. It’s been years and years since I’ve seen a flyaway balloon against a clear blue sky.

  21. I remember, when I was a child I got a balloon from a man in a store.
    Bright cherry red, and he tied it to my wrist.

    It followed me around for the day, but no sooner than I recieved this gift.
    It died. sad and red and wrinkled.

    Poor balloon. Like my childhood. It didn’t last as long as I wanted

  22. To be a balloon only for the free airfare.

  23. i like balloons. they re colorful and fun and they look good. I think they’re pretty, and they make people happy. mickey balloons are my favorites.

    by CalCal on 05.19.2010
  24. i love balloons. i found one the other day behind my lamp that i forgot about. i don’t remember what it was from, but it made me smile. which is saying a lot. i don’t smile much. but balloons are so full of life and memories. a simple balloon can trigger so many thoughts in so many people, but for me it just makes me happy. high pitched squealing voices from helium, static electricity making your hair stand on end, the fart noise they make when you let the air out, the smell of the rubber, the bright color and the plastic string that cuts you, the sadness connected to when you let go of it and watch it float away….they make you happy, but they’re so empty inside. they lift your spirits but it breaks your heart when you see them gone or when they finally pop. i feel like a balloon at times, so fragile and empty.

  25. I want to go fly away in a hot air balloon. It would be red and yellow and blue and pretty. I would get rid of all the sand bags, so I would never have to come down. I wouldn’t be able to, even if I wanted to.

    by Karina on 05.19.2010
  26. I rise up like a meat balloon
    hello down there do you see me
    because I see you.

    by sharent hernandez on 05.19.2010
  27. The balloon, itself was nothing special. But its black shade and its ominous floating with a group of other balloons over the house in an arch looked like an announcement for a funeral.

  28. they re colourful and fun. they float and make people happy and they look really good, and my favourite type of balloons is the mickey balloon.

    by Cal on 05.19.2010
  29. we watched the balloon float up in to the sky and it was like we were releasing our childhood. but we were also releasing all of the bad things that had lead here, and so that was good, but bittersweet, because being children no more is a loss that never really goes away.

  30. Floating high through the clear blue tapestry overhead. Representing freedom. Red, shiny, beautiful. I crave for you. I crave to be you. I am jealous. I loathe you.

  31. my mom used to tell me about the red balloon when i was little. she would say look! there’s a red balloon! buttt of course i never saw it. i guess now i know what she meant.

    by lexxx on 05.19.2010
  32. Balloon oh, Ballon. I wish I could be as free as you, and float away to some foreign land. Just riding the wind, carefree and weightless. I envy you Balloon.

    by Lauren on 05.19.2010
  33. Balloon trip is the ride I need to get on, best believe I will stop you in the virtual world as well as the real on some tron.. On and on a side note I will blast you to infinity and beyond the grave because my mic grip is beyond average mind states

    by LearnTobE on 05.19.2010
  34. Lift the glass to lips
    and suck in sweet (helium).
    Don’t be afraid, Dear
    Above the clouds you will rise.
    Bubbling euphoria

    by neonchandelier on 05.19.2010
  35. The red balloon floated upward. Through the first cloud, and onto the next. By the fifth cloud, the wind blew the balloon away.

    It went south, flying above a magnificent ferry. A joyful symphony was playing. People dancing around, laughter coming from every corner.

    The wind blew again, and the red balloon’s journey is far from over.

    The little girl watched her balloon flying away with tears in her eyes.

    Because she knows that once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

    by Reirish K Vielie on 05.19.2010
  36. There was a large blue balloon in the corner of the room. Its helium was running thin so it hung a little lower than usual. The balloon looked sad, like the depths of my soul. I longed for the helium the balloon wished for.

    by Christi on 05.19.2010
  37. Up in the air
    it rises
    like a panda belly
    In the sky
    black and white
    like jelly
    jiggling like a kite
    Panda Balloon
    You vanish from sight

    by h on 05.19.2010
  38. The chill winter wind froze my fingers to the the string of the balloon. Who would’ve thought that one small blue balloon could lift me so high?

    by Annemarie on 05.19.2010
  39. Standing on the cliff, valley spread out before her, she closed her eyes and held out her arm. Without looking she could feel the warmth of the sun and the mountain breeze on her face. She opened her fingers and her eyes at the same time and watched the wind take the yellow balloon the with word Hope printed on the side.

    by DeeDee on 05.19.2010
  40. The balloon floated up and all five of us turned our faces toward the blinding sun. Ellen started wailing, and her father immediately jumped up to try to catch the string to no avail. The bright yellow latex orb hung up there in the branches of the oak tree laughing at us from its safe perch.

    by lili32 on 05.19.2010