
June 1st, 2011 | 674 Entries

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674 Entries for “backpack”

  1. My backpack bring all the girls to the Yard..
    And I am like, let go behind the monkeybars,
    Damn right, it is better then the chauffeurs,
    I can teach you,
    But I have to charge…
    I know you want it,
    The thing that makes me,
    what all the girls go crazy for…

  2. i carry it through the woods. when i go hiking. it’s heavy on my back and it starts to pain my shoulders. i want to set it down, but i cannot. it contains necessary things. things i want. things i need. things i can’t ever let go of. maybe not to someone else… but to me, they’re important.

    by robin on 06.01.2011
  3. My backpack is like.. my eternal companion. I always want to carry around something more stylish and funky, but when the time comes for me step outside, I always turn back to my red and black backpack. It’s just too convenient. :\

    by PencilGirl on 06.01.2011
  4. She left it sitting on the chair when she ran outside. The car was waiting, horn honking, her boyfriend smiling at her from the driver seat. And they weren’t the only things waiting for her. The rest of her life was too. The rest of her life.

    Maybe one simple backpack, full of childhood memories and silly mementos, don’t matter when you have the whole rest of your life ahead of you.

    But maybe they do.

    She realized it thirty seven miles down the highway and made him turn back so she could get it.

    by OwlOwl on 06.01.2011
  5. school pencils paper teachers grades failing ewalking to school seeing andrew hes so cute going to school having to take tests i dont like math english is easy but i like it whne we go to the computer lab because i see andrew. he doesnt like me i dont like

    by gaby on 06.01.2011
  6. It contained everything she needed, not for basic survival but for feeding her soul and getting her through the day. Each morning she packed her backpack; if one vital piece was forgotten, her day was ruined- she would struggle to relax and there would be an emptiness gnawing at her until she returned home.

  7. I have a backpack, its white and black, I really like it because it is unique and I haven’t seen anyone else with it. I graduated from college so I really don’t need a back pack anymore. I can’t believe i’m graduated!! I got my backpack for 50% off so it was only 20 bucks!!! I love finding sales, because I don’t like to buy anything full priced….most of the time ;)

    by Rachel on 06.01.2011
  8. I have a black backpack that I once filled with sand to weigh me down while I walk. Until one day I noticed that I was feeling stronger then usual. When I arrived back at my house I saw that I left a trail of sand from my front door.

  9. All things in a backpack bring memories. The pencil that got stuck in the ceiling. Your lunch box that had your favorite superhero on it. Your scribbler, and how every single word in it was misspelled. I don’t miss school, though. No, not at all. But I do miss my backpack.

  10. i used to have a blue one. his name, in fact, was old blue. i carried that thing for six years and was so sad when he did that i wrote a poem. a eulogy. i definitely remember rhyming the words “chonies” and “homies.” i replaced that backpack with a new one – new blue – but it’s not the same. i don’t carry new blue the way i did with old blue. i guess that speaks to the changes in my life. i’m not in college anymore. i’m a grown up now. new blue in my new life.

    by katie a on 06.01.2011
  11. the backpack full of what she thought she might need: what any six year old might need on running away from home: her toothbrush (no thought of toothpaste), her favourite stuffed toy- a battered Pooh bear..and that was it.

    by h on 06.01.2011
  12. i wenty to school omne morning qith my back pack on and in it i had a jungle gym and anf a frog and zach aND ALL MY OTHER NUIfffty needs and portap[oises and dogs and my BRUSSLES SPROTS ARENT HARVEST!!!!!!!! And i like smurfs ville in my backpack and a rose that uriah clearly didnt want jojo to weart ALL IN MY BACKPACK!!!! bO YAAAAA!!!!! hahahahahahahaha YOU AKLL WIN AND NOT FAIL IN MY BOOKBAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome sauce.

    by Sara Hislop on 06.01.2011
  13. My backpack is blue. It goes with me everywhere I do. It holds all of my most precious belongings. I don’t really know why it is so special to me, but it comforts me. I feel safe when I am wearing it. I lost it once at school and I started crying. There isn’t anything valuable about it, it just means everything to me.

    by Josiah on 06.01.2011
  14. What should I put in it?
    Books? Air?
    What if I run out of air?
    May come in handy
    Life support:
    Very important

    Heart on my sleeves
    Life on my back

  15. backpack, reminds me of interrailing. a new adventure, one i haven’t quite done yet but will within the next 6 weeks. 6 days is all i have left of creature comforts. i’m nervous, excited, worried about missing my parents, nervous about josh, but i cannot wait to finally begin my adventure.

    by Harriet on 06.01.2011
  16. All things in a backpack are things that bring memories. The pencil that got stuck in the ceiling, the lunch bag that had your favorite super hero on it. Your scribbler, and how every single word it contained was misspelled. But I don’t miss school. No, not one bit. But I do miss my backpack.

    by Jelisa on 06.01.2011
  17. I haven’t had a backpack in a long time. Since I used them so mch during high school I’m kinda over them, though I’ve dabbled with using the purse backpacks. But I much prefer the kind I sling over one shoulder. Though if I ever get my hands on the Yoda backpack they sell at Disneyland I will be so happy!!

    by D on 06.01.2011
  18. Once upon a time there was a backpack named Jerry. Jerry was a jolly good fellow, who loved to have a good time. Jerry was blue with yellow accents. Jerry’s best friend was his boy, Matthew. Together the had the best of times. And that is the tale of Jerry and his friend Matthew.

  19. i have a backpack that i take to school and i swear that it weighs about 75 pounds! i hate that stupid backpack!
    i think that we shouldnt have anything so we wouldnt have to carry those stupid things around, they take up way to much space!

  20. It was very full, but there was still more to come. His life belongings, it was harder to choose than he ever would have thought. Starting again. It was all he would have to remind him.

  21. school. backpacking. europe. traveling. little kids. dora the explorer. carebears. heavy.

    by Danielle on 06.01.2011
  22. If you have large brests, wear a backpack! I love this quote because a very funny person said it to me once and twenty plus years later it still makes me laugh. The back pack has been around for a very long time

    by Jane Martin on 06.01.2011
  23. “I stuffed my life into sewn canvas. I put every single memory laced piece of fabric I could lay my hands on in that silly back. And you had the nerve, the audacity, to FORGET IT?! My essence was in that bag. My love was in that back. And, most importantly, MY BOOKS were in THAT BAG.”

  24. I love my backpack. It was a gift from my boyfriend when I started taking school seriously and enrolled in a 4 year University. I take it with my every day. It holds my books and my laptop and my pens and calculator, though why I need a calculator as an English major, I don’t really know. Anyway, I love it most of all because it used to belong to my boyfriend, and I love him very much.

  25. On my first day of high school I walked into the massive cafeteria. Everyone was sitting at tables talking to their friends before class- I had no friends to sit and talk to. But, I had this beautiful new backpack. It was deep brown leather and had brass buckles and was perfect, and I walked through that cafeteria like I owned it.

    by Lauren on 06.01.2011
  26. I don’t like backpacks. So bulky and stuffy. I like messenger bags. Sleek and organized. There isn’t much to say about backpacks except maybe that they carry a lot. A lot of important things to the lives of the people that wear them.

    by hannah on 06.01.2011
  27. I have a life in my backpack. Bringing books to school and all that funstuff. Whats in my backpack, you ask? My binders of course, and all of my daily necessities. Pens. Pencils. Mascara. Mirror. You name it, it’s in there. Backpacks are the besssssssstt.

    by Stephanie Yafeh on 06.01.2011
  28. I don’t understand the concept of backpacking. How does one pack their entire life into a 20 x 15 bag? It’s absolutely absurd.

    Then again, how much do we really need to live?

    by Sabena on 06.01.2011
  29. I bought my nieces backpacks for their 5th birthdays. I think it’s a nice rite of passage; a way of saying, “I’m not a little kid anymore. I have things of my own that I need to mind, and I need a place to put them.” The backpack is really the first time you get a bit of a sense of self, and it’s a good thing to get right about that age.

    by Jessica Schley on 06.01.2011
  30. I once had a backack that was bright orange and pink and lime green. I loved that backpack but it was the cause of a lot of teasing at school. It was the first backpack to get stolen from, or stolen period. It was always taken while I was azt lunch. It caused much pian but still I loved it.

    by Trish on 06.01.2011
  31. shit i forgot my backpack! i left it in the toilet when that guy started to kick off in there! he went nuts at the mirror, screaming for his reflection to shut up and that he was WRONG WRONG WRONG! jesus if i hadn’t of shat already i would have cleared my bowels right there and then. This guy then started palming the mirror and smearing his greasy hand down where his face was staring back at him. It only seemed to make matters worse though causing him to become even more frustrated with his other self. I waited for the inevetable tinkle of glass that would signal the end of his rant. During a rising tirade of self abuse it happened. I held my breath and waited to see if he would leave, spent and somewhat placated. after another minute or two I stood up from my perch on the toilet seat and peered over the top. nothing. only a shatered mirror and a bloody sink. wHe must have slipped out quietly while i was distracted by the pounding in my ears. I pushed the stall door and saw the tiles of the exit scrawled with graffitti and numbers. I rushed out and ran to the bus shelter. realized my bag was gone and hesitated. not sure if i should go back into the public toilets. eventually i ventured in and went towards my cubicle. the tacky floor only became obvious when i reached the stall and looked for my bag. the floor was coated. it was covered in paint. no. it was. it was blood. i turned my head and my eyes fell on the lump of man lying on the floor. emaciated. the loser in a fight with himself. i picked up my backpack and stepped over the last flow of this guys life.walking towards the graffitti and numbers i could only think of how a life is nothing when compared with its unexplained death.

    by colxm on 06.01.2011
  32. Backpacks make me think of high school. I hated high school for the most part. It also makes me think of hiking, which I really enjoy! For some reason, it also brings the vision of fanny packs, which I think are really ugly, then reminding me of old people who wear them. Hah.

    by amanda on 06.01.2011
  33. I carry my backpack with me everywhere. A snarky pin on the outside pocket gives it a taste of my humor. In it are things only a select few ever get to witness. But mostly it just has books and my laptop maybe my sweater. My backpack symbolizes school. and friends. and the change from season to season. It has seen the best and worst of me, but sticks around regardless. My backpack symbolizes me.

  34. I am so happy that school is over tomorrow because I will no longer have to carry around my stupid backpack. It weighs a ton with all the books I must carry around all day. Yeah this summer will be nice because I don’t have to worry about stuff like that! Hurray for summer 2011!

    by JenJen on 06.01.2011
  35. I grabbed my backpack, and that’s when it hit me: I didn’t want to come back. I just wanted to go and go and go until I could go no more. I had considered the idea before, but it had only been in flashes of pure joy that I wanted to keep flowing. At best, I felt sad at the moment. I just wanted to capture that ridiculous high feeling again.

  36. A backpack.
    Full of memories and ideas.
    What can it hold?
    Pain, forgiveness, just about anything.
    A backpack full of truth or lies.
    On a hiker’s back.
    On a student’s body.
    Containing secrets or just writing utensils.
    What a frggin’ backpack.

  37. I load my backpack with lots of things, water, when i hike, books, also when I hike, notebooks, pens and my laptop, again, when i hike. Ok, so I’m “hiking” down a paved bike path and going to starbucks that’s across the street from walmart, but still. It’s a long freaking walk!

  38. Today I lost my backpack that I had owned for fifty years. In it was a book of matches, an old towel, and a old dead lantern. I don’t even know what new backpacks cost.

    by blah on 06.01.2011
  39. I love watching Dora the Explorer because of the backpack. It’s my favorite character. I love watching it with the kids. We’ll sit around all day singing, “BACK PACK BACK PACK!!” Okay, this is silly. I have no idea what to say about it. One day, my dog peed on my back pack. I wonder if I took it to school that day. It’s a possibility. My friend’s little sister took one to school that her brother’s drunk friend peed on. HA

    by Hilary on 06.01.2011
  40. Adios lots go, it’s time, vamos!!!! DOOT DOOT DOOTA DORA DOOTOOOTTAAAAAAAAA DORA GRAB YUOR YOUR SAC a dos lets go jump in vamos!!!!!!!djjdjdjj every body GO

    by CHALKA on 06.01.2011