
August 17th, 2008 | 923 Entries

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923 Entries for “asking”

  1. It happened overnight — my hair turned grey and my beard grew two inches. Nobody had an explanation why I had turned so old in such a short notice.

    by Peter De Rop on 08.20.2008
  2. asking
    wrap void wall
    asking is inferior to telling
    asking wants to be held.
    don’t ask if you know.
    act like you already are aware.
    asking is humble
    asking is an invitation to join.

    by mikecherry on 08.20.2008
  3. it felt like murder. she was staring daggers at me. ‘please, please,’ i kept saying.

    ‘no,’ she said, ‘we only do sex the normal way.’

    by chamcha on 08.20.2008
  4. asking for pie is easy.
    asking for love is hard.
    asking for a pie made with love is a question that goes to my aunt.
    shes cool.
    she makes good pie.
    annie rocs
    i am leaving and i will miss the pie

    by hana on 08.20.2008
  5. I asked a thousand questions in the course of my lifetime. Why did I do that? Why didn’t I say this? Too many things that can not be explained now or ever.

    I wonder though, I wonder and ask questions about those spoken and unspoken questions. I asked, I received, or I never did.

    by Amanda on 08.20.2008
  6. asking is like shaking hands
    you almost have to become aware of breath
    asking asumes connection

    by mikecherry on 08.20.2008
  7. why am i doing this. how am i doning this. Can my gf come over? Being nice . . . stop hurting me. . i have no idea what i’m doing with my life. I’m going to be great at someting. Can i make it? Questions . . OMG WTF? things are crazy hu. . .

    by brain on 08.20.2008
  8. I was just asking for confirmation that things haven’t changed. In this hectic life, I was just hoping that we would still find time to be together and spend time. I am just asking for your love, your thoughts, and your sharing of ideas. I guess I am really asking if you still love me like you used to when we were dating.

    by Steph on 08.20.2008
  9. Asking for the answer
    I long to be a spirit
    Free and longing

    Asking around the world
    We all wonder the same

    Asking what’s the point

    I ask you

    Why am I asking?

    Answer me
    I wait for a reply

    asking me is everyone else
    They ask me questions
    Pointless and sane

    I want something strange
    So I ask the others

    And ask for what I don’t know

    by Tyler on 08.20.2008
  10. Life is a series of questions that are never answered. I lay awake pondering at night, wondering why we’re here and why people act the way they do. Is society degenerating? Am I alone? We will never know the answer to the philosophical quandaries that invade our lives.

    by Shane on 08.20.2008
  11. asking alot of questions can get kinda anoying. but you can only learn when you ask question.. sometimes i hesitate to ask questions… asking people to change is a hard thing to do so is asking people out on a date.

    by annie on 08.20.2008
  12. To be asking about a certain subject would be too harrowing of a task to wonder. Just to assume that we as people think before we speak is going to ruin this nation, planet and universe. The wonderous thing about our nation is that we never think before speaking.

    by deegan on 08.20.2008
  13. I was never proposed to. But somehow I ended up married. My husband and I just knew we would get married for so long that when we finally received consent to marry, we just did it. While I’ve never been happier, I do wish I’d had that one moment of breathless realization that he was going to ask me to marry him. But then again, I had seven years of waiting for the wedding, so how can I complain?

    by jen on 08.20.2008
  14. asking for help is always hard.
    Caden asks me for things all day long.
    I did not ask to do this.
    Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.

    by Ginny on 08.20.2008
  15. i have never known how to ask questions the right way. they seem to always come out wrong. maybe that is because i know the answer that i want, and that i’ll never get it. do you know how that feels? we are all like that, you know. we have answers hidden in our pockets, ones that we want to forget that exist, but they are there. hidden, but not completely forgotten.

    by joel jupp on 08.20.2008
  16. what? I am pretty sure I already did this word a couple days ago. Oh well. Start again!

    Soooooooooooooooooooooo? What’s the news? News! What news?
    You haven’t heard?
    About what?
    Whaaaaaat are you talking about!?!?!?!

    Good question.

    by Whalie on 08.20.2008
  17. a question is the only way information gets spread and the act of asking is the most important way to get the question answered. if you have a question and don’t ask it then it will never be answered and the information not spread and perhaps lost forever

    by CM on 08.20.2008
  18. questions about whatever comes yto your mind. you neve rknow what to do you just keep asking. for help. from anyone who is wiellling to listen.,willing to help. asking is hard to do. cometimes, it means having ot admit fault, admit you are wrong. asking means having faith and trust. we fear trust. what else is there to do at the end of the road but ask? children ask questions for the most honest reason. i th ink we lose some ofthat as we grow older. asking = innocence. asking – maturity. asking = knowledge. knowledge gained.

    by shannon on 08.20.2008
  19. Asking for thinks can be very tuna fish.

    by Scott on 08.20.2008
  20. all i asked for was a friend.
    was that so hard?
    or was it me asking for too much?

    by justin dorsz on 08.20.2008
  21. Asking can sometimes be dangerous. It opens our vulnerabilities by sharing with others the fact that we need or don’t know something. Asking shows a bit of ourselves and our need for more. Asking is like listening, but is not usually contributing. Asking has its limits and can sometimes be annoying if done too much

    by jen on 08.20.2008
  22. they say we are always supposed to question things everywhere around us. And then when we question too much, people get annoyed….then why ask??

    by justin dorsz on 08.20.2008
  23. i’m asking you what your name is, i’m asking you what you’re doing here. ‘just thinking’ you answer solemnly, facing three quarters away like a clock, like i was out of your time…i reached out and touched you on the thigh and you shook. ‘thinking about…?’ and you look at me incredulously, full frontal, the smoke exhaling like fog as you carefully answer, ‘thinking about you.’

    by mckenna on 08.20.2008
  24. asking again? why must time like this intrude my time of happieness. I thought I could be someeone independant but they suck my right back in. Why?

    by Mackie on 08.20.2008
  25. You’re really asking a lot of me, you know. How am I supposed to turn my brain off? I’m up for it though. I’ll give it a shot. I.. well there I go again trying to think about what I’m going to say. This isn’t so easy, I’m going to have to do this several times before I am any sort of acceptable writer in this sort of way. in my eyes anyways. Well my time’s running out so I guess I’ll hopefully do better next time.

    by Janna on 08.20.2008
  26. asking a question was hard for her todo. she wasnt sure is she could get the correct answer. Who was she? could she be someone who cared for another? was she capable of this power in side her body growing more and more each day? she wasnt sure. She needed to find people like her with this power to help others.

    by Mackie on 08.20.2008
  27. why do i want this why do I sutop myself what is the right freekin question look look I’m just asking thats all I’m doing is asking asking i don’t do anything else I just ask ask ask ask time

    by Andrew Hale on 08.20.2008
  28. so i want to ask him the question that he knows i’m thinking about. i want to be completely uninhibited and just come out and say it, ask it. do you love me still? do you think that you could love me again? am i wasting my time waiting around for you, talking to you, not moving on? or do you want what i want? do you think that we could work again? remember how we used to be? i do. i rememeber it everyday and it hurts, because i want it back again. i want it so bad. but do you? do you? i wish i could ask you that. i wish i could, and i wish you would say yes, yes, and yes to all of the above. but i can’t ask you that can i? i don’t know, i guess i won’t ever know – and it’s all because i’m too afraid to ruin what little time i do have with you now. we’re friends, yeah, and i want more, that’s for sure, but i refuse to ruin this little bit of amazing by asking you these questions… by asking you to love me. but, will you? could you? please love me.
    one day. maybe i’ll ask you one day. when it’s too late and i don’t have anything to be afraid of, maybe i’ll ask you then. we’ll be married to other people, and i’ll call you up and ask, “could you have loved me? did i make the wrong choice?”
    but then were will we be?

    by ashleyanne on 08.20.2008
  29. for a cool bit of fun on the slopes of the ski hill, when are we going to go? tomorrow? sure, let’s get the boards, hop on the bus and take of for the clear blue skies of park city. way fun, get out of the smog and into the blue and the white of the downhill. Up the slopes we go, into the green trees and down the white into oblivion of fun, excitement.

    by Rohn Fullmer on 08.20.2008
  30. I’m asking about life, what is it about? People asks about it, it’s our nature

    by David on 08.20.2008
  31. theres always something to ask about. questions. people. ideas. we all have questions. why is it so hard to do sometimes? we have to ask to go to the bathroom during class. that was sometimes a big deal. we all use the bathroom.. right?

    by shannon on 08.20.2008
  32. i have many questions about my life,the society,but who i can ask for answer?

    by sunyindan on 08.20.2008
  33. Why are you asking? If I give it to you, will you be happy? I need to know … that if after asking, and then receiving, will you love me? Then again, why am I asking you this?

    by Matt on 08.20.2008
  34. i dont know why this website is asking me to write what ever i think i guess it is lke a free write am i supposed to do the twhole nonstop thing using correct punctuation and grammar or am i supposed to just go og og that awesome that cheer to the g uh huh to th o say what go g o i remember everyone used to love that

    by Jasmine on 08.20.2008
  35. When someone asks you a question, your immediate reaction is to tune all other noise out and just listen, and usually, if equipped with the right knowledge, respond. I wonder why this is. Did the gods make that instinctual, for questions to be answered before all other things? And if so, why do they leave us in the dark about their true power and meaning? Did they create everything and anything? Are ‘they’ even real?

    by Madison on 08.20.2008
  36. asking.
    asking for your forgiveness, asking for more than you can give.
    asking is questioning.
    taught not to question, just do.
    always ask.
    asking leads to answers.
    you need answers.
    this is redundant.
    ask anyone (ha!).
    askingggggggg. ? nothing else to say.

    by Grace on 08.20.2008
  37. Asking is for people who desire something. Desire nothing and you will never need to ask.

    by Nikodante on 08.20.2008
  38. Questioning, begging, trying to get what I want any way I can. Need to fulfill my Please, if it isn’t any trouble. Sory to have bothered you. You really are a pain in the ass, did you know that? Oh yeah? Well back at ya. Oh, what? Oh, ooops, sorry, I thought you said “No.” Well OK then, thanks. see ya!

    by Jill on 08.20.2008
  39. asking what I did yesterday is just as pointless as thinking about my tomorrow. I can’t control my life, only what I think. don’t ask me who I am. I am…growing up

    by Sophie on 08.20.2008
  40. jbjkb????what is this?//??jkjkh i don’t want to work it’s boring and,,,

    by ? on 08.20.2008