
May 5th, 2023 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “anxiety”

  1. ugh….this would be my first word. sometimes i wonder if society has been engineered to cause anxiety, just so they can sell me xanax.

    by Em on 05.05.2023
  2. The bond between a therapy dog and their owner is a powerful testament to the power of unconditional love in easing anxiety. There’s nothing quite like the comforting presence of a furry friend to bring a sense of calm and safety.

  3. When I was younger, I struggled with social anxiety. Over time, I learned that genuine connections are built on vulnerability and that embracing my true self was the key to overcoming my fears.

    by Jaz on 05.05.2023
  4. My heart races, a rock has found it’s way into my tummy. The pounding in my head, the piercing in my chest. Take a breath, it’s in my head. My anxiety is my own creation. I can do this, I will do this despite my wanting to

    by cat on 05.05.2023
  5. During the pandemic I was working from home. One would think this would be the dream, sleeping in, meetings in Pjs and tequila in my coffee. Then the pandemic was deemed over, and I returned to the office. My anxiety quickened. I have always been an introvert. but now after being hidden away for so long, the stress of being around others, has made me realize just how little I care for my fellow man

    by cat on 05.05.2023
  6. Anxiety used to be super helpful when we were being chased by tigers. Now, tigers are less of a concern for most of us, but our sympathetic nervous systems haven’t evolved fast enough to keep up with technology, so now that same state of hyper-awareness kicks in when we least need it, like at Bed Bath & Beyond (RIP)

  7. this anxiety runs deep
    this anxiety mocks me
    i cant think with this anxiety
    its there even when i sleep
    haunting haunting
    it never leaves me be