
May 6th, 2023 | 8 Entries

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8 Entries for “happiness”

  1. I want to share happiness with my family, friends, co workers and bring joy to myself and others

  2. It’s all that humanity needs.
    We should spread peace and happiness across the globe

    by Henry on 05.07.2023
  3. you are my happiness
    i see it in those brown eyes
    i see it in your smile and i hear it in your laugh
    i see it when i look at you
    i see it and so i know
    you are my happiness

  4. How did ya get to be happiness?

    by Goldie Locks on 05.06.2023
  5. okay this is much better than the word I got yesterday, though somehow this feels like such a sad word. just sitting there, lonely and stark at the top of the screen.

    by Em on 05.06.2023
  6. We stretch our arms out, out from the shadows. Reaching… reaching… yet happiness is just millimeters out of our grasp. Or maybe it’s reaching for us.

  7. Life’s holy grail. I once heard someone say something to the effect of “everything experienced fully is bliss.” and it felt like a very profound thing to say, even though I don’t totally get it. I suppose it means that happiness lies in being fully present in any given moment, and man, that’s an easy thing to say, but definitely not an easy thing to do. For me, at least.

  8. is a warm gun. What a weird thing to say, or sing about. Also I think about hearing a friend with an Indian accent say this word once and I literally thought he said “a penis” at first.

    by arlo on 05.06.2023