
February 7th, 2011 | 638 Entries

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638 Entries for “alarm”

  1. that deafening, lingering noise. cruelest of all sound waves – staccato beats that mark the every length of my dreams, pulling me apart from reality and facade. come back, come back says the alarm and i tug at my sheets in sleepless denial.

  2. Pupils dilate Breath shallow heart pounds rocking back and forth in a restless rythym spinning dizzy confusion let me run to the road let me breathe the air let me see again hush hush hush softer softest calm please

  3. I wake up to my alarm every morning. It’s really loud, like a siren. I once bought a iHome and returned it within a week because the music playing was too soft for me. I’ve had the same alarm clock since I was in elementary school, it’s a really inexpensive model but the alarm is just what I need to get up in the mornings!

    by Jenna on 02.07.2011
  4. Alarm..Im always in a state of alarm. The adrenaline never goes away the ringing in my ears dosnt fade Im always running faster and faster finding escapes waiting to be rescued I just want to turn it off I know Im safe now I know the “fires” out but I still smell the “smoke” the alarm wont stop, my ears hurt, im so tired.

    by Satina on 02.07.2011
  5. despierta ignorante y reflejate en el espejo de tu propia verdad. la alarma será tu brújula y la brújula será tu perdición. Despierta del sueño. Despierta de nuevo. De nuevo, despierta.

    by Guarionex on 02.07.2011
  6. My heart’s pounding and I am out of breath. The ocean’s near yet so far away. The waves rising and falling with relentless fury. My legs get heavier. Oh how i long to touch the surf. Wait but where’s the fire, Hell no! why is the fire brigade going ting-a-ling-ling. Water, fire, fire, water. Beads of sweat trickle down my neck as i open my eyes to the my table clock’s alarm ringing!!

    by Adanu on 02.07.2011
  7. There’s a quiet sort of sound in the background of my head. Not really the sense that impending doom is about to fall like balefire from the heavens, but a quiet sort of alarm. Something wrong, but I can quite place it yet. Off, somehow, the way you can look at a picture and know, on instinct, that something’s… just not right.

  8. i wake up in the morning feeling like pdiddy. i wonder what jack tastes like.. is it spicy… is it hot… i just had sex… not really… good song tho… i wanna buy a wingerdinger… i have no idea what that is.

    by matt on 02.07.2011
  9. When the cyclone picked up the cows in the pasture, Edwin did not sound the alarm to alert the village.
    When the lightning storm thundered enormous bolts across the sky, Edwin did not sound the alarm to alert the village.
    When the meatballs came tumbling out of the sky, however, he did furiously bang the dinner bell.

  10. So it rang. And rang. And rang. The ringing signified the day I didn’t need an alarm anymore. I just set it out of habit. I roll over to turn it off. Realizing that the alarm is now rendered unnecessary. My graduation from college made it that way. I am no longer a student. I am no longer in college. I have lost a chunk of my identity. And the incessant ringing of the alarm clock just painfully reminds me of that at 7 am, bright and early. As if I needed such a crude reminder to start my aimless day.

    by R. on 02.07.2011
  11. Sirens blaring, lights flashing. The sound pierces my eardrums, I awake wide eyed and at attention. “What’s going on?” People shout outside my room, “what’s happening?” Actually, I’m wondering the same thing…

  12. Today my alarm clock woke me up and yet i just begged for five more minutes. I could not get this five more minutes however because i had class. So, i decided to take it out on the alarm clock by throwing it against the wall as hard as i could. This relived some anger and frustration.

    by Max on 02.07.2011
  13. My alarm goes off in the morning. Why don’t I hear it? Why do I so dread waking up in the morning? Isn’t it a new day with new opportunities? I get to see those I love. Why can’t I wake up?

    by Brittney Defever on 02.07.2011
  14. At 4 AM an alarm went off. I could not find the source of such noisy disheveled sound, but felt strangely compelled to trust that it’s noise was a false, unnecessary noise, and to fall back asleep.

  15. ring!!!!!!!! it make you go crazy and wakes you up in the morning.. it is loud and abrupt. dream time is over and you start your day listening to the music of our choice.

    by rosie on 02.07.2011
  16. Haha that would ruin my night man. I’m eating cereal ad absorbing cinematic genious at the hands of the great Kubprick. Full Metal Jackets and weed equal bliss.

  17. the claxons rang across the bridge. The alarm sounding. The warning. People dashed about, but there was no panic, no chaos. This crew was trained.

    by Nigor42 on 02.07.2011
  18. Today, I set my alarm to wake me up earlier tomorrow morning. I should alarm my teacher of the death of her dog. the fire alarm should go off.

    by Steven Manwell on 02.07.2011
  19. The alarm went off as the artillery began to fire. It sparked like fireworks and I ran, I ran towards shelter and silence. No one told me it would be this way, that the sounds and violence would be inflicted on every cell in my body for the rest of my life.

    by Bean on 02.07.2011
  20. Shock! Wonder! Instinct! The signal of a fire or an earthquake, hide under your desk mister lizard tongue, the earth is shaking. This bowl of granola causes my taste buds alarm, electric taste, electric feel.

  21. the alarm went off and i was still in the daze of last night. i still wanted to be sleeping and dreaming of those hills and those blue skies.

  22. Alarm! That’s all i really have to say about it. It’s the one thing that can wake you up but all give you a very tense feeling. It’s not usually a good thing. It disrupts your sleep and ruins good feelings.

    by Timmy on 02.07.2011
  23. sometimes i think that the alarm that goes off in the morning is annoying as hell.
    I am alarmed when my life is in danger.
    All Leave Another Recipient Master
    Alarming is fortunate.

    by blah on 02.07.2011
  24. I awoke in the morning, with my alarm screeching in my ears. Blindly, I slapped my hand once, twice, three times, and the silence was bliss. Eyes still closed, I curse the alarm and crawl out of bed, fantasizing about yanking it out of its resting place and hurling it at the wall.

    by Jade on 02.07.2011
  25. being terrified. You don’t know what’s going on and you’re just…scared. that’s it. pure fucking fear.

    or alarm clocks but i mean that’s the same thing.
    they’re both pretty terrifying.

    but yeah I’m out of time bye. (:

    by Lindsay on 02.07.2011
  26. it’s the first thing i hear in the morning. it’s the feeling i get when my friend says she loves me, she has a boyfriend. it’s the feeling i get when i look around and realize that i will probably be alone for a good part of my life. it’s what i feel when i realize that i love my friend, the one with the boyfriend.

    by nick on 02.07.2011
  27. it goes off sometime if theres like a fire or sometimes itll tell you that something is happening, maybegood, maybe bad who knows???!?! it usually is loud and is like errererererererererrrreeerrr and sometimes theyre scary!

    by S kay on 02.07.2011
  28. Raise the alarm she yelled, he cant be allowed to escape. She leapt with the grace of an ibex and her long legs cantered action as she gave pueposefully gave chase

    by Debbie k on 02.07.2011
  29. is the most unpleasant thing in the world. I am a snoozer. sleep is so good and I just don’t want to wake up. Usually so jumpy and it causes anxiety and the wish to lay in bed is overwhelming. so nice and cozy and happy. nice and dark alarm ruins it means morning is here.

    by randi on 02.07.2011
  30. Morning comes all too soon, and I try to hold on to the last few seconds of dreaming before they escape, but the sound of my alarm, shatters the remnants of my perfect world. I realize the room is too cold, and the blankets have managed to tangle themselves up uncomfortably. My arm is asleep from

    by Mary on 02.07.2011
  31. waking up, not sleeping, times up, off, sneeze, 5 more minutes, why me, noooo, 7 am, sleep

    by bambi on 02.07.2011
  32. This is the second time I’ve written about the alarm. I told you the first time to turn it down. Everytime the other teants friends leave out the East exit it goes off. They’re Obviously not going to stop using it.

  33. I hate the alarm. The alarm disrupts me from my dreams. Dreams are magical. I am in a different world when I dream. No one can bother me except from my alarm. My alarm is a rude awakening that I do not live in my dreams. It reminds me that dreams are supposed to be stored away during the night. Dreams are hidden in a box somewhere in my brain where I can only have access to when I turn off the lights.

    by Hana on 02.07.2011
  34. It was the implicit alarm that registered: the tone of their voices, the set of shoulders, how the group huddled together that everyone recognised. The crowd seemed to move forward as one body, intent on meeting the party eye to eye, looking for the truth behind their words.

  35. When the alarm goes off in the morning you don’t know what will happen during the day. You might have laid out a plan, but plans aren’t what live our lives for us. We live our lives. Even if we know what we will do it isn’t the same as actually doing it. Experience is everything. Even when it starts every morning with something as mundane as an alarm.

    by ZoeZoe on 02.07.2011
  36. My best friend says that music speaks to me in a way which it doesn’t to most people. Not all of it- just some songs seem to… speak to me. Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than when I am sad or angry or lonely and I hear one of the first few notes of one of these songs and it all just goes away immediately, as if it had never existed in the first place. Like last night. I went to bed after a long, bad day and had a restless night of negative thoughts and bad dreams. In the middle of a particularly bad dream I started hearing “You and Me” by Dave Matthews Band. I woke up and realized that my alarm clock/radio had turned on and was playing that song. It was the perfect start to a much better day. DMB can be my alarm clock any day.

  37. Somehow, no matter how many times it rings, i can’t seem to get up in the morning. Every single day i set it to 6:33, so that i’d have time to get ready in the morning, but i ALWAYS seem to roll over and fall asleep for another thirty minutes, and have to skip steps in my day to get to school on time.

    by lilly on 02.07.2011
  38. o my gosh fucking kill me the iphone alarm wants to try and make you commit suicide i would so much rather wake up to a nice good morning sunshine with a kiss. who knows but alarms suck all you do is reset them over and over

    by Trapper on 02.07.2011
  39. oh god what’s that noise. I’m startled. I feel like I should probably do something about that. I really like the way that font lines up all the curves on the tops of the letters so that it looks kind of like one continuous letter. the L really throws it off, though. klaxon. warning. alarm clock. damn I have to wake up early tomorrow. I should probably go to bed soon. This word makes me kind of anxious. Wow, the longer I look at it, the more the R blends into the M. what missing plugins? Crap. What’s going on? Well, that didn’t work. Oh well. Has a minute gone by yet? I feel like it probably has. Is this working? dgldhsfkjdhalfkjdlkjasdkjgkfsa;lkjaskdjf dk jfdklfjdkhgjfkds;skfgjhjlsdkjfdklsdjkhfdjkjhdskjhjsjk;jhfdsjk;ajfhdkjs kljfkdsj s my eyes kind of won’t focus. I think that’s the tired.

    by avy on 02.07.2011
  40. The alarm went off in my head. I had been desperately wishing for this, and now that the moment had come–that the alarm had been pulled–I didn’t know what to do with myself.

    Memories popped into my head; what to do now? What can I say now after all?

    by on 02.07.2011