
February 7th, 2011 | 638 Entries

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638 Entries for “alarm”

  1. they wake me up in the morning, it’s like someone yelling striaght into my ear. Sometimes, it goes off right in the middle of a dream, and I wake up confused about which was real life. When the fire alarm goes off at school I get quite annoyed about the fact that I then have to stand outside for ages, but it’s okay because I get to miss a lot of the lesson

    by Kat on 02.07.2011
  2. oh crap. now what? is it 6 o’clock again? always 6 o’clock. I know. I know.
    same to you and bless you.

  3. I may not hear an alarm if it goes off in teh middle of the night, I wear earplugs. BUt I am pretty confident my intuition will serve as my alarm. Most of us don’t listen to our intuition, we let thoughts crowd our decision-making process instead. If we only listened to our ‘gut’ more often, to that niggling thought that something isn’t right..or is right, then perhaps we wouldn’t need alarms of other sorts – whether they be electronic, or legal, or whatever. The best alarm system every human has access to is their intuition and yet, because we are such a technoloogy driven and noise-addicted society, many of us have lost touch with our intuitive abilities to discern when a person has good intentions, when a relationship isn’t meant to be, or a job just isn’t the right fit. Instead we respond to societal pressures, to cultural beliefs, to whatever is expected of us by ‘others’. In doing so, we fail ourselves.

    by Shannon on 02.07.2011
  4. The alarm sounded throughout the compound and people stopped to look. They were trained and given instructions that when the alarm sounded that they were to go immediately to the safe rooms or to evacuate the campus depending on the pitch of the tintinnabulum. But they were so shocked by the sound of the alarm and what it meant; it never happened and for it to sound was the realization of their worst nightmares.

    by Renni on 02.07.2011
  5. My ears prick up, and I have to counter that ludicrous argument. Where do these people get their facts? Why is education so lacking in these consumers of soap tv?

  6. The alarm seemed to be a distant buzz. Nothing like what she expected. The misty day shown brighter as she began to peel open her eyes.

    by Bart on 02.07.2011
  7. I hate when my alarm goes off in the morning, and I feel as though I had just gone to sleep…. actually this happens every morning. I just am not a morning person. Screw the alarm. I’m hitting snooze, I just won’t have a lot of time to get ready for work. haha

  8. waking up for school. really loud. dont feel like getting up. just want to lay in bed. this needs to turn off. annoying. just want to snuggle under my covers. my phone beeping because i set an alarm for a friend after a late night ugh….

    by lauren on 02.07.2011
  9. every day i wake up to an alarm. then when i go to school and once the bell rings, an alarm if you will, goes off telling which class i need to be in nest after the previous one i was in. i am tired of these alarms which control my life, these bells that keep me captive, hostage. i want freedom.

    by Beth on 02.07.2011
  10. The clanging of the bells. Fire. Raise the alarm. Wake up. Get out. Turn on, tune in, drop out. The loud alarum bells, iron bells. Noise, cacophony, nails on a chalkboard. Your test is back. It came back positive.

  11. It buzzes, rudely waking me. Why did anyone ever think that a loud obnoxious noise like that would be the first thing anyone would want to hear first thing in the morning? It just makes me grumpy.

  12. My alarm clock goes off. It wakes me up. It has a radio on it, Fm and AM. It is loud and noisy and I hope nobody else wakes up.

    by Michael on 02.07.2011
  13. the alarm went off it was 6 am she wasnt laying next to me AGAIN go figure. I miss her. I miss us. but what i miss will never be again. i had it then i threw it away. no one to blame but myself. i love her. i always will.

    by bruce on 02.07.2011
  14. I didn’t mean to throw you out the window today; it’s Monday
    I didn’t mean to throw you into the fish tank yesterday; it was sunday

  15. The alarm sounds. I sprint down the hallway, my footsteps echoing behind me. I clatter to a halt at the intersection. Peering around, all the hallways look the same. White washed walls. Klaxons clanging in my ears. Which way do I turn?

    My footsteps echo behind me.

    by DJ Pollard on 02.07.2011
  16. wakes me up in the morning and fuckin pisses me off . i just want to never have it ! i swear. it’s really annoying . especially when i want to get more and moreee sleep. but guess what , you can’t . because the fuckin alarams keeps on ringing. more 60 sec? ok. well , in my case, i don;t need an alaram cause i already have these guys you know.

    by Ado on 02.07.2011
  17. wakes me up in the morning and i hate it. so annoying, i’d rather sleep all day. my cell alarm and my clock alarm are the same and i guess thats a good thing, keep things even and the same. waking up from naps from my alarm is almost as bad as waking up in the morning from my alarm.

    by elisa on 02.07.2011
  18. Each morning your alarm wakes you from peaceful slumber and alerts you that it’s time to start your day. Time to start being productive. I wish there was an alarm clock for life to tell you that it’s time to make something of yourself. An alarm to snap you out of contentment.

    by Jennifer Pickering on 02.07.2011
  19. I hate alarms. They wake me up early in the morning when I am comfy in bed snuggled up to my lover. Everyday, monday-friday I am stuck listening to an alarm early in the morning when all I want is to sleep.

  20. The flick of my wrist had cut the laser beam and set off the alarm. All that natural talent for sneaking and creeping wasted on a self-indulgent flourish.

  21. god dam alarms piss me off im always trying to sleep but these douche bags always wake me up and shit. its the worst feeling in the world. i wish alarms were made out of donuts that way when they rang it would be like eating donuts so i would sleep forever
    i hate alarms
    damn alarms

    by rayhan on 02.07.2011
  22. She awoke with a start. It seemed that something heavy had fallen to the floor. So she rushed to check on Simon only to find he hadn’t actually fallen out of bed again. As she went back to sleep, the alarm went off.

  23. alarm goes off
    red blinking all
    search fight
    hit the ground
    cover eyes filled
    with tears
    and smoke while
    i try not to
    hands on the floor
    alarm in my ears
    reach for hot metal

  24. Early morning wake up. rise and shine. Can’t stop it. Hurts your head. Shocks your system. Every morning. Ticking clock. Set time. Angry face.

    by sophie on 02.07.2011
  25. alarms…..


  26. It rang throughout the ship, piercing what had been silence only moments ago. The crew ran hurriedly to the bridge, afraid to see who was attacking them now. Her heart pounded as she took her seat, near the captain, flicking the switch to turn on the monitor.

  27. And everything is going to the beat, he told her, trying to quote a man that had the world silent, watching, waiting. The statement made the muscles in her heart contract, along with her pupils.

    by B on 02.07.2011
  28. When the sound refused to stop she thought it was a world that had snatched her from the dark comfort of her room and landed her in this noisy space that made everyday seem like a bottomless barrel of pain.

    by nannan on 02.07.2011
  29. the alarm went off but nobody noticed so the alarm got louder, but still nobody noticed, so it got louder and louder until someone shut it off

    by kip on 02.07.2011
  30. The hot sauce is called Five-Alarm because presumably it would take five firehouses to respond to the potent gas any imbiber might have.

    by Nick on 02.07.2011
  31. its snowing that is the alarming thing! it will be snowing for the next month or at least that is how it feels, the dog went out this morning and being so small was engulfed in the snow alarming!

  32. To my alarm
    the dark hall way
    lights didn’t turn on.
    The switch
    clicked up and down.
    Yet no results followed.
    I stepped forward
    into the dark
    and it

  33. This morning, my alarm didn’t go off. I worked night shift saturday night, and when I got home to sleep I set it to wake me up at 12:30pm, and then didn’t change it back to am for this morning. So I ending up missing my very important bio class this morning. I will remember next time to change it!!!

  34. alarming how one can be so disarming. Monday mornings alarms are way too early.

    by woohoo on 02.07.2011
  35. i awoke this morning from a mental alarm goes of everymorning around 7, even wirthout telling it too. It all in my sub-conciouse. i tries to geet rid of it, and it just wont leave me alone.

    by Julia on 02.07.2011
  36. It sent off an immediate alarm in my mind. Not that something was wrong but that something was missing. I wasn’t looking at the entire picture and I wasn’t going to find my answers this way. Two plus two is twenty-two right? It doesn’t add up. It never did. I just didn’t want to accept it.

    by Amanda Reason on 02.07.2011
  37. Didn’t go off this morning. I set it to pm on accident, so I missed my first class. I worked night shift the night before and forgot to change it back to am. I’ll be sure to remember next time!

    by Mary Fesmire on 02.07.2011
  38. alarm goes off
    red blinking all
    search fight
    hit the ground
    cover eyes filled
    with tears
    and smoke while
    i try not to
    hands on the floor
    alarm in my ears
    reach for hot metal

    by Jessica Wallace on 02.07.2011
  39. an alarm has gone off in my head. What is wrong with me? Why are these bells sounding? I am old. I am frustrated. My brain is on fire. My emotions are flooding out of me. An alarm has gone inside me.

  40. a alarm is something that makes a loud sound.