
December 26th, 2008 | 150 Entries

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150 Entries for “after”

  1. After I saw the world being destroyed by aliens, I didn’t really know what to say. As I viewed the mayhem from my space shuttle moving further and further away from the planet that I once called home, the only word passing through my mind was “Cool.”

    by William Wiklund on 12.26.2008
  2. then we saw each other again and decided the night before was better left in the past

    by alyssa on 12.26.2008
  3. After the storm, I stepped out on the front porch and sat on the old swing. The ice cubes in my lemonade glass tinkled their distaste as PLANTED MY FEET ON THE FLOORBOARDS AND PUSHED THE SWING BACK.

    by Kendell on 12.26.2008
  4. Life after death.
    does it exist?

    by chelsie on 12.26.2008
  5. after the other night im really not sure whats going to happen. everything is always so full of drama. i really hope everything will calm down soon. i cant take much more of this. yeah.

    by sara on 12.26.2008
  6. After we came home from the funeral, i was relieved. Another duty fulfilled. It not easy avoiding being a weasel. But I promised. Not that that means anything, but I could see that acting like a decent human being was a requirement if I was going to manage not to die alone and mourned.

    by alton garcia on 12.26.2008
  7. long ago, never to come agian. never again, long gone, happily ever after, after the end, please don’t leave. after what?

    by holly on 12.26.2008
  8. After the snow, after the rain, after the presents, after the bounty, after the fat man falling down the chimney. After the dreams, after the coffee. What now?

    by misscrisp on 12.26.2008
  9. after all this has happened….theres so much to my life that is past. i dont like that. i want things to be able to be the same. the past seems so final, so many doors are closed on friendships and loves and places. i miss them all and i wish i could go back, but at the same time i still love things now. it is impossible to have both.

    by dartagnan on 12.26.2008
  10. After lunch, I decided to go to the store. At the store, I ran into my ex-girlfriend, and she was fucking the cashier, in broad daylight, in front of several small children. I found this odd, considering she is a camp counselor, as well as a strict Methodists. But you never know some people.

    by Colin on 12.26.2008
  11. For me, the spirit of Christmas begins on December 26th and continues until the following Christmas season. It is hardest for me to maintain the Spirit of the season during the month of December. The reason for this is there is to much distraction and things that take my mind away from the true meaning. I mainly celebrate Christmas beginning in January and continuing all year, letting it run into Easter. That way, I constantly feel the presence of Jesus in my heart.

    by SkeeterFranklin on 12.26.2008
  12. the day after i lost the million dollars. Well, what can I say? I had it, it’s gone, after all, who cares anyways?
    The day after I gave my heart to life.

    by neeeks on 12.26.2008
  13. After the giraffe lifted the zoo keeper to the top of the tree, all the boy could do is laugh. The zoo keeper, after all, deserved what had came to him; wandering around drunk all day, slapping children for no apparent reason, then passing out drunk in the giraffe’s cage….

    by Chris K on 12.26.2008
  14. the man decided to rape the dog, he took a long hard look at himself in the mirror and blushed. Could god hear his thoughts. No, he decided. He would have stopped me long ago if he had. Petting the dog with a friendly tap on the head, he walked on.

    by Chris K on 12.26.2008
  15. After the rain, after the storm, after the black of night, after the rush of the day, after the grieving, after the heartache, after the affliction, after the stab in the back, after the loss of home, after the loss of job, after all these things and more, the Lord will be my rock of salvation.

    by Lynn Mosher on 12.26.2008
  16. After I got angry I realized how futile it is. Point less unless you direct it to solving the situation or your reaction. be proactive, channel your anger.

    by Edurne on 12.26.2008
  17. Perhaps we’re much to concerned about the future. What will happen to us five, ten or even twenty years from now? Is it possible that it never mattered? When we take advantage of today, we inexplicably prepare ourselves for what should come after. And, that is what we should focus on.

    by AC Tenlitt on 12.26.2008
  18. after a while I have to go to my home dunno what to do here go to the next place see what will come. I don

    by Nostradamus on 12.26.2008
  19. What was the after? He couldn’t even remember the before. The last thing on his mind was …WHAT? It was after the office Christmas pary on Monday. Yes yes it was Monday. He looked around himself and found that he wasn’t at home or in any bed he remembered having visited. But today was Monday AFTER the Christmas party. He heard a radio and the announcer was talking about post-Christmas lines in stores and airport terminals.
    Couldn’t be.. Where was Christmas? Hell, where was he?

    by Daniel Determann on 12.26.2008
  20. After the storm, there was nothing left. I didn’t even recognize my old street. The trees were lying helplessly on the ground, and I felt as though the whole world had been taken into the hands of an infant god, shaken like a snow globe then dropped at the firs sign of punishment. I searched through the wreckage, and realized I might just be the last one here.

    by Grace Elliott on 12.26.2008
  21. After Christmas. Those are two of the saddest words in the English language. We spend so much time building ourselves up for the gift-giving, they food, the tree, the wrapping of presents, the opening of presents, and much, much more. But when those words, after Christmas, are finally spoken it tells of all the let downs we feel in life.

    by Tim Childers on 12.26.2008
  22. After death comes silence. After silence comes peace.

    by Florea Mihai on 12.26.2008
  23. before and after. the constant change, the ever present fluid motion of life. but what is after, but the future? how do we know, how do we see after? we can only see now. we can only see today. we can hope for after, we can dream for after. but in the end, it will always be there, out of reach.

    by Sophia on 12.26.2008
  24. after the time that i realized that i had not a clue who i was, i was confused and aware that my life a barely begun. Now I await…

    by Cordeliao on 01.01.1970
  25. after the sun went down we walked until the snow came. it was cold and small out. we saw no one and wanted to see someone. places seem darker when we are alone.

    by erinkate on 01.01.1970
  26. The time that occurs following whatever time you’re currently existing in. This word conjures up numerous thoughts about the future (can we go there? does it exist? will I ever get a girlfriend or will I just sit here and write stuff all day). It is, to be frank, a great word. Think about it.

    by Kai Rosecrans on 01.01.1970
  27. An hour ago my wife left me with one of her two children, the one of her last partner, the one with whom I have sung in his choir after having left another one (choir, not somebody’s wife).
    The son and I get along quite well. Better than his elder half-brother, who one day thought he could attack me – ha ha, I got him ..

    by Marco Siebel on 01.01.1970
  28. There was a time where i had to go to the market and all i could think about was after what would happen. How would this one event of me over indulging effect the rest of the world. What would happen after i made the decisions that I did. I dont know what i do or how i do it and how that effect can change the world. but everything i do sends a wave of aftermath through this universe.

    by Grenville Marthe on 01.01.1970
  29. after tonight where will you and I be? I will see you in new york tomorrow. what are we crazy? yes crazy. i like being crazy with you. joy is doing what is supposed to be or what fits the pattern of the day or the plan of the month. You dont fit and thats why i like you so much

    by b_crine on 01.01.1970
  30. after all the people left, returning home after our holiday family get together, i had to find myself again. i had become mom, the hostess, friend

    by Susan Richardson on 01.01.1970
  31. after i graduate from college i want to see the world. I want to live life like never before. I want to touch things no ever has before. spend time with my family. make love to the man of my dreams. i want to experience something miraculous. spend money on something useless every once in a while.

    by Adrianna Marie Garcia on 01.01.1970
  32. After what? I mean, what’s the point of being alone after dark if you can’t see the word ‘go’ on the tape? It’s not like I have enough to worry about but now you’re all over the radar and I’m losing you. Why do I even bother? Honestly the last thing I want is to die alone without a beer but good lord you’re making it really easy. When in doubt, though, show me a scone.

    by trixy on 01.01.1970
  33. after the flood there were scores of animal carcasses lining the streets that once were cleaned every Tuesday from 4-6. We weren’t really sure how they all got there, there weren’t any forests for miles.

    by CelticWolf on 01.01.1970
  34. after is the opposite of before, where the effects have taken place and the consequences are released into a buttery explosion of insanity and madness. After is not always better than before, it has five words whereas before has seven words.

    by Greg Katkin on 01.01.1970
  35. Ir was the occurance of what happened before.
    It happened not long after something occured. Not a time, not a date, just after.
    After before and after something happened. After.

    by Alastair Kirk on 01.01.1970
  36. love hearts patter pitter beauty pretty beautiful handsome gorgeous adore lust kiss hug sweet

    by alycia on 01.01.1970
  37. after the balls of balls and cock and what not,
    oh my god there are still so many hairs in my mouth after that.

    what do you see when you look at the horizon after the sun and there is no sun and no sun refuses to not come up and your cock is falling off?

    where is the cock?

    i am the cock.

    i have three cocks, after the fact

    after the fact, all i write about is cock.

    by Robby Loren Mendoza on 01.01.1970
  38. After the love is gone, how could you lead me on? And not let me stay arounnnnnnnnnnnd whoaa whoaaa whoaa. Happily ever after. Something that comes after a before.

    by Shaniqua on 01.01.1970
  39. After I took a shower this morning, I stepped onto the bathmat and sighed with grief. It’s been so hard getting used to not having her in my life; I honestly never thought it would be this hard. I loved her so much. I feel so sad for my grandfather; I wish I could do more for him.

    by Jenna Greer on 01.01.1970
  40. After it’s all over there is nothing to come next. When it’s finished, when it has been put to bed, there is nothing to come after.

    This is simply all there is.

    But there is also no end. So there needs to be no after.

    by Tank on 01.01.1970