
October 15th, 2011 | 333 Entries

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333 Entries for “advice”

  1. She provided her valuable advice, but I ignored her. I thought she was ignorance but finally, I realized she was correct.

  2. I am so tired I can’t think, my eyes are aching as it’s half 3 but I have to advise you to check out ;)

  3. Never expect to get advice that will benefit you at that moment, sometimes its better to just listen and accept that one day the words that were shared will leave a lasting impact in your life even without you knowing it

    by Kai on 10.15.2011
  4. i am always giving people advice. they ask me for advice. i give it to them. then. they go ahead and do the opposite of what i told them to do or not do. then when their situation is stickier, they come running back in panic. all i want to say is i told you so, but yet, i keep helping them out, going through the cycle again and again :|

  5. advice is something u get from people u trust for things your not sure you can handle on your own. the best people to go to for this are parents, best friends, and experts on the certain subject. :) advice is a gift from one person to another.

    by Reena Lynn on 10.15.2011
  6. giving it can be very full filling but receving it is what means the most when you have some one you can get advice from you can take that advice think abotu it and mbay make well informed decision. This could help many thing not only your self but those arounf you as well and it can be one of the best things in the world

    by markku on 10.15.2011
  7. someone who you care about and who cares about you is helping you with whatever issue you have and they just want what is best for you. The worst is when they say i told you so cause that was there originl advice.

    by taylor on 10.15.2011
  8. “And I Have one final piece of advice left before i depart.”
    The Wizard turned to Derrick and said, “Believe in Yourself and Believe in Who you are”
    And with a snap of his fingers, the wizard vanished, leaving a wonderstruck little boy memorizing those simple words of advice.

    by Liz on 10.15.2011
  9. well, I’m not one to give much advice. I’ll probably just ramble. Which isn’t fun for anyone. Except for myself. Because I like to talk. Talking is a good thing. Talking gets the job done. Talking passes time. Talking to help people, like advice does is also good. I guess. Well people like to do different things with their

    by Katie on 10.15.2011
  10. Floss twice daily. Call your mother. Lock your doors. Tell the truth. Eat your vegetables.

  11. I have no advice to give to you right now. I don’t think advice would help at this point. As much as we want others opinions on matters, in the end we don’t usually listen. We just think we are right. You want advice so that you feel as if someone cares but then you just go against everything they say when it comes down to making a decision. So therefore, my advice is don’t ask for advice because in reality you don’t really want it.

    by Teeps on 10.15.2011
  12. Whenever I used to ask for advice my friend always would say, “Just go for it!” It seemed to work pretty well, so I took up the same habit. Apparently “just go for it” isn’t the best advice for someone standing on the ledge.

  13. The two girls sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at each other. They stayed up all night talking. They talked about boys. They talked about girls. They talked about friends. They talked about family. They talked about love. And they talked about life. One girl would talk, the other would listen. One girl would ask for help, and the other was there to give advice. Because that’s what they did. That’s what friends do.

    by Kaylyn on 10.15.2011
  14. I asked for advice from my mom, my dad, my brothers and sisters, and they all said the same thing…it’s not worth it to be unhappy.

  15. I can give advice to you. I can tae advice from you. I dont really like giving or taking advice, but it is a fact of life that you have to give it and you have to take it at some point or another. So Deal with it, will ya.

    by Dee on 10.15.2011
  16. My father sits me down. He looks me in the eye and tells me two words: Think. Believe. He gets up, his coffee still sitting on the table, and goes to work. I close my eyes and inhale.

    by Anna on 10.15.2011
  17. i hate giving it when no one seems to ACTUALLY listen. i can’t seem to follow my own, and it’s tiring having someone use up all my energy like this. i’m over it.

    by Stacie Fancher on 10.15.2011
  18. The advice was good, yet unwarranted. As I sat in the middle of the express lane praying no one would hit me, I pondered the placement of the “express lane only” sign. Was I the only one who took it at its word. We were all just sitting there, pondering the irony.

  19. is only good when given to yourself.
    no one else.
    you’ll only prosper from your own words.
    no one else’.

    by Soli on 10.15.2011
  20. advice is sometthing to give or take from almost anyone aroyund you, if you take advice your putting something back, pride
    peopel are proud when you take their advice, most of the time they will fail you but the odd moment, everything works out!!

    by Courtney on 10.15.2011
  21. What advise can I get from someone I don’t know? If I want to pay them a decent buck, I am sure they will tell me anything I want to hear and then some.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 10.15.2011
  22. advice? dont give me advice.
    for what what to do and how to live my life!
    I’m fine just the way i am.
    if you want to stop the strife
    listen to your own damn advice!

  23. gives lot of it
    i don’t do it well
    i want it all the time
    why can’t i
    advice is wonderful when it is right
    it can get you into trouble
    be careful what you give and what you listen to
    always take it with a grain of salt
    love the advice-giver, not necessarily the advice
    this timer is freaking me out

    i need it at times

    by Hannah H on 10.15.2011
  24. learn how to take advice. make sure you listen and do what they say. because if you don’t then why did you ask for someones advice in the first place? okay bye. :)

    by sierra on 10.15.2011
  25. Advising them to remove the object, the policeman became more agitated as the minutes ticked by. All he could think about was that porcupine in the Netherlands.

  26. Her advice is terrible. She’s got lots of great qualities, a pretty little present with all the bows and ribbons. But her advice is absolutely terrible.

  27. i wish i had someone to give me advice. i always give everyone else advice and i never get any in return. i hate acting like everythings okay. my best friend is the best thing thats ever happened to me, but i always help her. when is it my turn?

    by jenny jordan on 10.15.2011
  28. Advice.

    Why do they always think that giving me advice is the best thing in the world for me? Sometimes I just wish that they would all keep their mouths shut. i don’t care. I don’t want to care. i don’t want to know.

    I just want to get through this and I want to do it on my own merits. What is so wrong about that? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with someone wanting to stand on their own two feet and survive on their own wits.

    I want to grow in more ways than one. I’m tired of being stupid. Let me make some mistakes and let me do what I’m good at. Something will work. Something will give. And I’ll learn. How can I possibly gain any experience if all you ever want me to do is listen to your advice?

  29. I like to ask as much people as possible for advice when in doubt. That way I can understand how different people react to certain situations and thus have a broad range of understanding to take my own decisions.

    by David on 10.15.2011
  30. Advice. Hard to give sometimes, also hard to take. However, I’ve received some amazing advice in my life, some to the point of altering the choices I made. I am where I am because of those snippits, whether good or bad.

    by Julie on 10.15.2011
  31. i need it, i love giving it lets just hope people will take it when you give it to them. Watch out though, some advice is worth giving but sometimes they need to find out for themselves. Expecially those who are lost. Advice. We all need it. BUt sometimes. not.

    by madeline on 10.15.2011
  32. I ask for advice sometimes. What to wear, say, how to do my math homework. We, or myself, need to get less dependent on asking people for advice. Learn how to find wisdom in ourselves. Once this is accomplished instead of asking for advice, we can ask ourselves for thoughts. Grow in ourselves.

    by MOlly on 10.15.2011
  33. take it or leave it. your choice! live, learn, love. give it when you think you should, but remind them you’re not an expert either. just try to help, and don’t be afraid to ask for help either. you’re not alone.

    by gthaunm on 10.15.2011
  34. Hold my hand.
    Don’t let go.
    Tell me it’s alright.
    Coo your wisdom into my ear, while my heart breaks.
    While my stomach churns.
    Cement holds us together.

    by Charlie on 10.15.2011
  35. One thing everyone is generous with is advice. Greedy as they may be with money, time, or affection, ADVICE is always in full supply. Too bad it can’t often be returned for store credit…..

    by ashleigh on 10.15.2011
  36. I can never, ever seem to take my own. I always seem to be able to give people good advice, but I can never follow it. Even when my brain knows that it’s a good idea. I like to go against what I inherently know to be good.

  37. One of the best things in the world when you’re feeling down and need it the most.

    by Jessica on 10.15.2011
  38. My best advice? It CAN be like it is in the movies – sort of. It won’t always be perfect and the music may not swell at all the right times. But you can find the love of your life…and it will be THAT amazing when you do.

  39. I’m terrible with it. Well, taking what other people give me. I can tell other people anything, but when they tell me something, I feel like if I follow it I’ll be a helpless 4-year-old child. I’m OCD and need to do things on my own. Don’t try and get things for me like my calculator in math class unless I ask you to. Same with advice; don’t give it to me unless I ask you for it. Sometimes I’ll tell you things, but I just want someone to listen. Not give me a whole long definition why I shouldn’t do it. That’s what my mom needs to understand. I’ll tell her something and she’ll just give a bunch of advice on it and I’ll turn it down and BOOM: she’s pissed and she tells me not to tell her things unless I want advice. Which more often than not, I don’t so she doesn’t hear much.

    by Ally Wright on 10.15.2011
  40. when he asked her she responded without actually saying anything. the brush of her mahogany hair, the way her lavender eyes sparkled in the morning, the little cooing noise she made as her head just brushed his elbow. it was endearing as hell.