
February 11th, 2010 | 161 Entries

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161 Entries for “adapt”

  1. The world was changing. No one came outside anymore. It was all video this and virtual that. I hadn’t been on an assignment in weeks. I guess being an assassin was a dying profession. I would just have to adapt and become something else.

    by Doug McIntire on 02.12.2010
  2. Adapt. Change. Life is ever changing. You enjoy the change as long as you are very effective in adapting to the changes. As per Darwin, Survival of the fittest. And the one who adapts fast, is the fittest and can survive anything. As we grow, we learn adapting.

    by A on 02.12.2010
  3. I Can’t!!!!

    by me on 02.12.2010
  4. diablo REDTUB seixx PORNTUBE

    by tarantinios on 02.12.2010
  5. Adapter Melanie Dominick(beides aschl

    by Dominick on 02.12.2010
  6. How?
    Will it work?
    Will I fail?

    by Kim on 02.12.2010
  7. This one is hard. The last two words have been nouns, this one is a verb, but I will adapt! It is just a matter of adaptng my mindset to an action word!

    by shoe on 02.12.2010
  8. adaptation to a place a world a habitat. a place with fish with birds with dinosaurs. an imaginary world, an awesome world, a world i wished i could be a part of. I would be a bird, so i could fly over the water with the fish, or i would be a horse so i could ride along the fields like the wind. Maybe i should just be the wind. Adapt to the world like the wind. A good wind, that doesnt torment.

    by anna on 02.12.2010
  9. Sometimes, we are so stuck in our traditions. We fear change and cannot adapt to new innovations in the world. People grapple on to convention as if it was the last life raft on the Titanic, and in doing so, they miss so many opportunities around them. Sure, they save their hide for a spell, but in the end, they wind up all alone – floating in the freezing tides.

    by Julie Moore on 02.12.2010
  10. human to animals

    by ana on 02.12.2010
  11. to change. for difference. good. sometimes negative. ideal. helps us. akin to evolution. we change ourselves. which makes us more versatile. good for those who refuse to get out of shell. good for people skills. i think i can adapt. it always gives a different perspective.

    by Shannon on 02.12.2010
  12. i don’t want to

    by morpheo on 02.12.2010
  13. Change, to make yourself better. The world needs it to survive. Amazing processes that made a more diverse place. Natures creativity. He who doesn’t adapt will surly parish. Woot.

    by RC on 02.12.2010
  14. to adhere to the group, to change circumstances, a way to suite yourself like your surroundings or your surroundings better suited to you.

    by morpheo on 02.12.2010
  15. adapting is very wierd, first you think every one alse is strange, then you end up there too, even though you think you didn’t.. sad but true

    by anna on 02.12.2010
  16. walk with me – you’ll soon adapt to life on this planet. the atmosphere may be crushing the very air from your lungs but life as us, the ultimate people, is most desired.

    by Ed on 02.12.2010
  17. to get use to something or your environment

    by on 02.12.2010
  18. what the GOP is trying, but failing to do.

    by t.f. krag on 02.12.2010
  19. change feel breathe alter yourself being different change, change is good embrace adaptation, evolution, it needs to happen, so why not let it? let shit be shit l

    by Shireen on 02.12.2010
  20. Well, adaption is not a good thing. Try to be yourself, not another person. You may adapt only a few aspects, but change them, rearrange them, estrange them.

    Took a bit more time due to tranlate german <> english

    by Hauptillusionator on 02.12.2010
  21. Everyone has to adapt to the situations he’s facing in everyday life. I am currently in Spain but I feel like I don’t belong. I should have gone to England, the country of my heart. But I’m here…Have to adapt to the choice I made.

    by Joy on 02.12.2010
  22. Love

    by Olivia on 02.12.2010
  23. it was hard to adapt to this new life. Mom and dad were divorcing soon, and on top of all that, I had no chance at finding new friends when we moved. This was hard. It wasn’t too bad for my brother but he has no friends….so he didn’t have to deal with the pain of saying goodbye.

    by Whitnie on 02.12.2010
  24. I tried to adapt to this, but I was put in a rather difficult position. So I fear that I just cannot.

    It is, after all, strange and unsettling to adapt to a life full of tofu burgers and foreign movie critism after being so used to the world of super fattening burgers and Die Hard 1 through 120.

    by George. on 02.12.2010
  25. Somewhere along the way he’d lost his ability to adapt to the world outside his head. Why bother? It was warm and cozy inside. He was used to the clutter. If the craziness was bizarre and jarring to everyone else, he was comfortable with it. It was, after all, his craziness.

    by gino on 02.12.2010
  26. Humans are extremely adaptable. This is why space exploration would be a good idea, as we could colonise other planets, and quite possibly thrive there. This is a slightly entertaining thought for all the nerds, geeks, and scifi fans out there.

    by ThisBrokenBriar on 02.12.2010
  27. Adapted to the lungs of hell

    by Knudi on 02.12.2010
  28. Watakushi-no Haiku:

    To crawl and then walk-

    To live and to continue-

    To ADAPT, is US

    Sayonara Hitobito

    by Who Dat? Me be Dat! (I think...maybe) on 02.12.2010
  29. to change is to adapt. to what surrounds you to what molds and nurtures you. you will be pushed, buried, struck down, oppressed, shaken, and trampled. but the breaking of old bonds and the formation of new and renewal is to adapt. to make new what has been changed

    by sarah on 02.12.2010
  30. to change is to adapt. to what surrounds you to what molds and nurtures you. you will be pushed, buried, struck down, oppressed, shaken, and trampled. but the breaking of old bonds and the formation of new and renewal is to adapt. to make new what has been changed

    by sarah on 02.12.2010
  31. I thought it would be easy to adapt. I thought I could handle it. Well, I was wrong, obviously. Nothing ever turns out the way you plan it. I was an outsider. A loser. A lone wolf. And there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. All I could do was try and get by, and of course that worked out great.

    by Scarlet on 02.12.2010
  32. I often find it hard to adapt to new situations. I need time to settle into my surroundings. It sometimes causes people to think that I am a bitch or a snob, because i dont speak until comfortable

    by hildegard on 02.12.2010
  33. get with the ticket or jump ship!!! what?!! does that even make sense, she wondered? i don’t know he replied through a trance filled void in the outer sphere of the eco lodge. you’ll just have to learn to adapt to the strange language pouring out of me this late at night. i don’t know what i’m thinking anymore.

    by cre8whirledpeasnow on 02.12.2010
  34. I’ve found that it’s harder to adapt to some things as opposed to others. High school was rather easy for me, it required mostly shutting up and doing my homework on time. If you a were relatively good kid. . .you’d do fine.

    by Barbara on 02.12.2010
  35. It take years to adapt when you loose it all… Years to adapt when you win big. When that certain something, makes it into your life, moving everything, jarring your world, your life.

    Its all about how to adapt.


    by Jessica K. on 02.12.2010
  36. I counter here what [CXOrillion] said in an earlier post on the “adapt” writings list.
    Conform is not a negative term, nor adapt. It is what got you and your ancestors here. It got all life here.

    To adapt is to survive first and then to thrive. When you use a language to communicate YOU ARE CONFORMING.

    You eat with a mouth, chew, and swallow; this is not unique. It is a conformation as is anything you have done to keep yourself alive. Conforming to society preserves peace and happiness for the whole which is ALWAYS more important than you, an individual that wishes they were great and like “no-one-else”.

    YOU are like no one else in your DNA, and yet that is how any and everyone else is “unique” as well. I am more unique than anyone I have seen. Why? The fact is that I do not seek to intentionally conform or defy out of spite or egotistic feeling or to “not” conform to a majority by conforming to a minority.

    I WILL bow down to those who show good ideas and virtues because they deserve that respect, and I will not feel weakened by such action as CXO or others, that are mentally/emotionally weak, might.

    by The-Apoth on 02.12.2010
  37. We are social creatures as a whole in a social and dependent societal

    structures. If you have any need to “Belong” as 99.99+ percent do, then you have been and will be a

    conformist. I have always sought to learn what is the best decision and execute it. In doing this, I defy

    convention often and anger and alienate others. I do not crave negative or positive attention. I defy only

    when I KNOW with HIGH PROBABILITY that my actions will be superior in result to that which has been done by

    all else prior and/or taught as correct by my so-called-peers, professors and supervisors. Most kids conform

    to peers in order to not conform to parents. They want to feel in control and have freedom. Ironically they,

    likely YOU, make the fun, defiant, wrong choice to spite an authority of some kind, which thereby proves you/they

    are stupid or ignorant, yet surely immature and in need of parents to “baby” you. I never had a curfew, yet

    had a protective mom. Why? I proved I was trustworthy CONSISTENTLY and did not whine about being told things

    or following rules (mostly anyway). I told her the plan and went out. If it changed, I had the intelligence to call just in case she might worry, ergo, she didn’t have to do so. When I did rebel, I could be proven correct or intelligent with good

    intent in my thinking. I got away with doing things considered bad in school when others did not. The key is

    to conform and develop a good reputation and then selectively rebel or act out. That way naughty can be had

    (if that is your goal) without a lot of conflict or severe, annoying consequences when caught.

    by The-Apoth on 02.12.2010
  38. drink wotter RED TUBE sir arina REDTUBE/a>

    by beach on 02.12.2010
  39. Also, I should

    inform you who read this and CXO, that strong pursuit and value of your selfish identity and desires, will

    increase the difficulty of tolerance which is so valued by you people. You don’t seem to know as well that

    tolerance can be overused and harmful to society and cultures. It also involves lying to oneself with the

    notion that all ideas and beliefs are equally good or valid. Usually people point to the fact that a lot of

    emotion is involved in a desire to behave a certain way. This bulls#!t, since pediphiles and murderers can

    claim this, but you know their behavior should not be tolerated. Thus, strong personal feeling and intrinsic

    natures do not at all count as validation for a behavior being acceptable and should not be used developing

    opinions. To blaze a new trail all first walked a beaten path.

    by The-Apoth on 02.12.2010
  40. Adapt, conform, mould, assimilate. No. Defy, refuse, stand. Never bow, never go quietly. Be unique. Just like no-one else.

    by CxOrillion on 01.01.1970