
November 13th, 2009 | 317 Entries

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317 Entries for “acting”

  1. I am writing and i dont kno what to say- I use to write a journal for my son and i stopped 3 year ago he is 5 now and i have lost memories that i may never remember- i dont like that feeling at all- my mind is like a sieve- i have to get back into the journal- i will forget and i want to remember- i would like to share those memories with him some day and now i dont remember- we use to call him turkey butt

    by Julie on 11.14.2009
  2. like in a class? or on stage? or a mood swing? acting is a silly thing because you never know what you are getting is it truly an act or is a genuine? on stage, singing, dancing, performing..or in a class….teaching. what is acting and who acts? don’t we all act on a daily basis anyways? I think so! People see what you show them…whether it is who you are or not. Acting, fun for a profession maybe but not a good way to live your life.

    by Michelle on 11.14.2009
  3. acting is so cool i think that acting can be fun to do i wish i was able to act i think i would have liked to take an acting class one in my life i ised to help out

    by maria on 11.14.2009
  4. acting is a glamerous career. I think that actors make too much money however. They are overpaid for a talent that many people have. We all act in our lives every day. Act

    by dawn on 11.14.2009
  5. HE PICKED UP THE SCRIPT WITH HE WRINKLED WELL WORN HANDS. He flipped through the pages that he has flipped through many times before. He remembers the first time he scanned through these pages, he was twenty years old.

    by Miranda on 11.14.2009
  6. acting is a way of puting your feelings and thoughts in a social acceptable way. we act all the time, even when we are alone we act, keeping in mind the faces and attitudes that the lolved ones expect from us

    by allia on 11.14.2009
  7. acting is a form of expressing one self or playing a character to show or take anothers place

    by joe on 11.14.2009
  8. One say there was a man acting in an acting school. He was very good at acting. He had a special gift that made him so good at acting. But, being the obnoxious and cynical actor he was, he didn’t think there was ANYONE as good at acting as him.

    by Nat on 11.14.2009
  9. i hate it. back in high school i tried out for the theater group known as dulaang sibol. they made me prepare a song, and on audition day they made me sing. acapella. damn it. i felt like i made a fool out of myself.

    by johann on 11.14.2009
  10. I act because I live.

    I love because I act.

    Acting is my life.

    Performance is my air.

    I breath it everyday.

    All the world is a stage, for me at least.

    I live in a stage. A play my part well.

    I am an actor.

    I live my craft.

    I breath it.

    I love it to pieces.

    by Sabrina on 11.14.2009
  11. unrealistic.

    by sherrie on 11.14.2009
  12. I used to really love acting. When I was a kid, it was so natural to me to make faces, take on new and different personalities and fuse them with my own. And when I discovered that I could sing, it brought my love for performing to a whole new level.

    by currystrumpet on 11.14.2009
  13. People act all the time. We have been taught to re-act to every circumstance we face. Acting is something we do naturally without thinking and without knowing it.

    by on 11.14.2009
  14. acting is very difficult. it is proven that any tom, dick and harry cant act. an actor is a director’s delight. if you have a good story but a bad actor you have a problem then. he or she can fuck up emotions needed. now the actor should be well trained.

    by Gourav Ghosh on 11.14.2009
  15. I hate actors. Not really, but kind of. Are they real? Who are they, really? Why do actors put on this neutral-face? Are they afraid?

    by on 11.14.2009
  16. That stupid fool up there likes acting.

    by Linda Snutch on 11.14.2009
  17. Acting. I used to act when I was younger. I really loved it. i was in The Hobbit and Old Town. I really have nothing profound to say about acting. i supposed it’s a talent but it seems ridiculous how much famous actors get paid. kind of hit or miss actually

    by Mal on 11.14.2009
  18. Acting up is one of the funniest expressions. When I was a child acting up meant being difficult but now it means assuming the role of someone higher in the organisational hierarchy. It still makes me laugh.

    by Annabel Weir on 11.14.2009
  19. something i would dare to do if i was really good at it.. but now..i dont think so..hahaha :D

    by jhin on 11.14.2009
  20. Acting. Acting. I knew an actor once she shone like…well like nothing i had ever seen before. She thought of things like me. For the first time it felt like home or a nice icy cave. Crystal ships drowning in ice. Fireworks upside down.

    by David on 11.14.2009
  21. we act in everyday life. we lie to one another and put on a facade for the world to see. why are we afraid to truly be ourselves? why does it scare us so much to vulnerable to the world, to people we don’t know, and people we’ve known our whole lives?

    by kris on 11.14.2009
  22. Its the thing I do every day. Acting as if I were important, I, some speck within a blue globe of water spinning through frozen blackness. Acting as if I were happy or sad or confused by the constant madness that is the human condition. Acting is an art and a masterful practice for without it, how could we ever survive?

    by Anonymous on 11.14.2009
  23. First of all, I wish this site would load.

    Acting huh? I’m not a fan of anything that is not the truth. Acting, although it may be representative of the trust, is not the trust. Actors are people playing other people. Actors are people that live varariously though others for fame and fortune. Actors are not real people, real people become the people that actors live up to.

    That is how I feel, but I acknowledge that there are many skilled actors / actresses.

    by Nic on 11.14.2009
  24. acting is pretty hard, it’s one of those things that looks easy, but it’s not, you have to pretend to be completely different, to be someone you’re not. People think you can do it easy, but they say they can spot a liar, acting is like lying.. but lying to entertain people.

    by Kumo on 11.14.2009
  25. hope everyone will have peace in their hearts to have a peaceful living and have one world

    by anne alparito on 11.14.2009
  26. a word were there is no crimes,wars , pain… a word were love is spread and every child has a place to live i

    by walid ernesto on 11.14.2009
  27. the model is quitly smalling at their back while drinking a cup of wine. She is acting as usual and her friends get together at a high school metting.

    by alej on 11.14.2009
  28. I hate acting the way i feel. I believe it to be undignified. I prefer to be more reserved with my emotions. So i guess in a way, I’m always acting. Acting according to how I prefer to be perceived rather than what’s inside.

    by terri on 11.14.2009
  29. a performance. a lie. a simple frivolity made for someone’s entertainment. you decide. its a profession of deceit.

    by C on 11.14.2009
  30. i went to the supermarket and bought orange juice. i saw a very attractive guy staring at me like he’s inlove or something. and that was when i was wearing a mini skirt. i felt really hot that day and well gorgeous.

    by jessie on 11.14.2009
  31. I wish I hadn’t dropped out of school. I wish I hadn’t run away from home to go cross country. I wish I had listened to my parents. I wish I had thought up of a back up plan. Because this city is killing me. It’s full of young souls just like me. And they’re all just as talented.

    by Outfluenza on 11.14.2009
  32. acting seems to be something so essentially incorporated in everyday life. not to state that every action of every individual is contrived, simply that contrivance is not above any of us. humans are naturally self serving and a pleasant facade is a means to an end.

    by emily on 11.14.2009
  33. I wish I could actually be an actor, that I could act, that acting came naturally to me. I guess that is why I want to be in management. To admire from a-far. Better than nothing…

    by KatOfDiamonds on 11.14.2009
  34. i was acting as the way i glide towards you slip the ice is fresh soften feathers in all of the shimmering air through my arms

    by a name on 11.14.2009
  35. Something I am trained to do, each and everyday. Sergei Eisenstein didn’t no bullshit actors. Just pure editing, manipulations.

    by Dick on 11.14.2009
  36. acting like there’s no tomorrow.. as time flies by us. expressionless but conveying every possible emotion with the emptiness of your eyes and heart. we put on these masks to hide from ourselves.

    by griffin. on 11.14.2009
  37. I always loved acting. It is amazing, creative and full of fun. As a kid, I loved the actors in movies and always tried to imitate their style. I would try and dance like the leading actresses, and also pose like them. Sometimes I wonder how it would be if i were an actor.

    by alekhya on 11.13.2009
  38. She was acting like she didn’t care, but that was a lie. It was all a lie. Everything he said was a lie and everything she said back was a lie and it didn’t mean anything anymore.

    by Carolyn on 11.13.2009
  39. The lady stared longingly into the plate glass window, behind the glass sat a ring with a diamond the size of her eye. She pressed her hand longingly against the glass. “CUT!” yelled the director

    The director was fuming, he had seen better acting at his daughter’s fifth grade play.

    by xenos on 11.13.2009
  40. it was all acting, her dramatic gestures, as if the world was her audience. beneath her elaborate schemes, she was just tired, tired and sore. saddened and alone. of everything she had accomplished in her life, and how it always seemed like everything had been laid out in a path, and she just played the role. the role of a good daughter, a good sister, a good student, a good girlfriend, a good wife. but she longed to break free, her heart was set on the world.

    by claire on 11.13.2009