
September 14th, 2011 | 458 Entries

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458 Entries for “account”

  1. “Don’t feel like you have to do anything on my account. You do enough for us without having to jump in and take care of things while Jack is gone.”

    In truth, David didn’t mind. It pained him to know he would never be with Billie, yet there would always be the little errands he ran for her.

    by Raymond Masters on 09.14.2011
  2. I wonder how much money is in my checking account? I cannot account for it if there is not much, I don’t pay enough attention to our finances. Maybe it is time for me to ask my husband what he does with our money!

    by Brooke on 09.14.2011
  3. I sat in the police station, trying to give an accurate account of the incident that had happened on the corner of 4th St and Brake Road. There was a man in the cell across the station who simply would not be quiet, he kept adding his thoughts about it and I lost my train of thought.

    by Laura Spencer on 09.14.2011
  4. Account. You must account for your actions. Everyone has choices and you made the wrong one. You must make amends for this crime. Go! Off into the wilderness until you can live in civilization.

  5. The account had been emptied. No one could understand why. No one could grasp the reason she would do it. She had emptied her family’s account and fled.

    by Kathleen on 09.14.2011
  6. Let me account for your sins
    by counting the cracks
    on my soul
    where your dagger-like words
    pierced sharply against the middle
    until pinpricks of light
    forced their way through
    and washed me completely
    clean of you

  7. Don’t know what to say about this, as I have no clue what One Word is. I just checked there is nothing on this Macbook, I’ll

    by Stephen Kirby on 09.14.2011
  8. ‘My account is frozen!!!’ I scream as I stare at the teller. She stares back at me, a sorrowful look on her face. ‘I’m really sorry,’ she says. ‘It seems youre wanted for bank fraud.

  9. Today is the day I take an accounting of my duties as the family trustee. I know I’ve done my job and done it honorably and done it well. The statistics will prove that. What I also have to take into account is that there are some family members that will NEVER be satisfied with the way I’ve handled my job. My accounting isn’t for them. It’s for those who care about facts.

    by CameoRoze on 09.14.2011
  10. Something about banks scare me. Either it’s the fake atmosphere, or the fake plants, or the elevator music…I’m not quite sure. I always try to go through the drive-thru to avoid any confrontation to the bank ladies with the big hair. They always seemed scary, anyways.

  11. i remember making my facebook account. I was in seventh grade. I thought it was the coolest thing ever back then. Actually I still do! It can connect so many people so quickly! I can keep in touch with my friends from austria! I miss them.

    by Stephanie on 09.14.2011
  12. money banks collage

    by lianet on 09.14.2011
  13. Take into account all of the suffering I’ve gone through. Be kinder. Be gentler with yourself. You cannot judge who you were at that time. You are different now. You have evolved, and are still evolving. By all accounts, you are human.

  14. i went to the bank and asked the teller hob

    by Ian on 09.14.2011
  15. – Cabinet individual de psihologie

    by Cristea Giorgiana on 09.14.2011
  16. His cologne clings to my skin like drops of dew on grass.
    His smile, his kiss, his words are all here
    But his heart is unaccounted for.

    by on 09.14.2011
  17. I sat with the number in my hand. I’d finally done it. My first bank account. My first real step towards independence. Gone were the days when I was begging my parents for money because you see? LOOK AT ME NOW MOM! I HAVE MY OWN BANK ACCOUNT, I DON’T NEED YOU. In a way I still do, but I have a private stash of money. A stash that’s all mine.

    by J. Johnson on 09.14.2011
  18. this makes me think of money. money is a very powerful thing that causes people to be selfish. i hate selfishness. but i do secretly admit, i love money as well. i am very materialistic but i guess i just can’t help it. also, i will hold someone accountable for being selfish. account. account. i don’t like holding people account of anything. i love everyone. but I guess this means I hate myself and am hypocritical?

    by Morgan on 09.14.2011
  19. On account of Joe’s old red pick-up truck, my leg slid under the wheel and floor boarded the gas pedal and ironside’s ears flapped in the wind going up stone ridge road and we skidded to a stop just short of the quarry and Sheriff Frank.

    by Rebecca Gault on 09.14.2011
  20. I’ve accounted many dreams in my life. I’ve tried imagining them from start to finish, hoping one day to make them into films. Wouldn’t that be incredible? Like Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams. One day, I will do that. I will build a tunnel of screens and play them throughout – a literal dreamscape. My accounts are so in my head, there’s got to be a way to get them out of there!

    by kaitlyn on 09.14.2011
  21. How do you account for the fact that you haven’t accounted for the accounting error in his written account? Account, a duke, and a viceroy were walking into a bar …

  22. YERFACE! is in my business again & my bank account is dying.

    by Graham on 09.14.2011
  23. My bank account is my life in just a few numbers. The high points, the low points, the barely scraping by. My account shows my life for what it’s worth, literally. While it may not be measured in moments, but rather in pennies and dollars. My account is my life, simply. It’s sad, but it’s true.

    by Sarah Smith on 09.14.2011
  24. I want you to hear me, to take my feelings into account, but you know me too well. You see my fears and can call me on my excuses before I voice them. It makes me hate you and is why I love you.

  25. This is my account. We never happened, there was no beach on the solstice, no salty skin and rushed breathing. There were no summer days and moonlight walks. No late nights. I was never in your garden, laughing open mouthed, wide eyed. You never sent me a rose. None of this ever happened. Only the ghosts of our teenage selves play out our history, over and over. We never happened. This is my account.

    by Josie on 09.14.2011
  26. debit or credit; what you have in many companies; bank; fb; websites; account for something; form of word accounting;

    by Beckey Wolfe on 09.14.2011
  27. To account for each moment that has passed without one of us intently focused on the air filling our lungs and fueling our hearts would be a simple matter of counting to seven on any two of our four hands. It wouldn’t matter because we are, and will forever be, together.

  28. By all account, I should be happy. But by my account, it’s not the case. I’m not really unhappy, but true happiness is a state of mind that I have not experienced at a sustained level for nearly two years. Hoping it will become more a part of my reality soon.

    by Andie on 09.14.2011
  29. My account is running thin. I’m overused, overworked, and tired. I have very little left in my engery account, in my emotional account. I am worn thin but everything.

    by Ashley Mills on 09.14.2011
  30. a bank account. what is it? a little room with your money kept inside like harry potter i always thought……

    by ted on 09.14.2011
  31. account at a bank. I’d like to open one said the man. The woman looked up at him. Sir, can you please give me your id? The man opened his wallet after taking it from his pocket and removed his id.

    by sophie on 09.14.2011
  32. On account of my being out of work, I will have to make this exercise short today. I have my daughter’s field hockey game to attend, and I never miss a game.

    by on 09.14.2011
  33. I have an account for everything. For a facebook, a myspace, a twitter, and even this. But what is all this for? Is it pushing me further to people or farther away, nobody knows the answer to this question, so i’ll just keep making accounts, meeting new people, and hope it works out one day…

  34. well, have you ever had an account? it’s quite handy, actually. It helps you be more involved with a websiteyou really like. it also helps you be able to utilze the website you have an account on. if you dont have an account, you cant do as much.

  35. Agnes Billings could have had no other job, given his name. “Billings!” they’d call with their water-cooler wet voices. “Billings!” And he’d come running.

    by Jeff Goodman on 09.14.2011
  36. Be accountable for what you do. Account for yourself as a person and as who you are, whoever that is. Always keeps accounts of yourself, whether a diary or a camera or friends. Be the person that you want to be, the most accountable and able you can be to other people who are important to you. Account.

    by Emily Stout on 09.14.2011
  37. My bank account reads close to zero these days. I’m not entirely sure how it got that way. I work my ass off every single day, rarely spending a dime of my money. I hate my bank account. There are hundreds of “extra” fees these days. 20 bucks a year for maintenance? Give me a break.

  38. The account I opened at the bank was supposed to save for Christmas presents for the kids. But now there might not be a Christmas at all. Medical bills were piling up and there wasn’t much money left.

    by Mark Lewellyn on 09.14.2011
  39. When you acount something you are thinking of a specific situation in which you want to recall the details in order to explain it to someone. An account can also be thought of as a bank account a personal place where you store your money that only you have access to. Same thing with a facebook or myspace account, it is something personal that only you have access to with your personal password.

    by amy on 09.14.2011
  40. An account is a personal

    by amy on 09.14.2011