
April 17th, 2016 | 51 Entries

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51 Entries for “violet”

  1. purple like the sunset at night on trash mountain or the lake. The color of Harrods crayon that took him around the world. A bruise from soccer or falling. A faded scar. beauty. Violence is the typo that is a bad mistake.

    by Allison on 04.18.2016
  2. The sky isn’t supposed to be violet. It can be a multitude of colors, from the darkest of oranges, to the brightest of blues, but violet seems to not fit. You look up into the sky and the only thing that comes to your mind is fear.

  3. I like “Violet” as a name. The flower is also beautiful. Both are unique, pretty, and sweet. Aaaaand now I want to color with crayons because it reminds me of a violet crayon.

  4. !

    by caden on 04.18.2016
  5. I have violet flowers, my room color is violet, my nails are violet and even my boogers turn out violet! but my favorite color is pink. :)

    by on 04.18.2016
  6. I had never seen a face which turned violet that much that it left me in shock and disbelief, someone from the restaurant rushed at the commotion and did a Heimlich maneuver on the poor man.

  7. Violet was a sweet little girl who loved to play outside. Now, as an adult she works in a plant nursery. Her favorite flowers are violets.


  8. Violet is deep as fuck

  9. Her violet eyes were suddenly near his face, like she was analizing his soul. He couldn’t move, not because he was afraid, but because he never saw such beauty in somebody’s eyes before. it was like the whole night sky was in there, he felt himself fall for her instantly

  10. Violet is a purpleish blue color. And is also the name of of purpleish blue colored flower.

    by cad on 04.18.2016
  11. Those violet flowers look nice there said Larry maybe we should get more and put them all around the house. We could also put roses or other flowers around instead.

    by cad on 04.18.2016
  12. The police use an ultra-violet to see footprints or handprints or fingerprints!

    by cad on 04.18.2016
  13. Sometimes I like seeing the color on you.

  14. I looked at the patch of deep purple violets as I ate my picnic food.

    by EmEm on 04.18.2016
  15. roses are red
    violets are blue
    I wanna be in bed
    and so do you

  16. roses are red, violet are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you

    by on 04.18.2016
  17. She smelt the perfume rise up from the crushed leaves under her feet before she saw it. Violet, the smell and taste of spring. Inwardly, she rejoiced to be back in the mountains, back in her home, but outwardly, she stayed composed. She wanted him to fall in love with the valley too.

  18. Violet is a name I used to love when I was younger – I wrote mini stories about a girl called Violet and she lived a much more exciting life than mine. Of course I’m no longer in possession of those stories – I used to write them in little notebooks that are probably stashed away somewhere under other piles of books in cupboards at home.

    by Alice on 04.18.2016
  19. The rose light of the dawn was just beginning to break into her bedroom windows when a shrill scream broke the silence. She fell out of bed and scrambled to her feet, bleary eyed. “What? Hello? What?”
    The scream had dissolved into a wail that could only be her sister.

  20. Scarlet heartshed that spreads itself over the cashmere sunlight. A violet radiation, almost like a gunshot that pops smoke, the color violet spreads itself across streetlights. The color violet is almost a home.

    by FSFS on 04.18.2016
  21. a flower which grow in the countryside near the river and in the garden.
    it’s a colur of some clothes

    by JUAN MANUEL on 04.18.2016
  22. Violet. The color violet is often overlooked. It is mistaken for its cousin, purple. But violet is its own color, and has its own nature. My name is Violet, and I am my own person.

    by abby on 04.18.2016
  23. She is blue. Always. She got a job and she got fired. She got another and she quit. She prays with hot tears and asks all the ‘why’ questions till we all join her disbelief. Hard luck? What is it? Some people don’t seem to win, ever.

    by jen on 04.18.2016
  24. “Stunning,” was all I breathed.

    Amidst the white and night, and where coffee’s pungent aroma rose from pots of chrome and black, you stood. My heart skipped before I even saw your heavenly visage, the tint of your hair had already intrigued me more than my heartstrings could manage. My blood ran from fire to cold ice in a matter of heartbeats and that breath I didn’t know I held gave me the reprieve of a thousand heartaches. Is this what the greatest Romantics meant when they felt the presence of their soulmate?

    by ZZ on 04.18.2016
  25. I always confuse violet and violent. It takes me an extra second to make sure I’m reading the word correctly. Violet is not violent at all. It’s not like crimson.

  26. 1violet=Verily Input On Level Ephermarilly There

    Well, the format required wasn’t known to me, I did my best though. Violet is a deep-purple, and one the spectrum of light, its unheard of, like-really-fast.

    by Garz on 04.17.2016
  27. Within every garden, there is a flower, or there should be a flower whose bloom is the colour of violet. The colour brings about a great sense of calmness and optimism and should be available from within all locations to encourage this positive appreciation of nature.

  28. Your eyes were violet. That was the first thing I noticed about you. They were so odd and unexpected that I could’t help but look twice. Your hair was next. It was long and unruly and honestly resembled a bird’s nest, so much so that I wouldn’t be surprised if I found twigs and leaves in there. It was the color of hay, and I thought it was lovely.

    by Natasha on 04.17.2016
  29. Violet. My great Aunt. She had the most beautiful garden out in the country. I remember crouching down to pick the tiniest, most delicious, perfectly spherical strawberries, under the green-violet velvet leaves.

    by Brad on 04.17.2016
  30. I like the color violet on my eyes. My favorite violet eyeshadow is called Sassy. It’s a vegan eyeshadow. Violet Chatchki is a great drag queen. She won RuPaul’s season 7. Usually I don’t like skinny queens, but I think she’s really talented. She has a really good aesthetic and she’s an amazing designer.

  31. Violet was her name; a light and fluffy sounding name, as you would expect the owner of said name to be. Yet light and fluffy was the last thing that anyone would say about her.

    by Travis Croken on 04.17.2016
  32. It’s been so long since I’ve written.
    “Velvet violet lining” springs to mind… Poe’s description of the cushion on which he rested his head and regretfully noted that Lenore’s head would never rest upon again.

    Her eyes sparked with determination, a bright violet light calling to me as a lighthouse to a marooned ship, desperate for land. I needed her.

  33. i’m tired of this word
    why do i have to see it again
    i already did this once
    so why is it here again/
    perhaps the past words arent good
    enough for this little space
    so i’ll try again for this same word
    and write in this empty space

  34. the color of your eyes
    and the color in your hair
    paints the color in my heart
    because you color when youre there
    the color named by beauty
    and the color named for you
    the color that you’ll never see
    because the color of it is you

  35. “Do you like butter?” he asked his mother and held the buttercup to her chin. It glowed yellow from the reflected light and she laughed as she took the flower from his grasp.

    “Of course, you silly dilly. You know I like butter.”

    Later, they were playing in a field of violets. She lay down, in the grass and flowers, and suddenly her healthy complexion turned blue, from the violets’ reflected light. He looked down at her and felt a sudden fear that she had died. Again, she looked up at him and laughed and they tumbled in the grass.

    Ever since that day, he held this image of his mother’s mortality in his mind.

  36. sincerity had never been violet’s problem: she had a sharp tongue and a soft heart, and both of those endlessly tripped over each other in a fantastic race to the truth. truth was rarely blunt in her mouth… but somehow, her plump face did not anger many of her interlocutors – the virtue of being a small child, perhaps.

  37. I had never seen Amber’s face turn such a shade of violet. It reminded me of when her daughter, Andrea, walked in with her hair streaked like the tail end of the rainbow. Like Roy G. Biv vomited onto her head, and the only color that wouldn’t wash out was the purple. But boy, was Andrea happy. Fourteen years old, walking in with those torn jeans and black Pink Floyd T-shirt, sporting that hyper-colored hairdo like there was no tomorrow, and now her mom, two years later, was emanating that glorious hue.

    by Belinda Roddie on 04.17.2016
  38. Walking down the avenue on the hottest day of the year. I wore a dress with violets on it. You wore a shirt halfway unbuttoned, chest hair peeking out. Arm around my shoulders. The hot young guys on the street, blue-eyed gaped at us, wondering how the hell you scored a girl like me.

    by Ella Emma Em on 04.17.2016
  39. Delicate veins
    paint your wings
    of silk and petal –
    You seemed expansive in
    your reach to the house
    that would become
    the epitome
    of a home.
    Oh violet.

    It also means very angry.

    by Andrea Spector on 04.17.2016