
June 19th, 2012 | 323 Entries

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323 Entries for “pits”

  1. Pits in the ground full of dirt, and then flowers grow and they blossom into something beautiful. A pit full of beauty is formed. Beautiful flowers full of life, and love and happiness.

    by Maria on 06.20.2012
  2. My pits are sweaty when I run and when I jump around. I like cherries, but the pits freak me out.

    by Tori on 06.20.2012
  3. When you have seen the many pits you have stumbled upon, you realize the strength that lies within you.

    by Martin on 06.20.2012
  4. Pits, like peach pits Or the pit of an apple, like the eye of an apple.
    The complete center of something, such as the heart of palm, crunchy and chewy. Like the rings around a tree that tell you how old it is, like how if I like into your eyes I can tell how old you are, too. Isn’t that peachy?

    by Kiana on 06.20.2012
  5. Omg arm pits. Or ones in the ground. But ewww, gross… Smellllllllly! omg my school is Fort Pitt but spelt differently!!!!!!

    by Elena on 06.20.2012
  6. The pits of the earth, the dark, raging areas in which I swear hell is. The bright, crackling fire; burning all the falls into it’s deep, never-ending drops. Each shelf of rock, waiting for a single rock to knock it into the depths of hell itself.

    by Marie on 06.20.2012
  7. hule , vi kaller det det, hule. Inni kan du gå, hvis du tør, innover, oppover, ut igjen selvfølgelig, men i åpningen vil du stå og angre. Jeg lover.

    by Petter Herman on 06.20.2012
  8. In the pits where they put the really bad people… Dont go there. Dont be one of them it will be hurtfull

    by Petter Herman on 06.20.2012
  9. my armpits get harry and I have no desire to shave them unless it gets hot. The sweat makes my pits itch when they are harry. Maybe it is because I am finally happy with myself that I have become careless… maybe its cause I care more

    by Samantha on 06.20.2012
  10. armpits they are smelly and disgusting unless you use deoderant. there are also fire pits where you can build fires i like fires campfires that is ad you can dig pits with a shovel tthats cool i guess lol bye.

    by Dani on 06.20.2012
  11. “ich werde dich über diesen Abgrund tragen, vertrau mir”, sprach er und sah mir dabei tief in die Augen.
    das nächste, was ich merkte war, dass er, mit mir in den Armen, zum sprung ansetzte
    aber ich fühlte mich sicher bei ihm. Er wird mich nich fallenlassen.
    Nicht in diese tiefe Schlucht und ebensowenig wird er meine Gefühle fallenlassen
    Darin vertraute ich ihm voll und ganz! ♥

    by schookooomuffin on 06.20.2012
  12. arm pits, olive pits
    1 a pit in the ground: hole, ditch, trench, trough, hollow, excavation, cavity, crater, pothole; shaft, mineshaft, sump.
    2 pit closures: coal mine, colliery, quarry.
    3 the pits in her skin: pockmark, pock, hollow, indentation, depression, dent, dimple.
    1 his skin had been pitted by acne: mark, pockmark, scar, blemish, disfigure.
    2 raindrops pitted the bare earth: make holes in, make hollows in, dent, indent.
    pit against it’s your chance to pit your wits against the world champions: set against, match against, put in opposition to, put in competition with; compete with, contend with, vie with, wrestle with.
    the pits informal this place is really the pits: hell, the worst, the lowest of the low, a nightmare; rock-bottom, extremely bad, awful, terrible, dreadful, deplorable; informal appalling, lousy, abysmal.
    pit 2
    cherry pits: stone, pip, seed.
    pits can mean many things.

    by jessica on 06.20.2012
  13. She’s at the bottom of the pit of despair, and she can’t get out no matter how hard she tries. She can see the sky far above her head, but even as she reaches out she knows it’s useless. She’s completely and utterly stuck.

    by rushtail on 06.20.2012
  14. smelly arm pits, my were yesterady cuz it was warm and i forgot to put deodorant on
    actually that was the day before, at Aarons. Haha they werent bad though…. cherry pit

    by rachael on 06.20.2012
  15. There are many kinds of pits in the world, arm pits, pit bulls, sand pits. The list is seemingly endless. But the question remains, which is the most significant of pits? I would have to argue that arm pits are the most important of all the pits, being that they are an integral part of the human body and thus without them we would not be the same.

    by Kat on 06.20.2012
  16. It’s the pits! I’ve used this expression many times. When something is just indescribably awful to live through (or so it seems at the time)…..it’s the pits. Maybe is has some to do with Erma Bombeck’s If Life is a Bowl of Cherries then I’m in the pits.

  17. Armpits has the word pits in it. And so does sandpits. And theres also pits in cherries. Pits is a funny word. It has a p and an i and a t and a s. Its a four letter word.

    by Kirsty on 06.20.2012
  18. once upon a time in a land not too far away lived a young boy.One day while walking along the road he found a peach pit and decided he wanted to plant it and watch it grow.He thought maybe if he could make it grow with his love and compassion that maybe he would someday find a wife and they would do the same together.

    by Selena on 06.20.2012
  19. a plum has a center that’s called a pit. the pit is the seed of the plum that help the plum species multiply and widen the range of it’s habitat. the pit is surrounded by a fleshy bit.

    by Esther on 06.20.2012
  20. I love fruit more than any food on the planet. Peaches being probably the number one. The one problem I have with them is getting all the peach off of the pit!

    by Justin on 06.20.2012
  21. Pits remind of several things. Armpits, Pit full of snakes.. A giant pit filled with barbed wire. None of those are pleasant things yet I am reminded of them. I definitely do not know why.

    by Ann Treesa Joy on 06.20.2012
  22. Stinky smelly sweaty underarms.
    Are you feeling in the pits today?
    pits rymes with hits and knits and kits
    Oh pits. My pits, his pits, her pits, its pits,
    smelly pits.

    by Alyson on 06.20.2012
  23. Oh man, here I am. Down here, in the goddamn fucking mothersexsomething pits. Look, I get it, you might think I’m talking about some bodily orifice or some metaphor for being sad. No, fuck that. I’m a goddamn hole and I can’t get out. There’s the light, there’s the lip, there’s the dent where I slipped while craning my neck over the edge and fellthefuck in. Fuck.

    Well there’s not much I can do down here. I guess I can sit. Write a story in the dirt. Wait to die maybe. That sounds boring though. I could try and climb up – but I don’t really see the point in that either. Someone must have dug this terrible thing, maybe they’ll come by shortly to collect me for dinner.

    I’m probably the dinner.

    by Shannon on 06.20.2012
  24. Nonchalantly, he angled his head and spit out the cherry pits, every single one of them effortlessly plunging into her morning coffee.

    She didn’t even notice until she reached the bottom of her mug.

    But she just laughed it off and reminded herself to buy more cherries after getting off work.

  25. Peach and cherry are probably the most popular. Either one can cause great damage to one’s dental work but they do provide some tannin to the flavor of the fruit which is a good thing.

  26. Arm pits. Nasty things. On women, they are nice because most women shave them… although if you’re someone like me, whenever you shave them you end up with red itchy bumps since you have sensitive skin. On men, they are disgusting because they are just masses of hair that is often times drenched in sweat and stench. Absolutely disgusting.

  27. I almost choked on a cherry pit when I was a kid. I didn’t eat cherries for years, until I turned 12, and I revisited the spunky fruit. From then on, I have enjoyed the deliciousness of pit-less cherries! I even went to the cherry festival up north.

  28. Life can be, but what really bothers a lot of people is not the situation, but the perspective. Pits? For the birds, you say, but think of the poor schmuck who is having one of those days and needs to have a little encouragement once in a while.

    by Scott Richards on 06.20.2012
  29. I ran through the forest, thin branches smacked me in the face. I had to get away. I had to find a place to hide. But most of all, i had to avoid the seemingly bottomless pits that scattered the landscape.

  30. i feel as if im falling into a pit that i cannot get out of. i scrape my hands along the edges, looking for something to hold onto. Yet, there is nothing. Nothing in this pit for me to save myself. I am destined for this pit and i shall forever remain in the pit of despair.

    by Tawny on 06.20.2012
  31. i feel that im in the pits of despair.
    why can’t i leave this controlling evil lair.
    All i want is to be free,
    Release my wings and flee.

    by Tawny on 06.20.2012
  32. darkest pits of despair. seems to be the place I’m in right now. I have no friends. if i did I wouldn’t be on this website. not having friends is a give’n I guess. ahhh so lonely and no friends. wow. pits. also arm pits I guess

    by nancy on 06.20.2012
  33. Tired, but feisty. Malaise is a pit of hopelessness I cannot wallow in. I rather let my imagination soar into the stratosphere, hover for awhile before drifiting into the exosphere, and from there, who only knows where. Those hooks of ennui can’t catch me.

    by on 06.20.2012
  34. “If you don’t do this, you’d fall into the pits of hell.” That’s what they told me, when I refused to say graces before lunch.

    I didn’t understand. How could God–who loved you so–push you into the scorching flames of hell when He’d claimed He’d love you so?

  35. They were very deep pits, and the sides were slick so there was no way the animal could get out. I covered the three holes with brush in hope that they would not be seen by the animals and we might have dinner tonight.

  36. Armpits can be the worst sometimes. They can be sweaty, they can be hairy, kinda like a really old man. I remember one time I met this uncomfortably hairy man with his shirt half undone word of warning: It’s not attractive.

    by Salomey on 06.20.2012
  37. hai.,, sebutlah namaku. kau akan memikirkanku
    jika kau tak menyebut namaku, kau tak akan bisa melakukan itu (memikirkanku)

  38. the first word i ever learned in german other than the hello, goodbye 1-10 shit was arm pits. now i’m living in austria. I would rather be in the arm pit of america where i started. i miss all my friends and my dog, and the food. oh god that taco bell and those wings :( how i miss you dear friends.

    by Milly on 06.20.2012
  39. arm pits are stinky . but thats what deoderant is for so i wouldn’t worry about it to much. there are other types of pits too. like pits that you can fall into, but you might break your arm if you fall so watch out for that. also, there’s pits that come out of fruits. like peach pits!

    by Leah Wagner on 06.20.2012
  40. Pits. She had really smelly armpits. And I tried to tell her but she wouldn’t listen. She’s the type that never listens you just can’t tell her things. And it sucks to know that you can’t help her..and her smelly pits.