
September 17th, 2016 | 44 Entries

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44 Entries for “parking”

  1. A 1999 Chevy Cav’s been in my carport for two years.

  2. Once I was good at parallel parking. Everyone else sucked at it. Something so little like that made me feel special.

    It was bullshit. Nobody cares if you can parallel park.

    by :) on 09.18.2016
  3. last night in the car you sat there and gave me a face that i couldn’t bare. i can still feel that excruciating stare, i wish you were here, there, literally anywhere.

  4. i backed up i hated it well i hate myself because i couldn’t do it. i can’t do anything right. some people just weren’t made for life.

  5. Parking can be an absolute pain and not to mention expensive. The thing I hate most about parking is the time it takes to find a space but also parallel and reverse parking, nightmare. Life is made so much easier these days by having parking sensors.

    by Emma on 09.18.2016
  6. The parking lot was empty; everyone had fled. Though it didn’t matter where they were. Death was going to find them all and all at once. There was no escaping this one. Technology wasn’t advanced enough to stop it, no way to divert it. And finally, the Earth will be able to rest.

    by Kristen on 09.18.2016
  7. They sit in the car. One vastly more hopeful than the other. Both worrying on the same black nightmares.

    The strongest knows it all and does not allow for error. Performance, they say, is everything. Yet one missed cue and the moment will end. Of this is all you can be certain.

    by Ms Daisy on 09.18.2016
  8. Today parking was cray with the rain and the lack of free parking in switzerland. The only choice was to go to a covered park and pay a fortune for the few minutes we were going to use. Unfortunatly everybody thought the same and we eneded up paying more for the time spent looking for a place than the ac

    by Diana on 09.18.2016
  9. parking, has always seemed, to me at least, a dull topic. what is there to say about the magical art of inserting a vehicle into a space. you, can probably tell that I have never driven a car. at least, not until yesterday…

  10. That space that is yours
    Not that it is
    Time and again
    What is needed
    That is needed
    In a rush of space
    And time slipped

  11. Parking the car, parking the call, parking that thought, going parking, parking lot, parking ramp, parking garage, parking attendant, I decided to be less creative today, can you tell that I’m parking my brain today?

  12. She backed carefully into the spot and put the car in park. They sat in silence. “Now what?”
    Finally he spoke. “Do you want to go inside?”
    She shook her head and tried to do that thing that she read about in books where she looked at him from under her eyelashes. It wasn’t working.
    “Okay… so…”

  13. Once upon a time there was a superhero. A superhero specifically for poor-parked cars. The superhero considered it to be his duty to rightfully park all the cars leading to organized Streets and less damage to the cars. This has been highly appreciated by everyone.

  14. whne you stop in aim to do something or you have seen someone. Stop to see the sunset with your friend in the middle of the night with an amaizjng soudntrack that would help you to create a memory. You park beacuse you need a break.

    by Adriana on 09.18.2016
  15. parking reminds me of when we were younger and we would go parking.. meaning to make out. usually in a car. I never did this.. also my first thought is the hollywood sign for some reason or some other place where there is a view and you are near a cliff of some sort. also i hate parking in boston.

    by laurie on 09.18.2016
  16. I’m not very good at parking. Especially paraell parking.I will drive around until

  17. Parking my car is not easy. Especially when you drive something that is not a tiny hatchback. There never seems to be spaces large enough to fit my fat car. But no matter, I still love my car for its fatness because its more comfortable that way.

    by KHKKHK on 09.18.2016
  18. parking is an important matter for any building. without it, any office seems to be useless or troublesome.

  19. Nightmare. Horns beeping. Traffic. Cars. Hell. Impatient. Frustrated . Annoyed. Yelling.

    by Isabelle on 09.18.2016
  20. Let me talk about PARKING at Texas State and pretty much any college university. I’m so sick of being packed in like sardines. It’s beyond ridiculous how everything is just run by money and no ones cares about the real shit. The shit that is gonna be on gravestones and the shit that is said about you after you’re six feet under.

    by Laina on 09.18.2016
  21. The parking area didn’t look much unlike a shopping store, like all the cans packed together on a shelf.

  22. I write very well
    but I’m a man of few words
    EULOGY haiku

    – ! Haiku-Man !
    [since I missed yesterday’s word.]

    by ! Haiku-Man ! on 09.18.2016
  23. You wouldn’t know it
    but owning a PARKING lot
    brings plenty money!

    -by !! Haiku-Man !!

    by ! Haiku-Man ! on 09.18.2016
  24. Parking should be allowed here. It is very difficult to walk all the way down to the house.

    by BR on 09.18.2016
  25. It’s though to find and
    absolutely frustrating
    A good PARKING spot

    – ! Haiku-Man !

    by ! Haiku-Man ! on 09.18.2016
  26. Parking stress me out. Since driving in London where we drive in the other side. The pressure of having a new car and Paralell parking well…that causes me anxiety. Tiny spaces. Too big of a car. Pressure of drivers waiting forme to get it right. Parking assist. Yeah right. I much prefer pulling into a parking spot like you do in the US. Easy peasy. But space is a premium here so parking is more than likely street parking and I just need to get better at Paralell parking. Lessons anyone. And I have a back up camera! First world problems I know. Parking causes me anxiety.

  27. Parking isn’t as painful as people make it out to be. Unless you’re in one of those horrible parking garages! And parallel parking should be avoided at all costs!

  28. The scraps and debris bask nonchalantly in the sultry summer wind off the slimy asphalt. The metal peels like stubborn, papery hangnails off wrinkly fingertips. Sometimes you would hear a clank and think it were some small creature, only to remember you were the only one left alive among the fire.

  29. Parking can sometimes be a total drag, especially in places like Miami Beach. Not to mention its gotten increasingly difficult to not only find parking, but pay for it. Long gone are the days of meters and easy parking and chump change, now I have to actually walk a half mile to find the meter machine, just to realize that I need my tag number which Ive totally forgotten and end up having to walk back to my car.

    by Michelle on 09.17.2016
  30. She drove around the block another time, cursing herself for not riding her bicycle. Parking in mid-town was always a hassle. She turned again and saw a space in front of her. Another car swerved into her path and took up the space. She put the car in neutral and secured the parking brake and was about to leave her car to talk to the guy, when he stepped out of his car, hefting a gun and glaring at her.

    She left quickly and decided she would skip the meeting.

  31. There was no parking by the grocery store, so Carly had to drive around to a sketchy residential area and settle for a cramped spot between a trash can and a beaten up black truck. As she stepped out of her van, she was suddenly aware of sharp, shallow breathing nearby. That turned out to be a random doing push-ups in his driveway across the street.

    by Belinda Roddie on 09.17.2016
  32. I couldn’t find the parking garage. I knew if I ever saw it that I would know the building where we were staying. It was the same building as laster year but lately my memory was getting fuzzier and fuzzier. I had no idea why I couldn’t remember it. Or my zip code. That had just happened at the gas station when the credit card wouldn’t go through without my zip code.

    by Nancy Dorman-Hickson on 09.17.2016
  33. Parallel parking was never one of his strong suits. He trolled around the block 3 times until he finally found a spot to pull straight in. When he hopped out of his Buick and chirped the lock, a kid stood there, mouth agape, as the Skeleton King brandished a machete. With no trees around, certainly the Skeleton King was not up to any good.

  34. There’s no parking spaces at my work. I spend so much time looking for parking. I have learning how to back into a parking space. I love my backup camera for this reason. Thank you Karen

    by Gilda on 09.17.2016
  35. Parking. Parking means stopping. Slowing down and stopping because you have somewhere to be. Or maybe not. Maybe you just wanted to talk to the person in the passenger seat or on the phone.

  36. En el estacionamiento (parking) había una bruja. Tenía pelo azul. Era buena, no como las otras brujas. Llevaba vestido negro y caminaba hacia la salida. Se iba a encontrar con alguien supongo. Yo la miraba desde atrás de un auto rojo.

    by Natalia Agustina on 09.17.2016
  37. parking lot
    faded lines
    once clear

    by stranger on 09.17.2016
  38. After such a long trip to Denver, the last thing that I wanted to worry about was parking. I had looked up some lots near the museum, because I didn’t want to drive around, looking. That fight they had earlier was ugly. He yelled, she cried and ran into our guest bathroom.

    by K on 09.17.2016
  39. I cringed as my brother zoomed into the parking spot, hitting the curb with a noticeable jolt. I shook my head and quickly clambered out of the car, pretending not to notice that he was definitely not between the lines.
    “I know what you’re thinking,” he said as e came into step beside me in the parking lot.
    I sighed. “We’ll have plenty of time to work on your parking skills after the ceremony.”

  40. As I waited in the car, I stared at the meter and thought about the lives of the parking enforcers. It would be hard, I thought, to have a job that no one appreciated or saw the point of.