
November 24th, 2012 | 258 Entries

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258 Entries for “library”

  1. my favorite hiding spot.
    surrounded by shakespeare.
    lost somewhere in between
    fiction & reality.

  2. books read research videos quiet check out quiet browse look novel fiction nonfiction classics reserve time

  3. Hours in the library. Endless rows of stacks, books so old their pages are rotting–spines so rigid they crack and splinter at the first opening in decades. Learning is despair.

  4. a haven,
    a nest,
    musty, papery smell,
    the best.

  5. A place where we can absorb all knowledeg about the way the world is, was ad will be.Also my favourite Doctor episode. I love these places and the safety they create. To learn, to grow. Safety in word and text

  6. where many ideas and thoughts happen and are developed all in silence of the interesting and unique brains gathered in one place full of thougth and knowledge.

  7. I like visiting the library very much, bhecause I love to read & write too. I like just looking around and finding books by looking at their spine,or else I go in with a certain book in mind to find.

    Jenna Mazur
  8. “AWW MY GOODNESS JESSICA!” I scream-whispered, “DON’T….NOO!”

    I give up, I thought.

    “You know what, you go find the books, and I’ll type it up.” I said.

    She tiptoed away, disappearing into the large, towering bookshelves of the library.

  9. everyone goes there. interesting. sometimes, i feel like i need to spend much more time at there. i can live there forever, i think to myself. why is a girl such important? library is enough.

  10. there are angels here who wandered in
    for directions back home.
    but after reading all they missed, they
    knew they were better
    off with muddied feet than streets
    of solid gold.

  11. When i saw this word pop up i was dissapointed. Libraries make me think boring thoughts or it makes me think I have to pretend to like them in order to seem smart.

  12. It was an old place, older than half the buildings in this town. Half the lights flickered on and off in the storms, the other half buzzed loudly. All of the newer books were kept in the light, while the others were left to themselves, their knowledge hidden in the darkness. What secrets awaited me there? What would I discover? And would any of it make sense of who they were.

  13. The library was astronomical in size. She couldn’t possible find every bit of information that would help her. There were classified papers, books on the subject, books on the primary books. She was going to be here all day. There would be no time to relax–everything depended on what she found today, and she couldn’t afford to not figure this case out.

  14. The library was cold that day. It always had a slight chill to it, I suppose, but on this drab Tuesday, it felt even more still and quiet. It could be due to his passing. Maybe it was the rain. Regardless of the cause, as I wandered the halls to row 68, I felt goosebumps on my arms.

  15. The girl walked in, full of wonder to the vast chamber of leather binding and a beautiful silence. She gazed up at the shelves, stocked high with more stories than you could ever imagine

    Becky O'Flaherty
  16. I go to the library to study all of the thing that I can learn. Obviously there is google for all of my searching needs, but there is something about sitting in the library that makes it so great. Something about the feeling of the pages on my finger tips and the smell of old books gives me a sense of happiness.

  17. Discovery.
