
February 28th, 2016

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43 Responses to “televised”

  1. I saw family guy on tv it is based in america and. I don’t now what telives means.

    by tobias on 02.29.2016
  2. The All Balcks final was televised last night, live from Loa angelesmmmmmmmm

    by Jill Smith on 02.29.2016
  3. yesterday i saw in the jornal sad news… i was so tired, boring…. i tried to relax and after go to bed and dream. time losted..

    by ALINE on 02.29.2016
  4. There was a new movie set to be televised for the first time tonight. The entire family was gathered around the television in anticipation for this remake of an old family friendly classic.

    by Sam on 02.29.2016
  5. jornal news… so tired, boring…. relax and after go to bed and dream. time losted..

    by ALINE DAMASCENO Pagani on 02.29.2016
  6. We are drawn to the curvature of her neck, like a televised event where the camera pans over a delicate arch pulsing with life. You may even count heart beats if you so wish to that’s how high def this all is. So then should it be surprising that a vampire swoops into the scene, a meal on the make, and just as the fangs bear down, two indents on the verge of taking blood, out comes a wooden stake and past the breeze and beyond her eyes the ashes float on like dust. I think I’ve seen this particular thing before.

  7. everything i do is
    every move i make is
    on a twenty foot screen
    in times square

    this just in!
    sweaty palms and
    sloppy deodorant
    and shaking lips.

    would you believe it!
    awkward laughter
    and vomit
    and blurry vision
    and too-loud sounds.

    all for the low, low price
    of your sanity
    and every waking hour
    (& the sleeping ones,

  8. Makes me feel brainwashed. The public is exposed to the world, thousands of viewers. Stupidity televised. Crappy humanity televised. Dirty and raunchy television shows.

    by kat on 02.29.2016
  9. “Her hair is braided like two arms intertwined and it all combines into a striking picture of grace and poise.” This was the televised commentary that rattled off somewhere in the orbit of a waiting room.

    “You are only aware of what you want to know,” A voice said as I was taken off gaurd by someone who had arrived silently, they walked into view, “Therein lies one of many obstructions when it comes to reality and awareness of it.”

    I closed the book I had been half-reading and looked up to see unfamiliar eyes. “Well, you must be new.”

    “Ha, ha, I’m actually older than I look.” The eyes crinkled. The lips curved. Awareness is my first and second nature, and I believe this one snuck in on purpose for the smugness would not budge.

    I felt instantly suspicious. This would not do.

    by Quicksilver on 02.29.2016
  10. my program favorite has televised

  11. The new show was televised last night for the first time! I watched the first episode three times.

  12. Despite the extra day of the leap year everyone seems to make a big deal of, the atmosphere on the studio also seemed to be on high spirits after finding out that the actor who’ve been they rooting for for almost 25 years already finally won his first Oscar.

  13. The revolution will not be televised. Nor will the resulting slaughter. There is too much at stake to grant these people the notoriety they deserve. They wish to be martyrs? Let them. But we will not parade it before the citizens of earth like a macabre procession.

  14. She could feel the slow slide of mucus slipping down her nostril even as she smiled and continue to talk about the snow outside. The wind was whipping her face, egging her nose to spill everything. With the camera was only a few inches away, and a mic in her hand, she prepared for the single most embarrassing moment of her life to be immortalized on live TV.

    by on 02.29.2016
  15. The tv producers televised the newest shows on the tv for everyone to watch.

    by Caden on 02.29.2016
  16. One day I would like to televised on tv and become famous. But I don’t know what I want to be on tv. Maybe I should try to be the voice of a character.

    by Caden on 02.29.2016
  17. The televised show was very funny and had a lot of funny characters. The main character was named George.

    by Caden on 02.29.2016
  18. the man watching the movie was televised by what it had said

    by Gods Girl on 02.29.2016
  19. I don’t know anything about this word. So I’m sorry if I don’t write anythig about that, OK? But I think that is about television, ok?

    by Gabriel on 02.29.2016
  20. Many shows have been televised through Nickelodeon. Like SpongeBob, Rabid, and Teen Titans Go!

    by EmEm on 02.29.2016
  21. The event would be televised, which was a change from previous years. Most of those involved wondered why the change had even been made. The few who were happy about it seemed ridiculously content with the decision, which made the others even more skeptical.

  22. We were running long and there was nothing I could do to fix that. There wasn’t some magical solution to the fact that we still had 30 minutes of scripted material and only 12 minutes to cover it. “Jason. Get Mickie on the phone.” I ran my fingers over my forehead and under the band of my headphones. Buckle up, kids.

  23. once again i see
    the queens and kings
    in finery
    that time of year
    we all must bear
    society’s choices
    of a narrow world

  24. The future and the war,
    Both are over,
    So said the speaker.

  25. Everything these days is televised. Horrible things. Public Glory and Private devastation alike. Why can’t we look away? Why won’t we look away? Are we to be forever an audience, tangled in the story teller’s yarn?

    by Emily on 02.29.2016
  26. Who even watches tv anymore? It is walking the slow, ugly march towards the same grave as magazines and music.

    by . on 02.29.2016
  27. het is jammer vond Karlijn dat deze aflevering van GTST niet is opgenomen.

    by Kristel on 02.29.2016
  28. Some of the Soccer matches were televised last week. They enjoyed watching BVB win against the other team.

    by Bluered on 02.29.2016
  29. To broadcast, or be broadcasted, by television?

    I really have no idea on how to explain this one…

    by Toady on 02.29.2016
  30. televised, my experience might as well’ve been televised. She did it in the secrecy of our home but as i walk the streets i receive these glances, these knowing stares as if my life were a tv program and everyone’s favorite episode was “the breakup”.

  31. The awards were televised, and nobody won. The statues had rusted overnight, their golden sheen worn away and replaced by red and brown, craggy and unyielding to any oil, water, or steel wool. The trophies were tossed, the ceremony canceled halfway through. Wine was served in copious amounts from carafes, and everyone wanted to toss back a swallow or two. Celebrities stood in the corners, swirling cocktails and grumbling about the inconvenience of it all.

    by Belinda Roddie on 02.28.2016
  32. Sports are sometime televised.

    by Sam on 02.28.2016
  33. There was a televised performance of Richard III on BBC. The actors re-enacted Shakespeare’s words with eloquence and such passion. The set was minimal, yet unquestionably intricate. The actors used minimal props and relied very heavily on their fellow players to convey the tragedy that was Richard III.

    by rebecca on 02.28.2016
  34. Thanks

    by Federico on 02.28.2016
  35. La serie era televisada y era vista por muchas personas. Ellas creían que lo disfrutaban pero era ciertamente algo que tenían que hacer. Formaba parte de las cosas que en el día a día hacia que la vida fuera más divertida. Si no fuese así, todo seria diferente y el mundo al que están acostumbradas a vivir sería un eterno tedio

    by Federico on 02.28.2016
  36. nothing televised was ever going to change the dawn of time and barely ever affected the ends of times, too. but one thing came close; it was the first night of january when the world almost shook from the power of too many cameras pointedly staring at its core, without any sense for propriety or intimacy or modesty.

  37. Many broadcasts are televised so that people can watch them. Sports matches are also televised. Many people like to get their friends over and watch televised broadcasts. This is a fun activity to complete with friends.

    by Bronwen on 02.28.2016
  38. The televised shooting was horrific, blood spattering on the cameras and across the bystanders’ faces. I watched from the comfort of my living room, stared at the shrieking audience, the tableau of death before me. I stood and walked from the room, pausing to pass my hand over my cat’s face.

    by jaxx on 02.28.2016
  39. I looked up at the screen and saw a mirror reflection of me. What? How? …why? This wasn’t possible. then the screen flashed and I saw another person, the expression of their face mimicking mine. Was the fbi showing

    by Sara on 02.28.2016
  40. blank voice mind annoyed
    flowing flaws and dropped jaws
    broke broken choked spoken
    words wither whenever
    brain advised televised
    listen to what you can’t hear
    a broken backed dream disappear

    by matt on 02.28.2016