
September 3rd, 2015

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56 Responses to “sunny”

  1. Sunny

    by Nadia on 09.04.2015
  2. Sunny like in a sunny day. Sunny bright and hot outside. I like sunny days better than cold days.

    by Nadia on 09.04.2015
  3. With his brilliant smile and bright eyes, it was best to squint than stare back for too long. She’d learned long ago that standing near someone like him would bring all of her darkness to light.

    by on 09.04.2015
  4. I love sunny day’s. Those are the best day’s. You can swim or ride on your skateboard. I love those more than anything.

    by Alisha W on 09.04.2015
  5. It feels warm on my skin. It nurtures my ambitions. When I see the sun, I see the hope in life. The sun gives me a reason to love the rain. It’s like anticipating something great after something good.

    by Dillon on 09.04.2015
  6. the day came out bright,,
    smacked me in my face–
    a thousand knights on their gallantly eager horses,
    charged by the brigade of bliss,
    I had no choice but to empty my sorrows out into the dumpster
    that fiended for my paper wads and banana peels!

  7. Today the sky is sunny. I love to feel the sun on back as I ride my bike through the neighborhood. It makes me very happy to have the sun out.

    by Haleigh on 09.04.2015
  8. I have seen sunny days, but nothing like tday, It is incredible the way the sun seems to be shining today. You can feel the warmth, the light the breeze. you can almost touch the sun . it is such a bueatiful, sunny day.

    by Miguel Orellana on 09.04.2015
  9. Sunny

  10. I love it in the fall when it is sunny and it is not two hot and it is not to cold you can just enjoy the nice weather.

    by Becca Seale on 09.04.2015
  11. Bright and light very pretty when the clouds are out. Sunny is light and more light burning your eyes and getting sun burns. Sand playing in the sand in the ocean.

    by Emma K. on 09.04.2015
  12. it was a sunny day on a summers eve at the beach me and my friends were getting our tan on then we decided to go for a swim with our surfboard and hen we sore a massive wave so we decided to go on it then Sammy fell of her surf board Lol

    by 1212666lol on 09.04.2015
  13. It was a sunny day, no clouds in sight. The grass was green and damp with dew from the morning, and the trees towered high above, sending cool shadows as shelter from the heat. It was a perfect day- well, until IT happened.

  14. It is always a sunny day in your head if you want it to be, but hte trick is to enjoy the rainy days as they will come and know that there will be an up and down as the downs make the ups.

  15. The sunny, bright hummingbird sat in a tree humming a little tune. It goes like this: “the sun comes out every day, every day; the sun comes out every day.”

    by limakidhouse on 09.04.2015
  16. It wasn’t sunny, it wasn’t anything. The rain dripped still from the gutters above my window, but no water fell from the sky. Instead the grey loomed above and wrecked all my plans for the forthcoming hours of the day. A picnic basket lay at my feet, now going to waste. I wasn’t happy.

  17. The slats of shadow were not the important part of the picture, but they were the part that caught my eye. His goal had been to paint sunlight, but I saw how he painted darkness. And that made all the difference. Suddenly, the entire piece was a darker tone, somber. No, somber. Melancholy. That feeling of summer camp being over. That feeling of finding an old love letter. That ache as you pass by a house that isn’t yours and through the window see a couple watching TV, her legs draped over his familiarly and comfortably.

  18. It was sunny when she opened her eyes.
    “I made it through the night?” she asked herself as she sat up.
    Sure enough she was still propped up against the tree, and the sun was peeping through the branches.
    “I actually made it through the night.”

  19. It was a sunny day and the sunshine was reflecting off cars that were jam packed into the car park by the beach where the people were squashed like sardines on the beach due to the high tide and the sea was foamy and filled with all the human crap so we decided to go to the mountains where it was hot but at least empty and we sat with nature and felt sad at all the humans sat on the beach with their rubbish and pollution but it was sunny and we were together in the quiet and wisdom of the hills and mountains, the sunshine reflecting off the forests and lakes and a goodness growing gently inside of us.

    by Steve O on 09.04.2015
  20. Her eyes were best described as sunny. A soft, beautiful never ending glow in the darkness of the world. She was everything no one could ever hope to be. Her hair was a cascading glow of light, dropping down, over her shoulders, glinting. Her mouth curved, teeth flashing. She was the warmest greeting you’d ever get. I pushed myself closer to her orbit, dared to hope her rays were enough to melt the darkness of the universe, and she gave me the true meaning of having been sun-kissed, I don’t ever think I’ll feel the darkness again, as long as she’s here, with me.

  21. The sunny life of a child is not all it seems to be. From the outside we see life, imagination and humour. But on the inside it can be much darker. Much harder.
    Life pains us, it haunts us until our last moment here on this earth. Until our last breath.

    by Kaylee Flynn on 09.04.2015
  22. Why is it sunny again. I mean, the word, not the weather. The machine needs to give me a new word, because I get bored easily. Or rather, I am unable, to carry a text through on one idea. Ok, where was I? Right, sunny, well, sunny could also be a name. It rymes on bunny.

    by Susann Miller on 09.04.2015
  23. Today is not a sunny day. It is rainy. In the morning, just after getting up, the sun rays sprinkled through the rain and – I cannot stand writing on time – created two rainbows. Two, not just one, but two in one morning. I made not two, but one wish.

    by Susann Miller on 09.04.2015
  24. Cool. lol

    by Jacquelyn on 09.04.2015
  25. It was a sunny day when he died. At that moment my life made a turn for the worst. He was my sunshine and now he was gone.

    by Jacquelyn on 09.04.2015
  26. Heaven: bright, sunny, gold, love, peace, beauty, glory, holy, magnificent, life.
    Lake of Fire: dark, fire, eternal pain, crying, burning, scorching,smoking, fumes, death.

  27. It was not a sunny day today, it rained and thundered and grumbled. Which was a pleasant shift from the horribly humid sticky soup sort of days we’ve been meddling through, and I enjoyed watching the waves crash and smash into the cliffs like angry slow motion movies.

  28. What a sunny day. Sunshine. Sun and rain. Rain rain go away come again another day. Except I want the rain. Sun is boring. It hurts, makes my skin prickle and sting. Rain holds potential. Thunder and lightning. I wish I still had a fireplace. I’d curl in front of it and read. Even if I had to add a fan blowing a breeze on me to keep from dying of heat, it being summertime and all. The comfort is what it’s all about.

  29. it’s not sunny here it’s grey so grey like your hair my favourite colour is grey i wish it was grey every day every grey.

  30. ‘Twas Sunny, she said. She was always saying things like ’twas and tis and toodles. She was a strange one, she was. Or ’twas as she would say. She looked down at her drink and sipped her flat watery ginger ale with whiskey. That particular quirk was not well received by the company she was currently keeping. And her crippling anxiety crept back in as the alcohol was beginning to wear off.

    by Liz G on 09.03.2015
  31. On a sunny sunday morning. The boys father told him the sun might not ever come out again. Why not asked the son. The sun can only shine for so long-before long there is not much left

    by Karime on 09.03.2015
  32. jkhkjh

    by jhkjdh on 09.03.2015
  33. we start to laugh
    and we don’t know why
    but it’s because we think everything is funny
    especially on such a sunny day
    we’re best friends
    and i wouldn’t have it any other way.

    by jenn on 09.03.2015
  34. it was a sunny day
    i didn’t know what to do
    saw horses frolic in the hay
    and then i ran after you

    i ran
    and i ran
    and i finally caught up to you
    but so did she
    and you liked her
    more than me

    by jenn on 09.03.2015
  35. It was sunny this morning in the park, yet beuatifully cool and I could feel that we had already begun to transition into Autumn. Doing my little tai chi routine is so much nicer now that the horrible heat and humidity have subsided. It already warns me of the coming winter when the mornings will be cold and dark and it will be harder to push myself out of bed.

    by Brian Cullen on 09.03.2015
  36. It was on a sunny day that one of my students arrived at my classroom about fifteen minutes after school was over. I didn’t know what to expect at first; after all, she didn’t talk much in class, and anything she did contribute was simple and curt. She seemed to have no issues with the curriculum, or the schoolwork. She was a straight A student. Clear cut, almost silent.

    “Miss Evans,” I greeted her, setting down my pen. “What brings you here?”

    She was holding her book out, outstretched, like it was about to burn her, and replied, “I can’t do my project on this.”

    by Belinda Roddie on 09.03.2015
  37. I think of her personality and this is what I see: light, shining, spreading out among all of us, warm, captivating, sweet. There is never enough of it, but even some of it changes the way you look at whatever day you happen to be in. She is beyond sunny. She is light, glorious.

    by nyla on 09.03.2015
  38. It drips gold
    warm and inviting
    bathes me in kisses
    touches my skin
    with delicate droplets
    of my own lifesources;

    I’ll miss the summer
    when the snow falls
    and takes away
    my very being.

  39. today it is really sunny outside and it’s hot too. there are lots of sunny days in the summer here in Iowa. it gets really hot when it is sunny. sunny to me means hot.

    by Carlee S. on 09.03.2015
  40. You had sunshine eyes wrapped in a sea of green, they reminded me of the asian tea you brew in the middle of July. It didn’t matter if the thermostat read 95, you believed that it was essential to start every day with a taste that reminded you of me.