
January 7th, 2016

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143 Responses to “incense”

  1. Mass, worship God throught incense. Prayer to God. Smells really good in mass. Sometimes makes me sick. Incense made me really sick and made me almost through up. It was a gift for the babay Jesus.

    by Josh on 01.08.2016
  2. The three kings that came to Jesus had three gifts myrr, gold, and incense. Incense is a material that smells very nice. It is used in mass a lot.

    by Walker on 01.08.2016
  3. I have no clue what this word means. I also do not know what else to write about it because I have no clue what it means. I’m and rushing to finish typing.

    by Carly on 01.08.2016
  4. I don’t word means. It sounds like frankincense. It sounds like a cool word incense. I think is the stuff that you put on a dead body to make it smell good. That is what Jesus got for a gift, when he was born. That is what I think it means.

    by Andrew on 01.08.2016
  5. The wise man brought incense to the baby Jesus. I smell it at church and i really like it. I do know what incense is and i love it. I have no idea what im writing.

    by Maddy on 01.08.2016
  6. Did we all get the same word? Huh…

    Okay, “incense”…


    Well, the first thought is that it smells sharp.

    And that I always wonder how a little burns for so long.

    by Ria on 01.08.2016
  7. I’m not exactly sure what this word means. I’ve heard the word incense but I honestly have no clue what it is. I think it is a noun and an object. I also think it is something that smells good.

    by Ben H on 01.08.2016
  8. I really don’t what incense means. I think it means a smell or a particular smell. Incense is a word that has the letters in plus the letters cense which means it makes sense.

    by Whalen on 01.08.2016
  9. What I smell in Chruch every day. It smells good and for some reason, my brother has sticks of it in his car. It is in Church at adoration. I really like the smell of it.

    by James C. on 01.08.2016
  10. I do no know what this word means it is very confusing. I am scared because I am rushing to get this word right. Frankincense

    by Lex on 01.08.2016
  11. Incense reminds of the time I had to dry out lavender for a gift bag. It smelt really good and we put it into epic looking bags. The lavender took FOREVER to dry and it kept crumbaling. I also love the smell of eos and chap stick.

    by Dooley on 01.08.2016
  12. Incense is a word I do not no about. I do not know the definition or the part of speech it is. I am guessing that the word means something about internal things. Incense reminds me of money because of the cense part but for money it is spelled as cents.

    by Maddie M on 01.08.2016
  13. Incense is a thing that you can light to make a certain smell. You light it and it makes a good smell. I like it, it smells very good. Also that is what Jesus got on his birthday.

    by Eli S. on 01.08.2016
  14. incense can smell good sometimes. Sometimes incense smells terrible. When I think of incense I think of a ninja dojo.

    by Pierre on 01.08.2016
  15. Incense is what one of the three kings brought to baby Jesus. It smells really good, but I am allergic to frankincense. I like to smell incense.

    by Adam on 01.08.2016
  16. This is so funny. No one knows what the word means. I’m not done I hear. I hear yelling and I hear clicking noises as I type. I need more coffee. I need a nap – will incense help me sleep? Many people think of the noun – incense, but it’s a verb too.

  17. The tangy smell of incense pervaded the room, seeping into my dress.
    Just when I thought I had this thing clean.
    There were vows and tears and general wedding things. I tried not to roll my eyes too obviously from the back row.

  18. Hippies. I am taken back to Andi’s house, circa 2000. Someone comes in and talks to me. Anyway, I need to sneeze.

    by KCP on 01.08.2016
  19. Burning, smell soft odor praying

  20. Sweet sense that fills up the room with sweetness. I wish my life is like the incense that can filter and touch the lives of the people in my world with sweetness and life.

  21. The church was filled with clouds of incense.
    The smell was sheerly overwhelming.

    by Bluered on 01.08.2016
  22. The smoke of the incense filled the air. The smell in the air in combination with the smoke made her cough, and even worse, made her remember. Her mother always burned the same sticks over and over. Every day and night. With every night came her violence and every night was relived when she smelled that damn burning. He husband had recently started to bring home incense and that is when she knew she had to leave him.

    She fled her home that was once a comforting place. She now breathed the cold air of the winter while sitting at a bus stop that was her starting point to no where in particular.

  23. The smoke of the incense filled the air. The smell in the air in combination with the smoke made her cough, and even worse, made her remember. Her mother always burned the same sticks over and over. Every day and night. With every night came her violence and every night was relived when she smelled that damn burning.

  24. Bittersweet smell of cinnamon incense reaped through the house and into the kitchen.

  25. Incense
    He is always incense in his house

    by Nakia on 01.07.2016
  26. its good smell, which we can use it in various occasion , have geat effects . And I

    by Dhaval Patel on 01.07.2016
  27. The incense burns with the smell that makes my head spins. Bringing back a thousand memories-all with bright colors, chanting, long skirts, bells and gongs. So many people and so much noise-its incessant. The flame goes out as it is lit, but the smell remains burned into my memories.

  28. I dont know what it means. It seems to be something like to be not resonable or minfull about something. But it also sounds like something to do with smell.
    It would be a nice name for a perfume. A smell of sin! Of something sinable.

  29. Smells thick and sometimes musty but can create a good mood. Long lasting but messy. Ashes everywhere.

    by Amanda Mason on 01.07.2016
  30. The incense burns in the night. From the corner of the rom in the dusty old basement. Incense smells like mystery.

  31. Kristian sang heavily, oooooooooooooh, as he started his day. The neighbours led in bed in wonder, his morning emotional states were so random, such a surprise to them each day, that they created stories of what he’d dreamt of that night.

    by on 01.07.2016
  32. I guess you touched your limit of hearts and souls, I suppose maybe you lived out everything you were meant to, and there’s a chance this was perfect timing for something else. Something bigger and greater than just yourself or even any of us you’ve touched by ending your story here.

    But you will not be forgotten, for every time I burn cinnamon and cedar incense I will think of you and know no matter the color of your wings or which of halo or pitchfork you bare, that you are still here with me. Guiding us all.


    by on 01.07.2016
  33. My mom would take us to the temple and she would light the incense sticks one by one, and give each of us our own. I always liked playing with the smoke. No one seemed to mind that we didn’t use the incense the way it was meant, so long as we kept quiet, and we kept out of the way, we could draw bunnies and birds in the air as much as we wanted. As we got older, and we started to actually internalize what the temple was for, that changed. But sometimes I still like to draw a flower, and imagine it as my gift to the gods.

  34. What can i write about incense? I really don’t know, nothing comes in my mind. I just wish i had a different word, only to let my imagination soar, in a beautiful story maybe, who knows? Lets try tomorrow!

  35. I remembered the smell of incense from my days as a good Catholic girl. The altar server would saunter down the aisle, a limp in his step, and swing the burning bowl about on its chain. My mom would complain, sometimes loudly, about the odor, though not in a verbal way; she would wrinkle her nose and cough just so the priest could give her a look, and she would smile sweetly as if she had done nothing to perturb the Mass at all.

    by Belinda Roddie on 01.07.2016
  36. you can have a lot of types of incense in your house, they

    by Victoria Oliveira on 01.07.2016
  37. Looking at her eyes always seem like I’m looking through incense. There’s smoke. A great smell. And then it feels so holy, like I’m in the middle of a prayer and she is calling out for me. But then it’s always foggy and I feel so sad that I never see her eyes as clear as I want to. Her eyes are always clouded with gray, just like incense.

    by Mami on 01.07.2016
  38. Behind his blank face of reverent prayer, his mind would wander, pushing through the haze of incense and drifting outside of the sacred walls of the Church.

  39. I saw the smoke from the incense. It drifted skyward in spirals that reminded me of flying eagles.

  40. In a sense, incense is an outer-world scent