
September 10th, 2015

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48 Responses to “illuminate”

  1. kerkhoven marie und etzel erleuchteten sich alle miteindander. nur übersahen sie dabei geflissentlich die tastache, dass sie sich ebnso gegenseitig in brand steckten, wie zunder bei andergast, wie ebenholz bei joseph. wenn hochhäuser vor flammen einstürzten nützt auch der wasserschlauch nicht die zertrümmerten toten wieder aufzuerwecken

  2. the lightening was illuminating in the sky . that was an illuminating discussion

    by rebekah on 09.11.2015
  3. iluminação

    by millena on 09.11.2015
  4. Illuminate the darkness, fill it with light. Spread the Word to all of the corners of the earth.
    Show them Jesus.
    Show them Light.
    Show them Hope.
    Show them Love.

  5. The soul illuminates the eye, reflecting joy and sorrow, wisdom and hope.

    by Dianne on 09.11.2015
  6. illuminate me cretin. he illuminated me with the light of the DAY STAR. mhahahahahahaahahahhahhahahha i will steal it and no one shall ever see the sun again. what about you, asked jim bob. well, said defareus i didnt think of that.

    by levi on 09.11.2015
  7. you have no idea who you are messing with, then illuminate me scum. he was illuminated by the light of the day star.

    by levi on 09.11.2015
  8. i love the word illuminate. it sounds mythical and different. I think the word illuminate means to light up in a certain way.

    by Alisha W on 09.11.2015
  9. She illuminated the atmosphere with her smile. The light of Jesusu shone through her, like a star in the night sky.

    by Haleigh on 09.11.2015
  10. When you turn on a light it brightens up the room, it illuminates the room. I don’t really understand or know what this word means so I’ll just type whatever I can in one minute.

    by Faith on 09.11.2015
  11. When you walk into a room and the lights come on you illuminate the room. I don’t know really what this word means so I will just write whatever I can in a minute.

    by Faith on 09.11.2015
  12. Let’s light a match and hold it against a tall yellow candlestick. Only to behold a monument of wax and not to let it melt away. Because you think that the candle’s decay is irreversible. Such wax is life.

  13. “Can we live this forever?”, she asked with her hands clasping his arms tightly.
    He silently nodded in agreement a gave a reassuring smile, erasing her worries. A brilliant flash of thunder illuminated the sky above them, and they hugged till they could no longer recognize their individual selves.

    by kyungsoo on 09.11.2015
  14. She’d spent hours in the mirror, crafting the perfect accent for her eyes. So when the kayak tipped over, sending her head first into the lake, she cried. When she emerged, he was laughing and shaking his head, asking how her bright eyes made black tears.

    by on 09.11.2015
  15. What i think illuminate means is to light up to brighten. The girl decorated her room with bright colors.

    by mackenzie on 09.11.2015
  16. The new lamp illuminated all of the room at night, and the sun illuminated the room in the day.

    by Alexandra on 09.11.2015
  17. “Illuminate me please!” said the Moon.
    The sun obliged. (1 minute)
    And as darkness fell on this part of planet Earth the Moon basked on it’s hammock of stars, pulling the seas inwards like a quilt and felt the warmth from both the sun and the millions of people gazing at its warm melting butter glow.

    by Steve O on 09.11.2015
  18. The stars will illuminate the sky like lights on a Christmas tree, lighting our way as we promenade along the rocky coastline.

    by Suzanne on 09.11.2015
  19. I think of fireflies. They light up and illuminate the place. And they’re cute :)

  20. brighten

    by James Fitzwilliam on 09.11.2015
  21. The Christmas tree will be illuminated on Christmas Eve, which is in four months.

    by limakidhouse on 09.11.2015
  22. Everybody needs a guide to illuminate his life so that he can take right or good decision in life. To illuminate somebody’s life and get illuminated by somebody is amazing.

    by Leena Sawhney on 09.11.2015
  23. I’ve already received this word. Why am I getting this again? Is the system broken or is there only one word per day? I’m not good at doing things consistently at regular intervals, I usually binge or obsessively do something for a short period of time

  24. give me the light that shine in the darkness. tell me how much more is around me that i’ve been too blind to see. let me know the smallness of my cage or the vastness of my universe. I am ready to see it all.
    tell me.
    show me.
    and make it

    by Aubrey on 09.11.2015
  25. Giving someone new information is like shining a light on an issue for someone to find a way towards a new topic. Find a source of inspiration. Keep learning something new to expand your knowledge and your mind. Each new piece of information makes us a better human. Do not succumb to ignorance.

    by Nguyen Nguyen on 09.11.2015
  26. Her eyes sparkled, drawing light from within and displaying it incandescently through the room. Even from the other side of the floor, he could see that. His breath quickened as her eyes scanned for someone she knew. Would she recognize him? It had been years. She was so much the same. So was he. Which was probably a good enough reason not to draw attention to himself.

  27. My life is mine and I can illuminate it any way I want. I chhose to illuminate it by lots of good things in and bad things out….I am positive i got all the bad things out by now.

  28. Her eyes are cavernously dark things, full of nothing but a vast, far-reaching void. They don’t flash and flicker like they used to in the firelight. There is no illumination from within her anymore.
    She is utterly empty as she looks at him, a mere shadow of the person he knew her to be.

  29. Try as she might, there was no way to illuminate the corner of the cave she found herself in. The floor was uneven and slippery, so she edged her way along the wall toward the faint light she could see in the distance

    by Rae's on 09.10.2015
  30. What burns and hurts now
    is actually the light cracking your veins
    trying to shine from within

    by aruna on 09.10.2015
  31. The night was dark. The moon overshadowed by dark, thick, black clouds. Not a soul in sight, the silence was deafening. A loud crash harshly broke the silence. Flames, flumes, smog. Nothing was visible other than the growing fire engulfing a small black Buick SUV. The silence seemed to be fueled by the silence, and as the fire grew in size there was pin-drop silence. Just silence. Silence. Silence….

    by Shelly on 09.10.2015
  32. The room became bright at a word. He had study magic his entire life, but this simple cantrip was his favorite spell. It was something all young mages learned and it had carried him through many dark halls. To be able to illuminate a room with a thought. If anyone could do this, imagine the joy you could bring those who must squat in the dark.

  33. I did not want to be illuminated by the street lamps powered by sodium ions reacting with each other. The yellow light was harsh against the uncertainty in my eyes, which was attempting to hide.

  34. does there have to be darkness for illumination? you can’t see in the dark.

  35. colour
    light intelligence clarity positive illuminati beauty archie radiate brightness visual mental philosophical see know under

    by laura on 09.10.2015
  36. sometimes, in the dark – once your eyes have adjusted – you can see the illuminated outlines of people and things.

    by Rebecca on 09.10.2015
  37. (POKÉMON) used Flash!

  38. I love it when things are illuminated, it makes everything look so beautiful. The thing I love most when it is illuminated is lightning and glow sticks.

    by Emily on 09.10.2015
  39. I lit a candle to illuminate the room, and I spotted a slumped body against the red velvet right corner, something wet dripping from the collar of her robe. At first, I was worried that she was dead, and that the wet something was blood. Upon closer inspection, however – I took great care not to let the wax fall onto either my bare skin or the presumed victim – I saw that the liquid was strong honey whiskey, and the individual had simply collapsed due to immense intoxication.

    by Belinda Roddie on 09.10.2015
  40. I need God to guide me through my last semester of nursing school. He needs to illuminate the path for me. The finish line is sooo close but so far away at the same time.