
November 22nd, 2015

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45 Responses to “exclude”

  1. How do you exclude thoughts of someone from your mind that you have loved for so long and planned on loving all your life, and then one day that person decides to say goodbye. I just don’t know,…

  2. “There isn’t a single person in the world who would wish that you aren’t a part of this” Helen said. It wasn’t convincing enough for me. I mean, not every single person is going to be a part of this voyage are they? Sarcasm aside, it had been a difficult month of training and team-building with the crew.

    by tamarabisseker on 11.23.2015
  3. I didn’t mean to exclude you
    I just forgot to include you
    and because I forgot to include you
    it looks like i was trying to exclude you

    by Steve O on 11.23.2015
  4. On their own, none of the symptoms of attention deficit disorder are abnormal. Most people feel scattered, unfocused, or distracted at times. Furthermore, the symptoms of ADD/ADHD are easy to confuse with other problems—including learning disabilities and emotional issues—that require totally different treatments. That’s why it’s important to see a mental health specialist to determine if the symptoms really point to ADD/ADHD.

    Diagnosing ADD / ADHD: What you need to know

    There is no single medical, physical, or other test for diagnosing ADD/ADHD. To determine if you or your child has ADD/ADHD, a doctor or other health professional will need to be involved, and you can expect him or her to use a number of different tools: a checklist of symptoms, answers to questions about past and present problems, or a medical exam to rule out other causes for symptoms.

    Keep in mind that the symptoms of ADD/ADHD, such as concentration problems and hyperactivity, can be confused with other disorders and medical problems. Just because it looks like ADD/ADHD doesn’t mean it is, so getting a thorough assessment and diagnosis is important.

    Making the ADD / ADHD diagnosis

    ADD/ADHD looks different in every person, so there is a wide array of criteria—or measures for testing—to help health professionals reach a diagnosis. It is important to be open and honest with the specialist conducting your evaluation so that he or she can come to the most accurate conclusion.

    Important factors in the diagnosis

    To be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, you or your child must display a combination of strong ADD/ADHD hallmark symptoms, namely hyperactivity, impulsivity, or inattention. The mental health professional assessing the problem will also look at the following factors:

    How severe are the symptoms? To be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, the symptoms must have a negative impact on you or your child’s life. In general, people who truly have ADD/ADHD have major problems in one or more areas of their life, such as their career, finances, or family responsibilities.
    When did the symptoms start ? Since ADD/ADHD starts in childhood, the doctor or therapist will look at how early the symptoms appeared. If you are an adult, can you trace the symptoms back to your childhood?
    How long have the symptoms been bothering you or your child? Symptoms must have been going on for at least 6 months before ADD/ADHD can be diagnosed.
    When and where do the symptoms appear ? The symptoms of ADD/ADHD must be present in multiple settings, such as at home and school. If the symptoms only appear in one environment, it is unlikely that ADD/ADHD is to blame.
    Finding a specialist who can diagnose ADD / ADHD

    Qualified professionals trained in diagnosing ADD/ADHD can include clinical psychologists, physicians, or clinical social workers. Choosing a specialist can seem confusing at first. The following are steps you can take toward finding the right person to evaluate you or your child.

    Get recommendations. Doctors, therapists, and friends you trust may like a particular specialist. Ask them questions about their choice and try out their recommendation.
    Do your homework. Find out the professional certification and academic degrees of the specialists you are looking into. If possible, talk to former patients and clients, and find out what their experience was.
    Feel at ease. Feeling comfortable with the specialist is an important part of picking someone right to evaluate you. Try to be yourself, ask questions, and be honest with the professional. You may need to speak with a few specialists before choosing the person that is best for you.
    Check price and insurance. Find out how much the specialist will charge and if your health insurance will cover part or all of the ADD/ADHD evaluation. Some insurance policies cover evaluation for ADHD from one kind of specialist, but not from another.
    Diagnosing ADD / ADHD in adults

    Many people only learn that they have ADD/ADHD when they become adults. Some find out after their children receive the diagnosis; as they become educated about the condition, they realize that they also have it. For others, the symptoms finally outpace their coping skills, causing significant enough problems in their daily life that they seek help. If you recognize the signs and symptoms of ADD/ADHD in yourself, schedule a visit with a mental health professional for an assessment. Once you make that important appointment, being somewhat nervous about it is normal.

    If you know what to expect, the process for evaluating ADD/ADHD isn’t confusing or scary. Many professionals will start by asking you to fill out and return questionnaires before an evaluation. You’ll probably be asked to name someone close to you who will also take part in some of the evaluation. To determine if you have ADD/ADHD, you can expect the specialist conducting the evaluation to do any or all of the following:

    Ask you about your symptoms, including how long they’ve been bothering you.
    Administer ADD/ADHD tests, such as symptom checklists and attention-span tests.
    Ask you about problems your symptoms are causing or have caused in the past.
    Talk to family members or someone close to you about your symptoms.
    Give you a medical exam to rule out other physical causes for the symptoms

    by lexi on 11.23.2015
  5. if we only ever thought about our dreams and aspirations, if we only ever considered the least likely option and notions of grandeur, would you really call it being illusioned? is it running away from reality, when you’re running towards, after, for your dreams? i’m not sure where i stand on that, i don’t know if being a dream-it-all is so much worse than being a realist, because if we didn’t dream those people, would poets and musicians and artists really exist?