
December 29th, 2023 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “wisp”

  1. a breath of smoke. a sprite. a breath of hope to keep you going. a fun word to say. something slight and transcendental. the Holy Spirit.

    by Nancy on 12.30.2023
  2. There was only a wisp of air. It was bone-chilling cold, but the air was still as he trudged across the frozen ground. It had been 17 days since he saw another human.

  3. The wisp of smoke in the air. The wisp of my beautiful hair. I like wisp egg whites yeah.

    by Tina Turner on 12.29.2023
  4. White hair poked out from under the knit cap. She looked at her mother and suddenly realized, that this wisp of white hair showed that her mother had aged so much over such as short period of time. But when she counted up the years, she realized it had been a decade.

    by Chanpheng on 12.29.2023
  5. He hadn’t asked for the cup of coffee but here it was. It had appeared like the story she was telling. He could not have said when it suddenly wasn’t there and when it was, just like he couldn’t say when silence had become full of chatter. The coffee’s steam rose in a wisp.

    by mountaincrag on 12.29.2023