
April 22nd, 2010 | 161 Entries

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161 Entries for “wicker”

  1. It hurts my butt — wicker.

    by JA on 04.22.2010
  2. park is the place she met me for lunch
    long golden hair
    avenue of americas
    a city within a park is far more interesting than a park within a city
    though both are nice
    and somewhat
    dont sweat it
    she was beautiful

    by Alyssa on 04.22.2010
  3. A wicker basket. The wicker man. The movie with Richard Gear that I never saw. Wicker baskets are made out of a particular material that allows them to be completely invulnerable to monkey attack at any picnic that you might take your wicker basket too. It was invented in the late 17th century.

    by Tucker Allred on 04.22.2010
  4. wicker furniture reminds me of Weezer the Rabbit whose real name was Louise. God I loved that rabbit, she was a bipolar rabbit to say the least though, sleeping with the dog, licking my mom but biting my dad and I. Rabbit tongues are like cat’s tongues too, ick. Loved her though. I loved that rabbit.

    by CMonster on 04.22.2010
  5. the wicker basket by the door had always been there, as long as emily could remember. her mother kept various things in it; knitting supplies, things to sew with, anything she saw fit. it didn’t matter what was in it, as long as there was something. when it disappeared that morning, emily didn’t notice at first; the absence of something that had always been there was less conspicuous than she had imagined it would be.

    by ajjb on 04.22.2010
  6. the wicker basket by the door had always been there, as long as emily could remember. her mother kept various things in it; knitting supplies, things to sew with, anything she saw fit. it didn’t matter what was in it, as long as there was something. when it disappeared that morning, emily didn’t notice at first; the absence of something that had always been there was less conspicuous than she had imagined it would be.

    by ajjb on 04.22.2010
  7. the wicker basket by the door had always been there, as long as emily could remember. her mother kept various things in it; knitting supplies, things to sew with, anything she saw fit. it didn’t matter what was in it, as long as there was something. when it disappeared that morning, emily didn’t notice at first; the absence of something that had always been there was less conspicuous than she had imagined it would be.

    by ajjb on 04.22.2010
  8. wicker man movies sucked really bad but it was pretty funny years after in came out in hindsight.

    Wicker baskets are also kinda weird. I thought how funny it was the the author of the book wanted his name off of the movie. lololololol

    by jason on 04.22.2010
  9. wicker wacker wanto wack a wacka woooker wookly woook

    by nay on 04.22.2010
  10. They locked her in the man’s chest with yells and cries of anger. She only cried tears of plaintive sadness for her sudden loss. The flames leapt up its legs and soon she was wrapped in a fiery embrace. but she didn’t even cry out. And her tears still fell through, into the palm of my hand.

    by Matt Vanderlaan on 04.22.2010
  11. makes me think of wiccan. but no, it’s a basket. woven. i wish i had outdoor furniture that was nice to sit on and didn’t get dirty and a rumbling fire pit in the fall, which of course is the best season.

    by noelle on 04.22.2010
  12. the wicker basket creaking with each shift of weight, creaking like bones that don’t want to be in the shape they are in, holding all that they are holding

    by lindsay on 04.22.2010
  13. “Wick.. it’s alive. See?” He sliced a strip of bark from the twig, revealing a pale, yet vibrant green interior. “Just because everything in this garden looks dead and brown does not mean that life is not still here, hiding away until spring.”

    by Kendra on 04.22.2010
  14. wickey wickey wild wild west

    by me on 04.22.2010
  15. the basket woven tight
    made me think of a pleasant sight
    one were i was sittitng in a car
    driving from home somewhere far
    we passed a place called monazuma castle
    but getting out to see it would be a hassle
    we did it anyway and you know what i saw
    a little wicker basket woven of straw

    by Veronica Spires on 04.22.2010
  16. the golden girls have several pieces of wicker furniture in their living room, and I’m sure, all over the house. and the lanai.

    by ca on 04.22.2010
  17. i never thought he would look in there. but he did. the most unassuming basket held the most earth shattering secret. i see wicker in my nightmares.

    by Morgan on 04.22.2010
  18. My Grandmother’s chair
    Creaking, rocking
    My baby’s bassinette
    Rocking, and cooing
    Porch sitting
    Summer Sun
    Evening time
    June bugs

    by Martha on 04.22.2010
  19. a wicker? what the hell is a wicker? This is no fair. I wish I had a dictionary. Or an encyclopedia?! no that can’t be right… I know what a wicker man is. And a wicker basket? Is it something that is tangled?

    by erikgorman on 04.22.2010
  20. The wicker basket overflowed with trinkets. She sat next to it, taking one item at a time in her hands and examining it. Some of them reminded her of things long lost.

    by gabriela vazquez on 04.22.2010
  21. wicker basket, chair, beach, sand, sun , fun, friends, football, swimming, pool, water, nature, forest, trees, leaves, animals, earth, planet, space, moon.

    by Michael Sanders on 04.22.2010
  22. sometimes I use wicker to make baskets in my underwater basket weaving class. It is strenuous work but it pays of in the end when I have a beautiful basket to place all of my money in.

    by Jordan Fuller on 04.22.2010
  23. I sat in the wicker chair, alone and in foreboding thought. My eyes were in the clouds again, and my stomach was in fraught.

    by Jeremy on 04.22.2010
  24. Wicker seats on the old lady’s porch were our summer haunts when the days got too hot for bike-riding or hide-and-seek. We’d sit in the dappled shade and enjoy the oven-hot breeze rising from the lake; it’s heat still moved the air enough to coolus although it was like being slowly dried in a convection oven.

    by Patty Acer on 01.01.1970
  25. A summer sun cast shadows across the long-green lawn. She sat in her white wicker rocker, watching the children play and pass her by. But she didn’t mind going unnoticed. She always remembered more when she watched from her white wicker rocker.

    by A. A. F. on 01.01.1970
  26. the witches of wicker were out on all hallows eve. The black cats were nestled next to a witches couldron, the witches all sittin around a pot in their on wicker chairs

    by mike hedrick on 01.01.1970
  27. Wicker man is a very scary movie the guy runs around killing people.

    by jmo on 01.01.1970
  28. not the man, but the support of chairs which hold the men.

    by Nicco on 01.01.1970
  29. Wicker chairs look so beautiful. They evoke a country setting. But they are so hard to clean, so fragile, and so expensive to repair. The calm and peacefuless is just an illusion.

    by njnewsource.com on 01.01.1970
  30. a wicker man. Iron Maidens song “the wicker man”. Going to see ‘Maiden this summer, at Wacken Open Air. And other metal bands. With my best friends and boy friend. It’s gonna be awesome. I cant wait. Really, it will be great. I love festivals

    by Taro on 01.01.1970
  31. fire
    some type of lighting
    something you use to poke a fire
    made of wood
    used to made furniture

    by Ashley Detter on 01.01.1970
  32. A wicker is something I don’t know about, so it’s a little hard to write about. I think that it has something to do witch candles but I’m not sure…..uh yeah. This is hard. Wickers are cool? *headdesk*

    by TCC on 01.01.1970
  33. the wicker man wrote a song about a wicker woman
    together told tales about spools of yarn, needles and thread, i am the world its what you dread.

    by RonaldLee on 01.01.1970
  34. out of all the baskets on the bench
    the wicker baskets are the nicest
    my family has wicker furniture an our deck

    by Alan Baynes on 01.01.1970
  35. Chairs

    by jens on 01.01.1970
  36. wicker baskets… wicker man… im not really sure what his deal was…. i think it was some horror movie or something. what even is wicker? is it that thick straw that some baskets are made out of? seriously, whata random word to give for this!

    by tvef vefd on 01.01.1970
  37. The wicker furniture on my porch is old, white and weathered. I remember it before, when it used to live on my grandparents’ porch. The rocking chair creaked slightly under my bouncing toes, and provided a cool resting place for my summer book. The trees always cast dappled shadows over the wicker furniture, and they held the smell of summer rain.

    by AmandaO on 01.01.1970
  38. my working chair is made out of wicker
    me and my friends sometims bicker
    im ready to get out of this town thats in the sticks were wickers every where.

    by Randy Parrott on 01.01.1970
  39. baskets I bet that’s lots of people’s first word.
    Basket or baskets.
    I thought some people I know used to make things out of wicker but they used willow, so clearly I am very confused. I think that this is an extremely interesting idea. Wicker wicker wicker. It sounds a bit like liquor. Or lick her.

    by Leah Borchert on 01.01.1970
  40. when i was a kid i had a wicker rocking chair in my bedroom. it was old and creaky and had probably been painted ten times or more. i loved sitting in that chair and squeaking away reading my favorite books until the setting sun forced me to put my book away. it just wasnt the same with the lights on.

    by bari singh on 01.01.1970