
May 13th, 2011 | 451 Entries

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451 Entries for “wasteland”

  1. teenage wasteland

  2. My life is a wasteland. No really. It is. It’s a wasteland of classes and people and things and games and GOOD GOD WHY AM I HERE.

    I’m here because of a girl.

    That girl broke something, maybe not my heart, but sure as hell broke a piece of me.

    And this I am in a wasteland of my own scattered self.

    by thatrando on 05.13.2011
  3. A wasteland is deserted. It’s ugly, it’s boring. But it’s not because it was created that way. We create wastelands. We take the earth and manipulate it to our needs, and once it can no longer serve our purposes, we leave it to wilt and die in the hot sun. We make a lot of wastelands in earth. Not just places. It’s sad.

    by Zoe on 05.13.2011
  4. I look around in utter disgust, my nose wrinkling at the putrid stench of rot and… Something else that was obviously well on its way to decay. Things are trashed, torn, and mangled in every way possible. Foul liquids are smattered everywhere and old food is mush collected on the ground.

    by Elliot Walker on 05.13.2011
  5. A far away place that will soon be here. The earth.
    If we don’t save it. A wasted resource due to ignorance and greed.

    by Margaret on 05.13.2011
  6. sometimes when I’m in a wasteland my mom tells me to leave but I stay because it’s so boring everywhere else just like chemistry class where you would literally rather die than have to sit there being bored forever . . . so I go back to the wasteland and make sure that I can spend my time in a really cool place that’s way cooler than any other palace.

    by Danielle on 05.13.2011
  7. desseert, dry , shrivelled , dirty ,space, desolation , heart alone , ruined, destroyed , wasted space , lonely , decrepid, used ,unloved

    by dee on 05.13.2011
  8. when i think of ‘wasteland’, i think of the world today. one giant fucking wasteland. you can’t go anywhere without there being trash on the ground, busted buildings, etc. i wish people took more care of the earth.

    by hellooo on 05.13.2011
  9. Rubbish in a hole, no trees, no grass no plants, trash, empty, grim, dark, sludge. Nasty, no ones around, janets anus, nuclear waste, skulls, gone, vacant,

    by Sarah on 05.13.2011
  10. the who – teenage wasteland, rock and roll… old times. bob seger – any single work can be related to rock and roll as it is a huge epidemic experienced in the world.

    by lauren on 05.13.2011
  11. barrin deserted place like chernobly or the places i saw on theat websight. desolute like a bomd went off. empty. childrens toys laying around. empty and deserted. like a ghost town from the old western movies.

    by karla hodge on 05.13.2011
  12. So I looked out my window one day, but it was different. The grass was gone and the tire swing was falling into disrepair. The yard was overrun with weeds. It hadn’t seemed so long upon waking, but now I am left wondering what I’ve missed while I slept.

  13. By the end, all that was left was a wasteland. Days filled with scorching sunlight and thick, uncompromising air passed by easily, unnoticed. The thick metal walls of the base provided shelter from the elements, but its supplies had long since been exhausted. Few people traveled through the area, mostly fools who thought they had what it took to be the one to survive. They were wrong – all of them. Each was just another lost soul come to die in the silence. There was no communication. There were no rescue efforts. They had been forgotten.

  14. Wasteland is a land of waste. Owl City, Adam Young, spoke about a wasteland once. I played a game about a little robot that was traveling through a wasteland, but it was more of a land of ruin after destruction.

    by seeknhide on 05.13.2011
  15. junkyard that contains trash
    has old items, like cars, and washing machines
    windy desert

  16. this computer. this screen. i just scroll and scroll. haha so fitting right now. i can’t be fucking productive, ever. despise despise despice. can’t even get the words out fast enough. it makes me sick. and it sits heavy in my chest.

    by Willow on 05.13.2011
  17. teenage wasteland. trash everywhere. gone. a silent kind of beauty. creepy, deserted yet meaningful. this place has a past of glory. you can see the ghosts of memories pass by

    by Clara Moore on 05.13.2011
  18. barron gone and not forgotten it was just lost to all in the high scrub grass pale as light in the halfness of all. we have no choice but to move on. but not to forget. never forget the walk

    by Deb Ramthun on 05.13.2011
  19. Today in many parts of the world land is wasted. This is a conscious choice however as a collective public sometimes lands wasted are not easy to reclaim.

    by liz on 05.13.2011
  20. it is a dirty place where dreams go to die. It is the place where people often go when they are sad. and it will the earth if we humans do not protect it. war can also bring us here we create the wasteland.

    by Lydia on 05.13.2011
  21. Love is a battlefield or so says the song. What is going on with the world. Is it more than what is presented in the media, I have to hope it is. If not, prepare for the wasteland that is coming.

  22. it was an utter wasteland. the grass was gone in places. no one had visited it in months…months? no, years, lifetimes by the looks of it. Why would anyone come here if it was falling down? He had to fix this had to make it right. Then they would come.

    by Raymond Masters on 05.13.2011
  23. I sit here in the abyss waiting for the chance to end this wasteland of nothingness inside the walls the confinement and magnitude of both the vast space of time to fill with the limited space the juxtaposition is jarring.

    by Robin on 05.13.2011
  24. My town is full of people who could give a shit about each other. All they care about is there car, clothing, and popularity. They drink away their insecurities and wish they were skinner than their best friends. I am stuck in this wasteland of people who have no future besides becoming housewives with giant diamonds on their fingers to nurse.

    by Meg on 05.13.2011
  25. the human mind became a wasteland nothing there but empty dreams.

  26. They stood in the center of the wasteland, it was desolate, empty, nothing in sight. She reached for his hand and squeezed, “How are we going to get out of here?” He shook his head, in silence. He didn’t know. He was torn between lying and telling her the truth, they’d never leave this wasteland. They were stuck here … forever. Death had come upon them, and it was all because of a damn dog.

    by Tara on 05.13.2011
  27. deserted desert. Garbage in mangles on dustless planes. In the winter it leaves you alone. With fire it hurts you but alone you don’t notice. its all barren undersides of the women they left by themselves.

    by shelby on 05.13.2011
  28. gross. smelly. i hate the way the trash in my kitchen smells. it’s the kind in a drawer. when i open it sometimes the smells is so bad i can’t stand it. usually, i don’t know what’s in it or what’s causing the smell but sometimes it’s really gross. but such is the way of a trash…or wasteland. isn’t it?

    by Sevde on 05.13.2011
  29. She crossed the street which had no cars. No one had enough money for cars anymore. The sun burned into her, on this hot hot hot summer day.
    There was no one waiting for her. No mother, no father, no friends.

    by Brianna on 05.13.2011
  30. The world was empty and filled with grief. There was nothing in this godforsaken land save the harsh wind and even harsher stone. Nothing moved. Nothing breathed. Nothing lived. They had doomed themselves with their own greed and pride. They had been the ruin of what was once a lush forest. And it was gone, now. A wasteland. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    by Bri on 05.13.2011
  31. Once there was a wasteland so vast, and so desolate, no one would dare even speak it’s name. Over a long period of time, everyone had forgotten the name of the Wasteland, and eventually fewer people dared to embark across it.

    by Tara on 05.13.2011
  32. wastelands are what we are turning our country into. It is so sad to see what is becoming of our country because of waste, trash, and filth. what can we do to fix our wasteland problem? we have to redefine ourselves. What can we do to become better consumers, better organisms on our planet?

    by Monica on 05.13.2011
  33. She held her bag in her hand and looked at the wasteland around her. She put it down on the ground before closing the jacket around her tighter. The houses were crumbling, the air was dusty, but she wasn’t complaining, as she saw the familiar faces step out of the most wrecked house at the end of the street. She was home.

  34. It took the purple pygmy reptile only a week to turn the sleepy little town of Forks, Washington into a wasteland. Its first victim was a clumsy mouth-breathing teenager from Arizona. She had been roaming the woods when the dinosaur struck. Her remains were found a week later by one of the shirtless aborigines who claimed to be a close friend. The police initially suspected a bear attack until they found a trail of her hollowed out bones leading to a nest of freshly hatched eggs.

  35. I’ve read Eliot’s Wasteland. It’s beautiful, but I think I prefer The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock. I think that one speaks volumes to me.

    See me, but don’t see me.

    Hear me, but don’t listen.

    Why do I care about what all of you think about me?

    I care.

    Please pay attention to me.

    Let me shrink away and falter in my own failure.

    And this is my life.

  36. The devastating landscape drew her in. In it’s tragedy, it was beautiful. All raggedy rocks and torn edges; it was captivating.

    by divya venkataraman on 05.13.2011
  37. should be turned into green pastures, making good use of the waste to make sustainable energy. thats the only way the world will survive besides this will also make our ugly cities more beautiful.

  38. I think of a planet where only I am left. I see death all around me, but I am all alone. I see blood and bodies, and general loneliness. I feel alone.

    by Emie on 05.13.2011
  39. wasteland. Desolation. They stood around, wondering what they should do. Sand, lack of life. Nothingness. There was nothing they could do here. They wanted to leave, but there was nothing to leave with. They had come here for nothing. They could only wait to die. They’d waited too long, and now there was nothing. THe crops were all dead. :(

    by Lifiea on 05.13.2011
  40. land which has been used as a dumping ground for rubbish, litter and debris of some sorts. wasted land with no development on it. polluted and ruined land. land which has not been used for years.

    by ashlee on 05.13.2011