
January 13th, 2009 | 472 Entries

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472 Entries for “veins”

  1. blood flows through veins, pumped by the beating heart. The vein so fragile looking, is vital to the survival of living things.

    by Banana on 01.15.2009
  2. I can feel the blood pumping through my veins every time i see you. Even thinking about you my heart beats out of control and i cannot control it, ever.

    by megan nourse on 01.15.2009
  3. Veins. They keep us alive; they keep the blood flowing through out our bodies so that we can sustain the trillions of molecules and cells that make up who we are. If not for veins, these rivers of blood and life, where would we be?

    by gabby on 01.15.2009
  4. cold as ice. the blood that runs through my veins. well, it doesn’t actually run anymore. i’m dead. but not in the traditional sense. fear me as you should, and i will do you no harm. beware the things that go bump in the night

    by fay on 01.15.2009
  5. veins can be good, but they can be bad. my mom has vericous veins on her leg. this means that the veins on her leg are really prominant. it is hard for her, and she is self consious about wearing short things like dresses. i think she is beautiful.

    by Hannah on 01.15.2009
  6. blood flowing through my body, it runs and runs and runs and helps me survive- I feel it lifting me up and keeping me going, why does it do it’s job day in and day out, 24 hours, nonstop? i don’t know, but I’m thankful because it gives me the life I need to play with my son – I’m very thankful

    by ang on 01.15.2009
  7. the veins in the pit of my elbow are misleading. the red cross always misses them. the bruises always get attention.

    by ophelia on 01.15.2009
  8. in her blood, red and blue and frozen
    like the ice over a road skull;; some
    men are traitors, some are true, like
    skills in lust.

    by smack on 01.15.2009
  9. as true as it can be
    coursing through me
    as sure as the air I breathe
    is my identity
    and my love for you
    in my veins

    by meredith coulter on 01.15.2009
  10. throbbing veins. blood rushing warm. how we ignore the touch of warm flesh. as she lays, dying, I am sure I recognize that this is the last of my blood. the last of my mother dies in in her. rosie. grandma

    by Dominique on 01.15.2009
  11. I could see the veins popping out on his neck from a mile away. It scared me. He was angry. He was one Poppin’ Papa, and I never did like Papa, when he was poppin’.

    by SarahW on 01.15.2009
  12. I sat on a bottle at the park and cut myself badly. My veins were popping out of my ass heaneously bad. The pain was awful. My ass veins looked like spaghetti in a bloody red sauce. It really made me sick.

    by mike on 01.15.2009
  13. Veins of gold filled the mine, an unbelievable site to someone who was always a silver kind of guy. The next morning I sat pondering the color.

    by Terryble on 01.15.2009
  14. Once a upon a time a veins there was a guy who had cancer. And it was bad… Veins

    by Lawrence on 01.15.2009
  15. they are squishy like the moon. I feel like a toad. where did all the rainbows go if the end of the world is coming. my cow said the moon doesn’t exist anymore because my sister is a moon at night. my leg hurta.s cause I am not looking at the screent. HIHI lol ttyle lyk where is the sun tonigniot.tonight meow.

    by kieta on 01.15.2009
  16. in your arm, full of blood and componds cupcakes

    blue colors yellow my brother sed that hi what next i dunno hi hih hi vwin veins are awesome


    by me on 01.15.2009
  17. they are the blood vessels in our body. it carries blood away from the heart. opposite function as the arteries. they can be blocked by cholesterol buildup.

    by barix on 01.15.2009
  18. stale blood got me thinking
    did you even realize at the time
    stuffing yourself so full of everything
    always so high,
    thinking you’re top of the drugs
    but they held you down
    you thought they could make you
    but they only break you.

    by steph han on 01.15.2009
  19. I feel you running through my veins.
    You course, hot and tempting like some new drug thats been introduced to the inner city of some city.
    I can smell you.
    Taste you.
    Breathe you in.
    But I can’t touch you because to me you are distant.
    Just keep running, coursing through.

    by Allee on 01.15.2009
  20. my veins are getting colder, now . i’m not quite sure what is happening . everything is a blur . i don’t know what i did wrong . i’m getting frightenend . my heart beats . thump, thump, thump . and it’s over .

    by Bri on 01.15.2009
  21. My veins have all collapsed. I shake as I try to search for one I can use. To get that thrill. I don’t even know why i do it anymore. I can’t get a handle on myself. Its impossible to stop.

    by Silvia on 01.15.2009
  22. veins pump the blood to my heart.
    But sometimes when you are gone, they don’t work so well
    and my body feels tight and I feel like my heart is starving for blood. for warmth. for you.
    but you’re not there. but knowing that doesn’t help

    by oliveinspace on 01.15.2009
  23. they pump blood through my body so that I can carry out all the actions I need to do
    they symbolize life and life’s interaction with time as it directly relates to the beginning and end of pumping blood throughout our body. v e i n s lovely letters aint they hayyyyyyyyyy.

    by Gerry on 01.15.2009
  24. veins filled with blood flowing to my heart giving me everlasting life. with each breath they grow stronger, lines twisting throughout my body weaving me into existence.

    by Madeline on 01.15.2009
  25. The veins in my mothers legs were thick, bulky. But I found them beautiful. Like a river of blood straining to tell a story that has been building for years.

    by Sare on 01.15.2009
  26. The veins at the edge of the leaf twist like the tongs of fire from the ring of fire, spreading, blazing a phenomenal red trail across the generally lush and green landscape. Ah, the start of FALLing.

    by Erika on 01.15.2009
  27. the veins of the flower showed that blood is never faithful. pollen never true. and those who will wish to advance upon the flower will hurt her and then fly off to another home.

    by sydney adams on 01.15.2009
  28. I trace the veins on my legs, not recognizing them as my own. Whose legs are these? Whose breasts are these? Where do these blue, green veins come from? Give me back my dark, healthy skin.

    by neuroticsquirrel on 01.15.2009
  29. my veins are pounding, everything is, i cant feel anything else, everything is numb except for that. im not sure why but im still wondering, i look down and dont understand the reason for what i have just done, it doesnt hurt, its just a sight of red, just red and white.

    by Cassie Steele on 01.15.2009
  30. Veins in the leaf. I know I’m a little too close to the ground. But I prefer it here. In between the strands of grass. My nose pressed against cool mud. Where other kids can’t see me.

    by Matilda on 01.15.2009
  31. The blood keeps pumping through my veins against my better judgment. I wonder if it will stop.

    by vamps on 01.15.2009
  32. They popped out, all of a sudden, like buds on a tree in spring. He just sat there, looking at them, wondering what made them have this life of their own all of a sudden. Veins.

    by Rasmus on 01.15.2009
  33. I dont like the look of them. They creep me out!

    by MATT on 01.15.2009
  34. sap crawls through my veins
    slowly because i am not a tree
    this succulence is everlasting ever growing norishing life giving

    by kay on 01.15.2009
  35. they’re in your body they help blood run all through you’re body they can be kinda gross sometimes but that’s cool. they help your heart and sometimes when they get all clogged up you have a heart attack and that’s caused by eating like fatty foods and stuff and then they can

    by Jenny on 01.15.2009
  36. Got blood?

    by Laura on 01.15.2009
  37. blood rushing through my veins, the anger took over. I attacked my attacker, resilient of his words and his belief that he had power over me.

    by ash on 01.15.2009
  38. veins are kinda gross. especially when you let your arm hang down and the veins in your hand get puffy. just unpleasant.

    by geneva on 01.15.2009
  39. Blood runs through them. They are synonymous of life itself. As we keep on dancing the tango which is life, our veins feel the vibration througout the body and swing along it. Vital, vital bastards veins are.

    by emre on 01.15.2009
  40. veins are in leaves and they’re soo pretty when you look at them close up. they’re gorgeous.. i love it when there’s little water droplets on them. and then i think about a little caterpillar climbing along and drinking all the little water droplets and singing about sunshine.. hahah.

    by charlo on 01.15.2009