
July 29th, 2023 | 2 Entries

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2 Entries for “transformation”

  1. “You’ve undergone a massive transformation in such a short amount of time,” The reporter said, angling the microphone closer to Angela’s mouth. “How did you do it?”

    Underneath the TV studio lights, she was sweating bullets. Still, she tried to maintain her smile as best she could in order to give an intelligent response.

    But that’s when the first explosion hit.

  2. The transformation of the village was amazing. Before, foot paths wove through the densely packed houses, rutted with stones and holes and hazardous during the rainy season. People with disabilities stayed at home when the going was rough, but now, when she visited, the paths had been smoothed and even paved and a wide paved road led to the school. How did this transformation happen?

    by Chanpheng on 07.29.2023