
March 27th, 2010 | 189 Entries

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189 Entries for “tragic”

  1. Suicide.

    Your heart shatters from grief. Even when you pick up the pieces, your heart will never be the same.


    by prang on 03.28.2010
    is an anagram of

    by on 03.28.2010
  3. tragedy is so often an opportunity in disguise, and the reality of tragic things depends entirely on how tragic you insist on believing the are. Tragedy is the most aweful thing in the world when you are in the middle of it. But in retrospect sometimes it is the best thing to happen in our lives.

    by Anastasia on 03.28.2010
  4. sad feeling about my sister
    crazy tragediess around the world such as hurriccanes and volcanoes.
    its epicc.
    mascara runing down her cheek as she holds her teddy bear. she has black hair and a red or yellow headband. watchh her bandage on her knees. even the bugs cry because of the empty circus. all their makeup is running as they hold their hats in their hands and weap. the casket is coming down the road.

    by alaina Parkhurst on 03.28.2010
  5. Tragedy is a bad thing. However, it is everywhere. I feel that everyone prefers tragedy in their lives. Without tragedy, people wouldn’t have a way to compare the good things in their lives. Tragedy allows an opposite extreme of joy to exist.

    by Todd Burkhart on 03.28.2010
  6. My heart is tragic…or so it seems.
    I’m always crying in my dreams…

    by Sara on 03.27.2010
  7. This makes me think of sad things. I just can’t believe about 9/11. People dying. Sad puppies. It makes me want to cry. Dead. Nobody there. Not being able to speak. Read. Eat. Turn off the TV. Not living. Eating. Seeing that I don’t have much in my life. Forgetting what people feel like.

    by Sara on 03.27.2010
  8. my life is a tragic battery of events, say most people do they realize if they were to swap others tragic events they will be better off with their own events. so is my life so tragic?

    by madhu on 03.27.2010
  9. it is tragic how people don’t care about other people. we all say we care, but in reality, it seems like we really don’t. its tragic when you have to say good bye, not knowing when your going to see that person again. i miss my cat, her name is willow. and its tragic to be without her because she is

    by brittany on 03.27.2010
  10. that is your face
    that’s the paleness in your eyes when somebody tells you they want you but you can’t have them
    that is romeo and juliet
    because nobody thinks beyond
    the fact that the greatest love story ended in
    mutual death more than mutual

    that is the night
    coaxing the end of the day

    that is the morning

    by n. h. on 03.27.2010
  11. Her body lay in a tangled mess. A tragic accident, a life of regret. She sucked in her very last breath before exhaling ‘i’m sorry’. To who, know one will know. Know one even heard it, just the angels awaiting to carry her to heaven.

    by J. on 03.27.2010
  12. It was tragic to see them apart after so many years of them being together. I knew it was tragic for them also.

    by AirynCalle on 03.27.2010
  13. The length of our lives are filled with troughs and peaks. In my eyes, this is the definition of tragedy. Knowing that the good times cannot last and will soon enter a gully of devastating hardship is almost too much.

    by Will on 03.27.2010
  14. You and me and an airport, and there’s tears but I’m not letting them fall, because letting them fall shows you how far I’ve fallen. You hold me to your chest and I mumble things into your hair, but we don’t remember now, what I said. Doesn’t matter anymore. And you stepped away and said I was pretty and I said –

    “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

    And you cried a little.

    by Carly on 03.27.2010
  15. It wasn’t very sad when he died. I didn’t cry. I just sat there, thinking about him. Thinking about how free I felt without him, without a father constantly watching me, giving me that disappointed look.

    That was the tragedy.

    by Winnie on 03.27.2010
  16. terrible traumatic event may only happen once in a life may happen multiple times normally changes your life forever. shakespear

    by Mo on 03.27.2010
  17. She didn’t know which was more tragic, the knowledge that the world was ending, or the fact that there was nothing she could do about it. Just sit back and watch, stars falling and skies truing darker. Forget what you couldn’t do, try to find the beauty you never saw before.

    by kayla on 03.27.2010
  18. Sarah fell through a time portal and ended up in the 5th century B.C. She was upset for she had forgotten to bring along a camera. How tragic.

    by vladdytrout on 03.27.2010
  19. this website. this is kinda stupid.

    by anon on 03.27.2010
  20. It was tragic, the blood on his sweater, the tears in his eyes, the way his freckles stood out like guards on his pale skin.

    It was tragic the way his lips trembled and the way he looked at me like something broken and crumbled. I could put back these tragic pieces and let him know he could be whole again.

    I could.

    I could.

    But we break an

    by Joy on 03.27.2010
  21. A man jumped, I think it was a Thursday, on 3rd Avenue on 81st or thereabouts. It was such a beautiful day that the police tape seemed especially out of place. Everybody walked quickly past with their heads bent, and I must confess that by 71st street I had forgotten about him entirely.

    by sofia on 03.27.2010
  22. “And when I come to the garden ground,
    The whir of sober birds
    Up from the tangle of withered weeds
    Is sadder than any words”

    -Robert Frost

    by nora on 03.27.2010
  23. it was a tragic day when the boy lost his little lobster. he loved that lobster so dearly but it was the boy’s fault. he was too hungry to contain his hunger and decided to cook the lobster and eat it. it was tragic indeed when the boy realized that the lobster was poisonous as well.

    by Rachel Shabtai on 03.27.2010
  24. My life. I guess anyones life. But we can only see from our own perspective. We can try to see from another’s point of view, but as our own reality is subjective, so are the realities of others.

    by Occam's Razor on 03.27.2010
  25. I couldn’t help but stare at her tragic fall. She’d climbed so high, only to fall to the very bottom. Her eyes were worn and tired, as was her clothes. She looked like a complete wreck, and I couldn’t help but take pride in that.

    by chantelle on 03.27.2010
  26. when one looses all motivation at progress and has no desire to pursue hopes and dreams. living to consume.

    by beau williquette on 03.27.2010
  27. tragic is in a sense tragedy, the sadness and misfortune of a good person. No one likes tragedy, yet it has a certain cathartic quality, making us think. SOme of the greatest stories of humanity have been tragedies, and this includes the works of Shakespeare. In a sense, tragedy explains the human condition.

    by Alex on 03.27.2010
  28. He brushed my hair out of my face before leaning in, and then he kissed me. Since then I have been blissfully happy, almost bouncing off the walls. This is better than chocolate and hugs on rainy Wednesdays. This is better than anything I’d known for a damn long time.

    A friend said to me, “Tragic you should have forgotten how to be this kind of happy.”

    Tragic? I think not.

    Makes it feel so much better.

    by starchild on 03.27.2010
  29. Oh god
    Oh god
    Oh god
    Blinding flashing lights and shrieking in my mind
    Pricking and tingling

    by PhilipeFlamingo on 03.27.2010
  30. tears

    by Christa on 03.27.2010
  31. tears

    by Christa on 03.27.2010
  32. He loved her. She loved him. He reached out. She heard that his touch would possess her. She ran. They both regretted.

    by Ann on 03.27.2010
  33. Tragic. Life is tragic, is it not? Ups, downs, in betweens. But what is truly tragic is that we often overlook the fact that without this tragedy…there would be no beauty left to admire. What is truly tragic are all the moments we overlook, forget, rush through. Cliche as it might sound…that is the true tragedy in this world.

    by Brandi on 03.27.2010
  34. it was a tragic day at the school house when emily brought her dog bandit for show and tell. the golden retriever most definitely put on a show for the other children

    by carol on 03.27.2010
  35. Tragedy. How sad…What am I supposed to do, think of something tragic really quickly? I think triumphant arrogance is pretty tragic. Arrogance in general is tragic, in fact. So is injustice. The entire world is pretty tragic…to be fair, I’d say it’s a tragic comedy.

    by Cinderella on 03.27.2010
  36. something very sad that will happen in everyones life alot and it is typicallyt a death or a severe sickness and people get really upset when regic things happen and it is ver sad hence the name tragic and boo hoo hooo im sad wah wah what kdjsal;fjdkslaf;nm im

    by blaise on 03.27.2010
  37. This tragedy, Oh i feel the grief I still think of those days when there was no such tragedies. When I could still look at you, with colour in your lips. No blood staining your hands. Your tongue. Now as I kiss you in this tragic moment, I feat to remember. Whenyou weren’t so cold

    by lyndsay on 03.27.2010
  38. jimi hendrix was the most tragic death in music. he had not yet reached his peak, as did jim, janice, kurt, and john. if he had just one more year, think of what he could have done.

    by rebecca on 03.27.2010
  39. Life is nothing short but tragic. We sit, wait, and watch our lives go to waste hoping for nothing but the best. It never turns out that way. Never. We listen to our inner voices saying we’ll make something greater happen but how often will that actually happen.

    by Kayla on 03.27.2010
  40. the accident was tragic. blood every where. fatal inguries. her screams and crys are still heard from the crashing and fire. flames burning at her feet. tragic? no. more than that.

    by Ted Theodore Logan on 03.27.2010