
June 22nd, 2010 | 818 Entries

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818 Entries for “tide”

  1. the blue ocean is calming and serene. I love watching the tide. My children and husband love to play in the ocean. It is when we feel complete and most at peace. There is nothing better than waking up to the sound of the ocean. I wish I were there now.

    by mom1st on 06.22.2010
  2. How could I live away from the gentle rush of the Maine tide? A place that murmurs like waves encouraging us to think fresh, warns us to avoid repeating the same routine, a salty laugh reminding us not to take ourselves too seriously. How could I live away from these tides and be the same person?

  3. Once, I found a massive starfish, the size of a dinner plate, caught in the waves as the tide came crashing in. It had 16 legs, and one had become disconnected from the battering it had taken. I tried to save it by flinging it as far out to sea as I could, hoping it would land beyond the reach of the waves.

  4. The rhythmic slapping of the morning tide on the boat’s side was enough to make me want to stay wrapped in your arms for days. Reality caught up with us though, the high tide soon started and the rhythmic slaps soon became violent blows to the old soft wood of our boat.

  5. The tide rolls in, washing ashore the shells and sticks that had been lost on the waves. The sun beats down upon the people sitting in the warm sand; enjoying the summertime. Beach balls are being punched into the air, floating on the breeze. The smell of salt is hanging on the breeze as well, refreshing the people from the heat waves. Oh, the scenes of summer. I love you so…

  6. the soldiers raced up the hill and down the other side out of view. running towards the battle ahead. hopefully this victory will turn the tide

  7. Over the last 6 years, I’ve come to enjoy the smell of seaweed washing up on the shore with the tide. It’s often overpowering, baking in the sun and collecting flies, but it reminds me of the sea.

    by Jet on 06.22.2010
  8. I wanted to buy the name brand laundry detergent today. You know, Tide, or is it Waves or something? But you said it cost too much and we had to get the store brand, the one that gives me a rash and smells like moth balls, because you’re saving up for jet-skis.

    by WeirdfulHannah on 06.22.2010
  9. the sea flows in and out in and out in and out and when that’s done it’s done. one day the sea will stop its rise and fall. It will stabilize, it will stagnate, it will die and then all will be dust and frozen water.

    by Kate on 06.22.2010
  10. the ocean. laundry detergent. why do my whites never come all the way clean? doesn’t there have to be a better way to do things with all the technology we have in the world.. like jumping a car…soooo ridiculous. come on world, get your shit together.

    by Taylor Harrington on 06.22.2010
  11. Julie was so scared of being swallowed into the ocean that she didn’t hear Jamie shouting. She stood with her back pressed so tightly against the jagged rocks that points and edges sliced through her t-shirt.

    by God on 06.22.2010
  12. There is nothing quite like
    an ocean view
    smooth surf
    rolling waves
    the tide going in and out
    a sign of constant change and the
    world does not cry out

    and yet I stand here
    waiting for something…

  13. It was a strange thing. The water would rise–it would fall back down, of course–but it would still rise.

    (can’t keep me down, can’t keep–)

    Why couldn’t she be like that? Wasn’t that simply unfair? For the water to swim up and up while she drowned helplessly below?

    (weak weak weakweakWEAK)

    She couldn’t change, not anymore, but she could wish. And watch. So she sat, and the tide rose beyond the shore.

    by sentinel's glory on 06.22.2010
  14. The ocean tide rolled in and out just like the wind blowing along my desolate life. I felt alone again for the first time since she died. What was I going to do?

    by Patrick Frymire on 06.22.2010
  15. on the shores of the island of elba we saw it flow. jonie mitchell songs echoed; the wind coming in from africa. i don’t know if it’s possible, but i think at the age of nine i had an understanding of how important that month was, that it would forever be my paradise, as memory or truth. some tides neveer come back in. i think if the moon was closer the tides would change, and astrology would be obsoleted. i think water is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen, unfathomable, peaceful, frightening, lonely and encompassing. i think a shore when the tide is out is naked, exposed. i see fish flopping in unforgiving sunlight, then resuced and saved by the water slowly returning. tide is like gravity but you can see it: a force we will never rtuly reign in, control or grasp. i see the water constantly changing, we can never truly know it. it falls from the sky and the covers our world, we are it, we need it, we destroy it. i want to be in it always. to swim is to get as close to flying as we can on this world, and yet it invites an easy death. tides are merciless and cold like an inanimate object but to us they seem to have a motion and feeling like art, something expressed, something speaking with its body. but this is not the case.

    by giulia mandel on 06.22.2010
  16. the waves were beautiful as Rochelle saw the blue. she couldn’t remember why she’d wanted to jump off the pier, all she saw was the beauty. then, she thought, “life goes on. it has to.”

    by emily on 06.22.2010
  17. the tide is high but im holdin on. thats what this reminds me of. lizzie mcguire movie. my childhood. i miss it. i miss the innocence, the simple nothings that made me smile. how i knew the world was allright and my family was happy. a goodnight kiss was all i needed and the tomorrow would be the same, simple, calm, perfect.

    by molly on 06.22.2010
  18. The Crimson Tide rolled down the field to the thundering applause of their fans. Everyone in the stadium felt the great rush of pent up emotions from the summer drought of football. Another championship? Only time will tell.

    by Tom on 06.22.2010
  19. Even. High tide destructive once

    by Jim on 06.22.2010
  20. The water ebbed and flowed, to and fro, as the sun set over the thin line. The tide crept in, bringing along treasures for the next day.

    by John on 06.22.2010
  21. Our relationship is like the tide. In and out. In and out. Never stable. Just continuous movement.

    by The Grey Hatter on 06.22.2010
  22. She took a key and opened the door. Past it lay white walls, white floor, white windows, white beach. The moon was so close she could taste it. She turned the key in the latch and locked herself in. She stripped to her skin and pulled the white sheets around her and sat at the window and waited for the signal telling her it was safe to jump.

    by CeeCeeElle on 06.22.2010
  23. The water breaks at the top of the wave. The tide is going out swiftly. No more time to wait.

    by Richie Allen on 06.22.2010
  24. I saw a big ocean and a washing machine on a beach. Those were the only two things that were there as the sun was going down.

    by dave michael on 06.22.2010
  25. tide and time waits for no man I think that this is a false statement cause time and tide are natural occurrences

    by DAVID on 06.22.2010
  26. the tide swept in, dragging the debris along with it. her heartache, the pain. all flowing out with the empty pop bottles & used paper napkins from birthday parties of people spending time far more happily than she

    by Elyssa on 06.22.2010
  27. I had to get it. I didn’t care that my life vest wasn’t on, or that we were in the middle of the sea, hundreds of feet deep. The second my sister’s inflatable alligator started drifting away, I flailed my tiny, eight year old arms through the suffocating waves until I could retrieve it.

    by Lauren Scharf on 06.22.2010
  28. The tide came rushing toward us. The warm sand under my toes became cool and hard packed.

    by Jade on 06.22.2010
  29. the waves are crashing against the beach and the tide is coming in
    i sit and let the salty breeze come over me and watch the waves lap against the shoreline. i feel at peace as i hear the water roar against the sand

    by Melanie on 06.22.2010
  30. when I was little we went to the beach and
    lost in the wind, the grass swayed and
    I was gone, somewhere beyond the bushes
    tossing and turning in the grains
    a man grabbed my hand and he
    looked down at me and said
    let’s find where you belong.

  31. The ocean tide pulls me back and forth. Am i strong enough to resist? Which way do I let it take me? No. It cannot take me over. I am stronger.

  32. The tide, the beautful tide. Swiftly comes up on your feet then down, then up again. Calming you at low, yet also crashing down your dreams at high. The tide can be high but if we stay strong we will carry on through the waves of life.

    by Danielle on 06.22.2010
  33. ebbing flow of time, you are far, and then you are near. we float on the tides that come, high and low, two missing persons, all alone, together, awash…

  34. The ocean tide pulls me back and forth. Am i strong enough to resist? Which way do I let it take me? I am stronger. It cannot take me over.

  35. roll and roll. tide never stops coming in and going out. stability in the midst of constant change. never failing always washing and cleansing. bringing in new and refreshing the old. tide rolls on and on and on…..thanks for cleansing

  36. The tide rolls in and I’m filled with a peace that I never before experienced. I love to watch the sunset, the quiet fills the air and I breathe it all in, destined never to know this again.

    by Tracey on 06.22.2010
  37. the water came and took my linch away. i was playing with the horseshoe crabs when i looked back and my ham sandwich was sfloating away on the waves.

    by susan on 06.22.2010
  38. the tide comes in and we always hope it will carry away our pain. the damaged flock to the sea expecting something from its active scenery, expecting it to wash away their feelings, let them be numb. all it does is wash sand into your wounds.

    by Stephanie Wood on 06.22.2010
  39. Tide. Tilde. Die wilde Tilde führt was im Schilde. Was ist denn das für ein Quark, jedenfalls nicht sehr stark einfach so dahinzuschreiben und zu warten bis sie kommt von allein die ~

    by EliEli on 06.22.2010
  40. It’s here, it’s come, it’s overflowing over everything like the unstoppable tide. Like the Biblical flood – washing over, dragging under, replacing, ripping, tearing asunder. And we are all drowning.